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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by greg_68

  1. Have you tried the many that are being broken on Ebay. I wouldn't have thought they were a very sought after item so they may still have them left.
  2. wow bro I got my second one this week too. Not too bothered on the first one as it was only for a fiver, but it worries me that you can sell something for hundreds of pounds via paypal and then months later have it potentially taken away by paypal. Isn't setting up a paypal account and being paid through paypal supposed to be secure and guaranteed......seems not.
  3. well done MO4 you must be so proud of yourself :( I agree it is sad but I must admit I am looking forward to cracking the 1000 barrier. p.s that one seller must love you. :(
  4. any of these any good to you. http://forums.mg-rover.org/ http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagea...s=3&u_java=true http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/forum.asp?f=54&h=0 http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/f772/
  5. these any good to you going cheap at the moment ending soon. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ALHAMBRA-FULL-SET-OF...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. I bought one of these today. 4 bike carrier Looks good.
  7. MO4 you must have the patience of a saint, your Galaxy is going the same way as mine...bits dropping off....the rest breaking.......I just wait for the problem of the month to arise now. Second hand car ownership shouldn't be like this should it? especially as yours is only 5 years old at least mine is 10. Hopefully I might be shot of it this weekend.
  8. Scenario: You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a valley and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping pig which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a helicopter flying at ground level. Both the giant pig and the helicopter are also traveling at the same speed as you. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation? Answer: Get off the children's Merry-Go-Round, you're pissed
  9. I was really looking at the 0% on new purchases cards to give me up to 10 months before having to pay it off.
  10. you guys crack me up, doesn't matter how my day is going I am guaranteed a chuckle. intended or not. nice one bro
  11. Maybe buying a new car in the next couple of weeks around the
  12. I just know there ia an obvious answer and I'll feel a prat when it is answered :D but why do the cooling fans come on when automatically when the AC is activated. The only reason I can think of is the extra load placed on the engine heats the water up more.
  13. If you undo the screw holding the nearside front indicator in (1 screw on the top) Slide it out towards the front. You will be able to see the pump and hoses located behind it, this is where you will undoubtedly find the perished hoses.
  14. Great site 3.5 Personally I don't think fancy wheels suit the Galaxy especially the thin spoke of whatever amount 5,7 etc. I like these, simple but would look good. [url="http://www.wheelmachine2000.de/cgi-local/wmf_show.php4?fh=Ford&model=Galaxy&typ=WGR&rh=CMS&wheel=C1&wheels=cmsc15sl&color=bl&mid=3766&lk=112&lz=5&wm=1&pic=ford_galaxy_wgr&vis=1&language=d&kat=Radgr
  15. Think I just got a bargain. Hopefully gonna get some profit off these. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140001258878 I love Ebay.
  16. When I squirt my load it goes striaght over the roof and onto the car behind. Do I need to see a mechanic or a doctor.
  17. Can you see whether it has solid headrests or what size the discs are that will help discover the model year. :D Gooofy does the aircon still work and does it smoke out the rear in the winter :P
  18. I'm with SK on this one 3 months out of your warranty I think you would be extremely lucky to get anyfink. How about taking out a 3rd party warranty, they are a couple of hundred quid a year aren't they?. Leave it a couple of months and stick your claim in. The money you are going to stump up for the diagnostic check will pay for a good chunk of your warranty cheque.....ha ha ....do you see what I did there...no....never mind. I always think crafty. Maybe a cheper way out, especially with an aircon fault.
  19. You will find that nearly all cars have model year changes at least once or twice a year. We often have one every quarter although the average joe on the street may not see any difference. The disc size was probably implemented on a model year change (say 2000.5). Differing times of dealership vehicle registration may then have an efffect. Maybe if you find out exactly what model year you have (not too sure how you do that though) failing that look at your vin's you maybe able to narrow down the vin range the change was made given the amount of people on here. another classic post, starts off on side airbags and ends up with disc size and fitting centre point lapbelt to the floor. ;)
  20. Auto inhibitor switch.http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ford-galaxy-inhibitor-switch-auto-gearbox-lever-switch_W0QQitemZ130000413129QQihZ003QQcategoryZ21654QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Mk1 clock http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GALAXY-TIME-CLOCK_W0...1QQcmdZViewItem New Auto Gear Knob
  21. This thread is exactly the reason I will not be buying another Galaxy. :angry: I have already spent
  22. Pity the poor peeps who actually fall for these scams send off their dosh........two weeks later......nowt I think Autoquake are a pukka dealers, they sell a lot of motors on Ebay. I would be interseted in contacting the buyer(if there is one) and asking what happened after the auction closed. I don't suppose they'd appreciate that tho. There really are some stupid people on Ebay.....who would not think that item was fishy? Some very unpolite people as well. Someone enquiring about my car bits on there yesterday just wrote "what condition are the doors in" no more no less, no hello or thanks. Guess they will never find out. :angry:
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