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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. with Arsene Wenger
  2. by supporting Arsenal
  3. a large sausage
  4. I can still hear the roar of the crowd and the lovely musical oinks of the pigs. But I've hung up my thong now. Strange though, I feel that though the thong has ended, the melody lingers on... -_-
  5. of minus 'nal'
  6. That's what I do to drown out the awful clattering of the engine in my Audi diesel company car... -_-
  7. Answer to the 'Find the Zeppellin' competition...
  8. found an injured
  9. Competition: See if you can spot the hidden Zeppellin balloon in the previous post.
  10. in blue movies
  11. The spoon-bending Gooner used to do an act called 'Yuri Gooner and his cutlery tricks', mostly involving sticking a spoon to his chin and grinning inanely at the audience. Along with a sister act called 'Hairy Plate Eater' they wowed audiences at Blackpool for nearly two whole minutes. In truth, the act went down like a Lead Zeplin. Or is that Zeppellin?
  12. Sung to the tune of 'Please Release Me' by Tom Jones: Please, release me, let me go.... Cos' I don't crunch you, any more... To miss first gear would be a sin... Release me, and let third gear slide in... :D
  13. Found a fix for that: Select IBP Default skin bottom left of this page Top man Bleeno! :ph34r:
  14. Thanks for all the replies. Now I've talked this through with my 'better half' we've decided that it's simply too much information to give out to a 'third party'. There are, after all, other ways of identifying people that don't require full bank account details. And, as Gurugal says, there is the opportunity for abuse. So I won't be using eBay...
  15. Gurugal has a Dutch friend called Goldzeplin, who had an unfortunate smelting accident, and who's zeplin is coated in Golddddd!!!! Gurugal's Galaxy is worth one MiLLLLLioN Dollllaaahhhhs! *little finger action* They made a clone of Gurugal, called GuruGooner, who is only 3" tall. Yeah Baby!!!
  16. I have recently signed up to ebay, and have been browsing around trying to get used to everything before buying or selling. (Reminds me of the days when I hung around the car auctions, before actually bidding on a car!) When I signed up they got my name and address. But, when I tried to set up a sellers account today, first they ask for a credit card, INCLUDING the security digit...and I thought, well, hmmmm but OK. Then, not content with that, they want my bank address, sort code and account number... :angry2: At this point I stopped and logged out. Is this really necessary? Is this a 'phishing' site I've somehow logged on to? (www.ebay.co.uk???) This seems to me to be a very high risk request... Any thoughts on this?
  17. I have notified moderators about this issue recently. Waiting to see what they come up with! :angry2:
  18. Hello El Dingo, Thank you, the only thing I should have added to my instructions is you might need one of these, ( second post down. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=10511. Yes, I've already got one of those! Autoleads adaptor for pumping power back up the aerial lead. Cheers.
  19. This summer...
  20. Only way to truely change the fluid is to do several fluid changes! expensive and time consuming, you could drop the sump off the box! and leave it to drip for a few hours in an attempt to remove the majority of it! So true - even with the drain plug AND level tube removed (see item 23 on the attached pdf), there will still be about a half litre sitting there in the sump. IMHO If the sump is leaky then no contest - remove it - but I'll bet that gasket (item 22) is expensive ( tqf_drain.pdf
  21. Gooner originally appeared in a movie with Austin Powers - The Spy Who Goonered Me. The title was changed later after Gooner was shagged by Alotta Fagina, no. 1's personal secretary. As Gooner is only 3 inches tall, it is believed that he disappeared inside. (While there, we believe that he met a man with a headache claiming to have lost his horse and cart, and a chap who got lost trying to find the 'one after 68...')
  22. (he he he) (I like this thread :D )
  23. Seacam, that's much appreciated. I'm toying with the idea of changing my Ford 5000 radio/CD changer for an MP3 player...
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