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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. i think the mk1 and 2 are different as i was told when i wanted one they easy fit in the back with seats out or folded down. u can fit without ramps i do it on the kerb edge for a bit more room about 20 25 quid used dont know about new
  2. hi all, tdi 90 97 year just been on hols to butlins me and wife and 4 kids oh joy, anyway checked oil level before we set off on the 120 mile journey, full to top mark, grandad following us in his little toyota, why do all small old men drive toyotas? anyway he follows me and gets his car covered with oil during the journey 2 miles from home the oil light flashes gets home ok but as its ticking over there is oil trickling from underneath. next day remove undertray and wipes it down, entire under car blatherd with oil nice. starts it up and gets under, the oil is running from where the turbo oil return pipe is bolted with 2 bolts to the turbo housing. cant see if there is suppose to be a gasket or what, the bolts are nipped up tight but its definatly coming from there. any ideas or is it possible for the housing to maybe have cracked ! car ran well for journey doing around 65mph all way but probly got thru 4 litres of oil ! is this a common problem on these ? thanks in advance
  3. hi all just been looking at gals front tyres says 95T whats the t for and should it say reinforced on the tyre or not thanks
  4. theres wasnt one !!! i thought the fans werent on but they were oh bad day
  5. HI ALL yes sorted it now thanks
  6. not on this galaxy ! normally when you turned the ac on the fans also start whatever the engine temp mine seem to have stopped for some reason
  7. hi all on the mk1 tdi can anyone tell us where the switch is that turns the twin fans on that are mounted to the radiator or does anyone know why when the air con is turned on and the compressor kicks in the twin fans dont come on as they should thanks
  8. hi all mk1 galaxy can anyone tell me what the switch is for on top of the air con dryer/reciever, its screwed over what looks like a tyre valve set in the top of the dryer thanks
  9. no light switch in nrmal position yes front light above windscreen
  10. hi all heres an odd one normally when i open the doors with the remote the inside light comes on even before the door is opened, normal i believe. now though ths function has stopped the light still comes on though when you open the door and stays on for the delay time. just an odd thing, anyone know how it works or why it should stop coming on. thanks
  11. the oil filter removal tool is listed on ebay in the galaxy parts or type in ford galaxy/sharan oil filter removal tool
  12. try a new glowplug in the aux heater get on ebay just type in ford galaxy beru booster heater glowplug
  13. think id better try one on our galaxy before i sell em to anyone ! hope its not a duff product. i never use the rear wiper for some reason it does clip onto the standard hook arm , there is no similar version for the front out yet though before anyone asks
  14. HELLO ALL just to let you know there is a new design rear wiper blade now available for all galaxys. most seem to suffer from poor wiping and missed patches on the rear glass, this new style is similar to the front aerotwin type found on the mk 2 galaxy a soft floppy type rubber. it has no metal in the spine and claims to give even pressure and a smooth easy ride over the glass. available on ebay now just type in ford galaxy rear wiper blade new stylee cost is around
  15. hi all im back after being away. am still selling the booster heater glowplugs if anyone is wanting.....www.stores.ebay.co.uk/motorcare-online
  16. sounds like they have sent you the glowplug that fits on some tdi engines its a housing in the engine with 3 glowplugs in that heats the water its not the correct plug for the aux heater go on ebay and type in ford galaxy beru booster heater glowplug you can buy one there
  17. had similar a while ago, coated the fuel filter in/out joints and unions up to the pump with a grease, they are prone to this seemed to cure problem, still see a few bubbles but so do a lot of people i think
  18. the sensors inside can be obtained from eberspacher dealers but they are very expensive something like arounf
  19. the 340 beru is the new upgraded plug that use to end in 228 dont know what they did , it seems to do the job ok i too would like to know what ford have been up to with this, could it just be cosmetic , if its got permanent wires in it do we know if it makes it any better performing.
  20. its a beru brand plug and the no. is 0100 226 340 we sell this upgraded plug for
  21. of course they do, some things though are rocky bottom price such as booster heater glowplugs !
  22. moaning wife ? then again it may do !
  23. well after a week of the thing ticking and not firing i remembered how i got the wifes working a few years ago. lump hammer start engine from cold, quickly run round get under and whack end with lump hammer, result was about a cup of unburned fuel ,more smoke than last years bonfire and a few mins later one whistling heater going full bore. try it it may work for you. this may only work on the mk1 which dont seem to shut down after 5 attempts
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