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Everything posted by mk2vr6

  1. but it was offered on the Galaxy/Sharan and still is on some VW's
  2. VW VR6 has cam chains, far superior to the 2.3 DORF lump :)
  3. not sure on the Galaxy version but I do know the Webasto wiring loom for Thermo Top E, Z/C, P, T that fitted to the later model VW's has a diag connection in the loom, wether on not this is to allow full diagnostics I dont know as the info is sparse on this product comes complete with connectors or wires to connect to: Measuring pump heating unit (water tight connector) Battery car fan pre-select clock Relay (relay inclusive) Fuses Summer / Winter switch (optional) Outside temperature (optional) Diagnosis
  4. its fairly easy, the seat belt is bolted to the seat frame under the plastic trim around the seat base, pop this cover off and you'll see the seat belt fixings
  5. what do you want to know? I have them all but for a couple, plus a load more crap :(
  6. webasto's after market kit also runs the heater without the second battery, their kit does how ever have a battery monitoring feature to make sure you battery doesnt die on you!
  7. trust me on this one ;) type his name into google he comes up a lot and has joined a lot of forums ;)
  8. I sense another spam account! ;)
  9. clean and dry the area, liberal coating of vaselene and the seal should stay put! as for the stat the same should work as long as you use enough and dont knock it loose while lineing up the cover
  10. it's a straight forward job to replace the seat belt mech, the B post trim has to come off along with the door threshold trim cover that hides the explosive chamber! its not as bad as it sounds! but you will need a torque wrench to set the bolt for the pretensioner in order for it to be primed correctly!
  11. yep just type his name into google and see how many sites he's posted on B) 327 pages of links to his posts on different forums! jeez the guy can type fast ;)
  12. yeah right complete the survey and then fill in your name address post code and a valid phone number! and then sit around and wait till it decides that the survey is complete before your allowed access to the info! SPAM!
  13. way to much info! but thanks for shareing :unsure:
  14. easy answer NO as they wont fit due the arms on the seats! you need to remove these to get three seats abreast, VW did a arm removal kit for the Sharan, the seat belt will be either a lap strap or a three point affair depending on wether or not yours has the 3 point mounting and kit fitted to the body shell/head lineing? plus you'll have to check that it has all the mounts for the three seat abreast fitted? the brackets are normally there under the carpet IIRC its only the holes and the trim plates in the carpets that are not there IIRC?
  15. I bought a set off ebay, easy enough to fit, plenty of online sites to take your pick from one for starters http://www.parkingsensors.co.uk/index.asp
  16. so what your saying if the glow plug is duff the heater wont run????? duff glow plug means loads of smoke or no fuel ignition in the burn chamber hence it wont run
  17. he came he went I winged the bugger but for fat guy he moves fast :lol:
  18. Bah Humbug :lol:
  19. if you had a sun roof there is already a reinforcer bar that passes across the roof just behind the opening this is strong enough to hold most screens in place without sagging :lol: DONT! cut holes in the headlining, cut slits with a sharp knife and pass the cables through these, that way when you come to sell the car and take out the screen you only have these to hide and in most cases they just close up and are hardly noticable ;)
  20. from the North of the border :lol: http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs240.snc3/22753_237676693522_708188522_4126862_700252_n.jpg
  21. nice but way to dear to run! spares are pricey and the electrics are a bit tempermental! try http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MITSUBISHI-DELICA_W0...=item3efb13a360 its jap, spares are fairly easy to get, big forum, solid running gear, seats 7, only problem is the trim can be a bit fragile and dear to replace as parts of it are dealer only or ebay if your lucky! and it built like a tank which with you driving record could come in handy :lol:
  22. only have one key at present and only one lock that works on my galaxy............... so how are you going to program in the second key? the Passive Anti Theft System is the thing the transponer chip is all about, I said not to rip out the pats system from the scrapper and drop it into yours as its linked to the main ECU and will mean you have to visit the dealers to get it all set up again
  23. why does everyone keep saying thats its a dealer only thing to get new keys cut and programmed into the system? there are plenty of locksmiths that are able to it and at a lot lower price than the dealers! and these guys will come to you
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