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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. just hold the wheel at each side 9 and 3 o clock position and try moving it in and out you may feel or hear a knock if the t.r.e. is worn
  2. shop around for an alterntor and give them it to fit free of charge. no way should it cost
  3. hi all tdi 90 97 year the top rad hose runs to a plastic housing with a 4 wire sensor in then another water pipe out to the engine its before the coolant sensor though , can someone tell me what its for, is it the fan , although there is a big 2 wire switch with thick wires on the radiator side. i think its the water temp sensor to kick the fan in when needed but i just want to confirm this, also would it give a fault code if its gone faulty ? thanks
  4. i got the serial port one from ebay then found id no serial port on the laptop !!!! i got a usb to serial adaptor but all i get is on the screen when testing is , no responce form controller. i then read the website info from ross tech that all the usb to serial adaptors dont work with vagcom so im now having to buy a usb one and hope that works.
  5. hi all after my weekend of having the underseat flooded and the locking alarm box flooded i thought car would nt run however i unplugged thre box to try and dry it and the car still ran perfectly without central locking with the box unplugged i found this odd would have thought it wouldnt have started if immobileser was unplugged, but they next odd thing i thought to start with that my car a late 97 had the box under the dash and i removed the fuse box cover to seek it untill i found it under the seat but on putting the cover back on the fuse box i accidentaly half removed a fuse more or less in the middle of the bottom row of fuses a pink one when this fuse is not pushed home the car will start and run for 1 second then cut out. i search and looked at everthing befor i noticed this fuse was loose so have a look at that as well
  6. sssssssh thanks very much all quiet now forgot the caps lock was on .
  8. hi all does anyone know the ford or vw price of the central locking control unit under the front seat of the 97 gal are they expensive ?
  9. my own fault i cleaned the pass side drain out last week and was gonna do the drivers side today went out drivers footwell flooded as well but pass side is dry in the footwell but the underfloor box was flooded if i remove box will car still drive ok and use key to lock it with ? thanks again
  10. hi all another disater ive sucuumbed to the flooded passenger footwell and got the control box underwater central locking gone crazy unless i pull fuse it just keeps locking and unlocking all on its own ive dried out the footwell but is the control box now kaput or can they be dried out and used again thanks
  11. had exacalty the same starting prob with our 110 even though it had new fliters etc new clamps it was still a sod to start from hot or even if you started it from cold and turned it off aftetr a few seconds it would have to be cranked for ages, cured it by smearing a graphite grease all over the top of the fuel filter pipes and where ever you could see a join in the fuel pipe system been starting well since that done.
  12. the wires have broken off right where they leave the plastic spoken to a specialist who seems to know his stuff he says you cant solder onto this wire luckily he got one to send me for
  13. hi all one disaster after another has anyone got a mk 1 tdi injection pump they want to sell or have parts available from the belt tensioner pully has worn thru the wires that come from a solenoind on the bottom of the pump under where the fuel pipes come out it has 3 wires two go into a connector and one wire goes to the stop solenoid on the pump. the part itself is
  14. theres a chap on ebay sells the cable with a cd containing lots of the ross tech software no need to download from internet site, also has lots of other things on disc like radio codes and dash resetting if you can sort out how to use it around
  15. i always get the drip from the clock after really heavy rain had it resealed and it started again now i pull out the clock pack the hole with some absorbant material like a microfibre cloth or an old chammy and it soaks it up. bit ancient but it works.
  16. remove the air inlet and exhaust pipes and if anyhting in it will run out never heard of this one before
  17. am gonna try flushing again, heard somewhere that you can add redex or injector cleaner to the water system for a better flush anyone else heard of this i dont want to cause any internal problems !
  18. hi all just got a 6000 cd player seems to be to small for the doulble din hole, ive taken out from a 97 year the ford oe radio cassette i thought id read the 6000 went in with no problems ive got a gap that need something to cover it ive not seen anyhting in shops and ford have nothing any one else had this problem and solved it thanks
  19. hi all any ideas why the temp gauge needle seems to waver about, cant seem to make its mind up between the r and m in norm on the dial ive swopped the sender unit twice but still it wobbles, the other fuel gauge is ok thhanks
  20. have read that ! i will take off coolant cap in morning when cold and hopefully not hear hissing is that correct ? how does the cracked head make the expansion bottle pressurize and hiss out when cold
  21. car seems to be running cooler since i flushed it again apart from the usual car shop type flush additives does anyone know of anything better some sort of super chemical to blast the crap away inside. im sure this is my problem
  22. i know this may be clutching at straws but would a different grade oil maybe help the cooling a bit ? at present i use the 10w40 semi sythetic wondered if a 5w 40 full synth or the other way a 15w40 semi would help ?
  23. well ive flushed out the rad and back flushed it, no sign of any sediment , water runs through and out quite fast. i refiled and same thing. temp creeps up to red . i wonder if i have the water pump impeller come off as someone suggested happens on these engines. is there any way of test for this ? the front and rear heaters seems to runt hot does this suggest that water is getting pumped around ? what i did notice odd though. while it was ticking over where the top hose goes into the cylinder head where the temp sensor is the hose coming from the head is hot until it gets more or less half way along to where the fan switch is between the hoses in a housing the hose from the housing to the top of the rad is very much cooler as though it wasnt getting pushed around the pipes. and the radiator was cold also top to bottom any further ideas on how to test water pump working ok ? thanks
  24. do they have drop links on rear ?
  25. ok thanks sk will have a go on sunday thanks for all help for now.
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