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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Saif Rehman

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Everything posted by Saif Rehman

  1. If its a mark 2, then the speaker is located in the access panel on the left hand side looking in through the tailgate.
  2. Am i correct in saying that the letters are only relevant to speed the tyre is safe up to. The numbers are, i am sure, for load.
  3. Hi, Reference to you query, the answer is a big definite NO,NO. 615kgs has a load index of only 91 and the Galaxy's need 95 (690kgs) or higher. The best way to double check all tyres in the future is the magical figure of 95 or higher or 'reinforced' mentioned in the description. Due to the weight of the Galaxy, it is imperative for safety and insurance reasons that the correct load index tyres are fitted. Searching the forum will throw a whole host of information regarding them.
  4. Oh i forgot to add in my last post........ I shall be looking at the wiring between the wing and the door as its a common fault in the Galaxy's (they fray with the constant opening and closing). So hopefully my 'key fob stopped working' problem lies there.
  5. Ahhhhhh! The 'key fob stopped working' scenario, mine stopped working a few weeks back. Tried reprogramming but alas nothing. I'm sure one day someone will come along with a miracle cure. I live in hope. Changing the batteries is simple, prise open the case, remove 2 old batteries, insert 2 new ones. However, be careful you do not lose the PATS chip located in the key section or your car wont start. If you change the batteries quite quickly then there is no need to program the fob afterwards.
  6. Thanks for the update, its good to see people return and tell us when its sorted.
  7. On my mark 2, the cup holders are held in place by plastic lugs. One on either side at the top. You will need something that is very thin to push (carefully) between the top of the cup holder and the fascia surround. Once the lugs are released the cup holders normally pull out completely. I don't know if the procedure is the same for mark 1's but you can try.
  8. Maybe its needing a stripdown, the spindle greased and reassembled.
  9. Right, if it's the mark 2 model you have (Year 2000 onwards) then underneath the light switch is a panel for fuses. Number 7, 25amp, white in colour, bottom row is the fuse for the cigarette lighter. Try that first.
  10. Maybe its got something to do with the fact that the original posts are over 5 years old and the OP may have used an image hosting site which would have expired by now.
  11. Mines says 433.92. OP, you will need identical keys that have the same frequency to work with your car. IIRC - If your car is a 2000 onwards, then you will have the RF type key with the details stamped on the side.
  12. In my opinion, 18" will cause an harsher ride plus the tyres will be more expensive. I think 17" are an idea upgrade. My other car is an Alfa Romeo 156 with 17" alloys and the ride quality is pretty unbearable at times so i will returning the car back to the standard 16" alloys.
  13. jamesy, check the hoses first then.
  14. Hi, Firstly, make sure it is definitely the radiator that is leaking before you go out and buy a new one. Could the liquid be condensation from the air-con unit????
  15. Hi Craig, Welcome to the forum - with regards to your query. i am slightly confused as the handbook does not state that there is a relay for the rear heated screen, just a fuse which is number 51. 20amp and yellow in colour. What makes you think there is a relay for the screen? I may be wrong.
  16. Just my tuppence worth :unsure: I work in the public transport sector (Buses) and all new buses have to comply with this euro malarky. Been speaking to the engineering manager today and he says that he can get AdBlue for 32p per litre and buses generally only use between 3 - 5 litres every approximately 500 - 700miles. However, in comparison to a normal diesel cars, the engine in buses are around 8000cc and do 5-7mpg :unsure: And (to add) there is a separate nozzle/filler for the AdBlue, so i cannot see any reason why maufacturers and forecourts have the facility where the owner can top-up when refuelling for normal diesel.
  17. Hi, Your back number plate light could be down to loose connection of the bulb, dodgy bulb or the rear gaiter where the wire pass from the main body to tailgate (located top right hand side) Very prone to cable fraying and braking. Fuse 20 (5 amp blue) panel underneath the light switch is for the wipers. Fuse 28 (3 amp violet) is for the number plate light. In fact just check all of them one by one. Come to think of it: The dashboard light, clock and gear selector lights - you sure you haven't got it on the low dimmer settings?
  18. Won't work for me on XP but perfectly on Fifefox :unsure:
  19. Yep. as long as it states 'VW 505.01' then any brand of oil is fine.
  20. Agree with gregers, however, i think you may be shown the middle finger by the seller. EPC stands for 'Electronic Power Control' and when it comes on means that the computer has detected a fault and may or may not put the car in limp mode to save any damage. The triangle with a circle around it stands for 'Electronic Stability Program' or ESP/traction control. There should be a button on the console with ESP on it, has that been pressed? If not, again, there is a problem and unfortunately has to be checked professionally.
  21. Hi gregers mate, We have used the ASDA car park umpteen times with no problems. Yes, i managed to get in buy using the blade but it was some hassel with due to lack of use of the blade, meant that the door locks were totally covered in grime. The drivers side key went in by 1/2", passenger side by 1/4" and tailgate nothing! Totally strange as it was fine before the missus went in for shopping but gazumpped on return. My intial thought was that i had a new battery fitted but that was quickly dismissed has the car was used after that for a few days. I'll try phoning around some local autosmiths to see if they can shed any light, but all feedback will be greatly appreciated
  22. Sorry, you've lost me. Just for clarity, i have got into the car and drove it. It is just that for some strange reason the key fob has stopped working.
  23. Hi, Give me the serial number. it should begin with 'M' - i MAY be able to help, but not promising anything.
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