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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. a lot of ford parts are branded bosch , if the bosch one is the type where you make your own ends and the ford is just a plug it on type then its choice. and whats in ya pocket. we sell lots of the bosch make your own type , they work just the same,
  2. i swopped the thermo and it made no diff to the warm up time. this morning -3 in yorkshire , i drove 10 miles to work and the booster was still on when i got there. they sure do take so warming up when the temp drops.
  3. the mk1 afn dont have a run on pump, this is the mk2 version only. if the heater fires up around a minit after starting the car and continues until the temp is normal then its working fine, if you turn engine off b4 its got to right temp then you here it winding down by the jet engine noise. i fitted a new unit last year and they all seem to work the same, the water gets hotter quicker if the engine is driven under load, if you leave it ticking over even with the booster heater running it still take 15 mins or more to get the needle moving though the water will have got warm to some extent. we have 2 gals , both with the heater working and they work the same. they aint miracle workers. the mk1 is fitted with a 3kw heater , the mk2 has a 5kw , maybe these work faster.
  4. the other pipe on the heater is the air inlet which wont get hot ,, check the rubber pipes in and out of the top of the heater , this is the supply that goes thru the heater , it goes in then out to the rear heater first then back to the engine, if its cold leaving the heater then it could be air locked or the pump not working .
  5. i had this kind of problem. i downloaded the earlier program 311 or something similar and mine now works.
  6. try some holts anti mist or rain x anti fog both are glass treatments for this problem and they actually do work. its a clear liquid, just apply on the inside with a cloth and polish off.
  7. could be the throttle sensor , i think the pedal is attached to it on late mk1 models or seperate on earlier ones, thats high miles, has it had a clutch ?
  8. just had another tought on the above, if the booster heater is started on the mk1 model the water wont get pumped around the system as the water pump is not running till the engine is started, so wont the thing shut down, i dont know if on the mk 2 the run on pump could be wired in to pump it round the system. any comments ? or am i confused !!
  9. so does doing the above modification start the fuel pump that serves the heater running as well ?
  10. for aux heater gaskets try www.ribblesdaleauto.co.uk they supply. from 96 -2000 mk 1 its a d3z and mk2 are a d5z i think. ask for the gasket set , they are around
  11. open bonnet, look at the wiper linkage on the right hand side as you look from front. attached to the linage is a small bracket holding a small sensor with 2 wires. remove the sensor from the bracket and remove the wire connector from the sensor. then get a car mini blade fuse and put it in where the sensor was. this then bridges it and suppliers the heater with 12v all the time . i leave ours on all year as sometimes these heaters dont like restarting after having summer off.
  12. we have a 97 90hp and a 98 110 they are very different to drive, the 90 wont pull in higher gears with much gusto, whereas the 110 even in 4 th or 5th at very low speeds zooms away with no trouble, you can easy go round tight corners in 4th and and have no trouble pulling but the 90 needs dropping to 3rd or its chugging.
  13. anyone know where masked marauder has gone to ? he was excellent with these booster heater problems, unless he had enough of galaxys
  14. mk1 models wont talk to vagcom. mk2 do. i think this is correct. we got two mk1 and none will speak. also one has a booster from a mk2 fitted and that wont talk either, so i think its something in the ecu rather than the heater.
  15. about 5-8 pounds is average, buying throught the post can lead to one flattened filter unless the seller really packs it well, even then it dont stop the posties throwing parcels around and putting heavy things on top. i never did it though when i was a posty many years ago.
  16. jeeeeeez doesit never stop, after i bought the booster heater from mike99 it worked fine until a few days ago when i put some diesel with water into my tank. drained out the tank and changed filters , now ive got the car running fine again after a few spluttering mornings the poor wee heater is playing up. it fires up as normal but after running for a few mins it starts popping and you can hear inside it like a backfiring noise, then it goes into shutdown mode, runs a few more mins then stops. if i restrt the car it goes thru the same sequence again. can the residual water cause this popping in the heatrer, anyone know out there. im hoping it will clear as the fuel thats in the tank get renewed over time.
  17. try bridging the sensor on the wiper linkage, also do what i did last year, i gave it a few taps with a rubber mallet just after starting the car, it burst into like with a cloud of smoke and worked fine. if that fails, check the wires to the metering pump in front t of the fuel tank havent rotted , mine had a few years ago. i cut out the old wires and replaced and off it went fine.
  18. can the mixing of these oils affect the tempramental booster heater ?
  19. well, drained tank, fitted new filter and refilled tank with the diesel they use on buses, booster heater seems to be running fine , however the car seems a little sluggish , more than i noticed before. not that this is a land speed breaker, i always run it on the super plus stuff from bp and it seemed to perform a little better. could this bus derv be a lower grade and cause the sluggishness.
  20. ta, just found the thread on access to tank via the floor area inside. them is on the job as i speak. hope it wont have affected the booster heater i fitted from mike99, fingers crossed.
  21. hi all, has a bad day, tdi 90 r reg, put some fuel in sunday form a garage , drove a mile home, startd up this morn to come to work, after 1/2 mile goes into limp home, would go above 2000 rpm, then after a miniute wont rev at all , then cuts out, white smoke billowing from the back. got the rac man, he cracked open the 4 injector nuts and cranked it over, white is what came out, water he says inthe fuel, got it to my trustee mechanic in bus depo next door, oooooo he says will have to drain tank. looks like it will have to be unbolted and lowered off. unless i know different. is there a way of draining the tank without dropping it off.? after that its hope for the best he says that the pump isnt damaged. thats my question, how liable are these pumps for damage when they have had water in them,. hes got it running now by feeding the pump from a gallon can of fuel but he says it may show up later. am now awaiting them to drain it.
  22. it was indeed a bargain, with all the problems these things cause its a wonder there wernt 100s bidding for the thing.
  23. well many thanks to mike99 , the heater was put on today and whoosh off it went , marvellous, i now will have a happy wifey this winter and have been promised many "treats".
  24. if anyones interested ive listed on ebay a booster heater exhaust in excellent condition if anyones has dropped off.
  25. indeed it was. i hope i have one warm happy wifey this winter. i have sent you a mail about collection.
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