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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. These are Mk2...handle.pdf lock.pdf
  2. Hope the attached helps... PM me for further stuff. wscreen.pdf
  3. Yogi had a little friend, Boo Boo, Boo Boo, Yogi had a little friend, his name was Boo Boo Bear... Just wait till it gets to the verse about Sindy Bear... :45: go-on then :P ...well, put it this way, she was found to be a bit 'kinky'.... :ph34r:
  4. Yogi had a little friend, Boo Boo, Boo Boo, Yogi had a little friend, his name was Boo Boo Bear... Just wait till it gets to the verse about Sindy Bear... :ph34r:
  5. Is the carbon canister split? Or maybe the breather pipes are broken or split where they go back into the engine bay? These are very hard to locate without removing the air filter box. Just some ideas...
  6. .. cover me ... :o
  7. Hooray - this is one I can attend. :lol: The venue sounds good too. :o
  8. Then there was that lady that put her dog in the microwave to dry out after a doggy bath... Or was that an apocryphal dog??? :D
  9. ...went to bed... no one there... B)
  10. :o lucky bugga B) re pipes, may be o.k for this year,with a rub down & greace, replace next re; starter, wd40 is only a temp fix is it worth the hassle of drilling , you can get them reconditioned yourself , or exchanged at local motor factors Yes, go for it. Try to make sure the swarf comes OUT, rather than goes IN.. B)
  11. RTFM - I learned that at an early age! B)
  12. I'll be there! (Oh, no. Now come on guys, I'm not all that bad...) B)
  13. (he he he)
  14. Isn't that what I said? :)
  15. What, the car??? They just took my Road Angel... :)
  16. The rear end of a passenger jet does this (swings from side to side), especially the A340 and the Bae 146. if you ever fly one of these, and are prone to travel sickness, try to get seats over the wings. (Doesn't really answer the car sickness problem though... :) )
  17. Quote from the 'Road Angel' web site: >>>What is The Road Safety Bill ? The Road Safety Bill is a document that proposes a number of changes in how we as drivers are expected to act on UK
  18. I agree, if you get MP3 just forget the changer (and all the hassle). AFAIK the amp is paired to the speakers - if you change the head unit you still need the amp, or the speakers will sound very 'thin'. (I tried it once! :) )
  19. Autoleads adaptor for Ford to ISO is PC2-08-4. This is available at Halfords (but may be cheaper elsewhere!). AFAIK you will need an aerial adaptor, Autoleads PC5-91, which powers the 'active' antenna. VAG radios power the aerial via the aerial connector; most aftermarket radios don't have power to the aerial connector. Auto leads also make a fascia adaptor, FP-07-02, to blank off the lower half of the hole, allowing fitment of a DIN chassis.
  20. Oh, why not take the view (and print on the flyer as such) that this is a personal recommendation. No responsibilty on the site then.
  21. Yooo hhoooooo!!!!!!! Anybody there???
  22. That's great. Proof that Galaxy's can be reliable. Mind you, I heard today about a totally reliable Peugeot 607.... ;)
  23. Well Suzuki91 also mentioned auction. This is fine, but even more a case of Caveat Emptor, as I am sure you know. I have seen good stuff at Car Giant... and crap too. It's good to walk away if you don't feel comfortable. It's a choice, isn't it. What do you want? Very generally: Lowest price/highest risk = auction Mid price/mid risk = car supermarket Highest price/lowest risk = dealer/specialist Good luck with the search. ;)
  24. I've had the rear section off for a repair (and replacement of the clamp). I definitely recommend getting the rear wheels up on stands, and have a 'big lever' available. The main thing is not to damage the 'upstream' bits with enthusiastic bending... ;)
  25. This could also be a problem with the idle stabilisation valve.
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