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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. hi, yes we have a mk1 an s plate one of the updated models, ive searched but find no after run pump, on turning engine off aux heater whines a bit then stops. no way can i get the vag com to connect to the aux heat module, the mk2 owners seem to be able to do this. anyone know why this is.
  2. if yours is a 99 mk1 , i dont think the mk1 has the run on pump, this is only on the mk2 , mine done the same, ran for a minite and half and shut down, cant get it going no way. if anyone knows a sequence to test the supply wires id be grateful.
  3. ebay , go for a usb type and posted in the uk, i got one for
  4. the mk1 doesnt have the run on coolant pump, only the mk2. must work different somehow.
  5. its odd, after i fitted the new glowplug it worked after 3 seperate engine starts following each other. it fired up for around 3 mins and there i was saying , well done , then , all of a sudden it just shut down before the water was hot and has never tried to start since. have tried vag com but it seems you cant connect with the aux heater on the mk 1 model. all it says is, no responce from controller.
  6. dont do what i did ,,,, i got a serial end one without realizing the laptop didnt have a serial port. i then got a usb to serial adapter and still it not work, i ended up buying another usb lead and that was around
  7. hi all, dont know if anyones asked but i cant find anything on the search, can someone explain how these heaters works. mk1 97 year, on turing key the booster used to give a whirring noise for 30 secs then shut off, then it would fire up after another minuite or so and work its cycle. then after a week off on hols it just didnt restart. i swopped the glowplug but now it dont even whirr on start up, its gone totally dead. id like to know if someone can tell.... on turning the key what is the sequence of events that follows to make the heater work, is it , a signal to the fuel pump first or the glow plug or what, id like to try an dfind which wires to test for voltage on start up to see if they are sending signals. also if its recieved a shut down signal from the ecu is it the ecu that then blocks the signal or is it the module in the heater itself that is shut down.
  8. does anyone do one for th3 mk 1 ?, i emailed the german on ebay but he said it only fitted the mk 2, anyone got any ideas ? thanks
  9. ive been in touch with a very helpful chap at ribbledale motors in lancs, they say that units are recommemnded to be de coked every year ! how many folk have ever done this, has anyone a break down of how to do the job at all. maybe some kind soul could disect and photo the job for us plonkers.
  10. ive been in touch with a couple of eberspacher people i found, they all seem to want around 75 -100 pounds to service the item , does anyone know whts involved in de coking the unit to hopefully make it work
  11. well clouting with mallet didnt work. heres the story, i left the car for a weeks hol, on return the heater fired then stopped. after stopping car and re starting the engine 4 times it fired into life. i let it run a full cycle and swtich off. next morning just the same. swopped glowplug hoping this would cure the thing but no. nothng. now, are you supposed to service these heaters in anyway ? if so has anyone done one. anyone any ideas why the thing chooses to work now and agin but then not work. mk 1 model tdi. thanks
  12. if in doubt that its working hit it with a rubber hammer, on ours after a few months rest i think they need waking up, last 2 years, ive put the fuse in to bridge the sensor and nothing happens till i give it a whack. then its up and away. glowplugs for this unit can be got fromMY SHOP
  13. odd, ive replaced dryer , and put the old switch back on, its not been bodged up at all, so, no gas in there, and yes, when i press the on switch, the comp clicks in , the revs drop for a moment but no cold air. if the switch was faulty why is it letting the comp click in with no gas.
  14. would the vag com show the pressure switch fault ? its a manual control ac system, have checked but no fault codes found on car
  15. well after all tghe faffing and no aircon, im puzzled. ive no gas in the system after the dryer seals blew. the man came and recovered what bit of gas was left. the compressor failed a while ago but was still clicking in but producing nothing. so how come the thing still clicks in when i push the switch, the revs drop a bit just as though it was working. the aircon man now sacked didnt have a clue. i thought when no gas in system the compressor was disabled. no. i kid you not, there be no gas in system cos i aint got a dryer on at moment yet the compressor still clicks in and out on the switch. manual control type. odd .
  16. sorry must have asked wrong, is it possible to change the mileage reading. i have a new gauge and want to set it to the correct mileage the car has travelled.
  17. hi all is it possible to change the mileage on the speedo with the vag com, if so how do i do it thanks
  18. it turned over with the usual good speed, i then released the key as it seemed to have been turning for 30 seconds. battery in good condition, just seems odd after standing.
  19. hi all just had a jolly week at blackpool, had to borrow a nasty 806 to seat 8 of us with grandma and grandad in there,. left the s reg 110 tdi at home for 8 days, on returning and trying to start the old gal it was a sod , it turned over for ages, then there was a beep and another beep, i took key out and tried again and after a bit more huffing and puffing it sprang into life, normally starts first turn of key. any ideas or is it just low pressure in fuel maybe after a week stood. thanks all.
  20. isnt the pressure switch on top of the reciever/dryer under the front wheelarch, i think it does low and high pressure , remove drivers side headlamp and you can see it. it can be removed with no gas loss as there is a valve on the dryer. anyone beware those self top up cans, i put one in and the thing said pressure in the ok area, a few days later i put the gauge on again and it went well into overcharged area and blew the seals on the dryer.
  21. is it, you cant get thicker than a kwik fit fitter or better than ? i asked at 2 branches 3 miles apart, i said im fitting another compressor and need the system vacuuming out , does your machine do that, one homer simpson ( no offence homer ) said der no mr, it just regasses, so i ring the other branch, the other branch manager, of course, it does sir, the machine is fully automated, we put it on, it vacuums out , re gasses if there are no leaks. takes 45 mins. one of them is right im sure. are kwik fit fitters not trained to the same standard , it appears not. you have to hope whichever branch you go to has got trained fitters who know about air con. maybe i got the sweeper up on the phone.
  22. did they clear the fault code from the ecu after fitting the part
  23. hi all. got me a used compressor and im gonna fit it. 1.year.tdi 90 97 year, just need to check the method as i cant see good on the tis. to release the drive belt do i just press the tensioner pully up out of the way and slip the belt off ? looks like the alt has to come off to access the compressor which looks easy enough to get off. never changed a drive belt on this engine so just need the right method. is there any good tool you use to lever it up ? thanks
  24. so is this sensor fitted to all year models without climate control ? ours is a 97 year with manual control
  25. does this explain anything,, i put a gauge on the low pressure side and i noticed that its in the correct area for pressure but the needle keeps going up and down in the correct area 25-45 psi every few seconds, does this indicate anything or should the pressure remain constant ?
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