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Everything posted by Jayton

  1. Got it from VW and cost
  2. Good man ;) It's always good to hear someone helping another member (no matter what forum or marque).
  3. What did he bodge? ;)
  4. Possibly. Check this site for more guidance and check what other symptoms you are getting with the white smoke. http://www.difflock.com/diesel/troubleshooting.shtml
  5. Have you replaced the glow plugs?
  6. but it clearly says 'Highest quality' so surely it's got to be ossum? [/sarcasm] If you don't mind being a guinea pig ... :(
  7. tap it with a rubber mallet to free it up a bit then after a good soaking then :(
  8. Thanks, I'll get some penetrating oil on there Friday night and give it a good old whack.
  9. Those sleeves you talk about, are they the copper bits that the bolts thread into? If so do the sleeves go into the mounting bracket on the engine or just the alternator mounting points on the alternator itself? I've got the special splined tool to hold the shaft still while removing the pulley and it was indeed welded by age. I'll give it ago next weekend and take the alternator to a mechanic along with the pulley and special tool.
  10. Right, I had a crack at changing the pulley today and for the life of me we could not get the pulley undone. We even chipped and bent my 17mm spanner in the process :( We also could not get the alternator off. The metal looks a bit corroded and it looks stuck in there. I took both long 13mm bolts out, pulled up, pushed down. Nudda. Smacked it with a mallet more times than a rabbit copulates in it's life (in fear of braking the casing with a hammer). nudda. Pushed, pulled, smacked. Nudda. Is there a special technique to removing it ? Anything to make it easier to remove? Crowbar 'praps?
  11. I like those Scirocco reps, they suit the car well. :rolleyes:
  12. I've got some of them, I've never thought of using them on a snapped stud. Do they work well then?
  13. Hammer + penetrating oil (not WD40, stronger stuff) to free it up a bit and mole grips, would be my first attempt (because it's the cheapest! :16: )
  14. I hope you don't mean with a bang ending up with something looking like: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs405.snc3/24531_10150167483110117_633345116_11917029_4405834_n.jpg
  15. vag cat's catalog is down, so can't check the *rough price*. Also don't have EKTA installed on my work PC yet.
  16. You mean the Happich style for the last row? I've got a Gal Ghia 2000 MK2 without the motorised happich pop-outs, they're manual (unless there is a switch somewhere I've not seen?).
  17. Just done a little Googling and it seems O2N is the g'box code for our MK2 derv's.
  18. O2N gearbox I reckon. Most (if not all) VW gearboxes start O2*.
  19. somewhere on the gearbox housing you'll find it. Not sure where on these beasts, most likely underneath or on the sides where it's hard to find.
  20. Personally I'd rather spend
  21. I've got the light that illuminates on the dash when starting the car, it stays there for a few seconds then goes out after all the others... I tested it to see if it will warn me if the seat belt is not plugged in... no warnings... hmmm same problem maybe?
  22. So long as you have clear clean fluid coming out, you'll be fine.
  23. I done a bit of digging on the forum and the info I found, is that changing channel 03 and 04 to 1's will make the auto lock @ 15kph work and unlock when you pull the keys out. I've not tested the above instructions for the other channels, but I've read on here that some people have the chirp and indicators flash working.
  24. I got this next bit from some Golf GTI owners, it may help people on here and it may not... so to add to this thread:
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