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Everything posted by greg_68

  1. I know this sounds obvious but have you checked the oil level in the gearbox. It would be the first thing I would do seeing as it is free and easy to do. My jumpy gearbox issues were only when it was cold and only when the oil level dropped to a certain level (it had a small leak I could never locate) once topped back up to the correct level it ran fine. Maybe worth checking even if it is to cross of possible things that may be wrong.
  2. gooner went to the Champions League game on Tuesday against CSKA. Unfortunately it was half time before Gooner realised it was actually an away game. Never mind gooner, care in the community has a lot to learn.
  3. Adrian I think it depends on how dirty you let your wheels get, how old they are and what style of wheel you have got. Obviously multispoke are harder to get into properly and rarely end up getting a deep clean. Mine were 10 years old and didn't get cleaned that often (about every 3-4 weeks). At which point they were getting ingrained with brake dust and no amount of cleaning would shift the stubborn marks. Wonder wheels and all the others get the really stubborn bits off. You obviuosly do not suffer from ingrained brake dust on your wheels, well done.
  4. MadBaz is really Bad Maz.....you know it makes sense I do wish people would stop this multiple personality postings.... Happy Birthday MadBaz. Do you get to have 2 slices of cake, one for Baz and one for Maz. I think the doctor would be intrigued, you even tried to fool us by having 2 different addresses and 2 different cars. You are mad after all.
  5. George Michael will be our next member then. His first questions will be: Where's the nearest toilet block to this forum. I was sitting at the lights the other day and I just conked out, do you think I might need a jump start.
  6. I use Wonder Wheels cleaner on mine, absolutely brilliant stuff. :lol: When was the last time you saw a physio with a magic sponge? No self respecting one would be seen without the magic 'spraycan' these days Wonder what is in it, a concentrated dose of placebo I bet.
  7. Gooner is a known shoplifter and gets all his clothes from mothercare as he is only 4 foot tall. I'm tellin ya gooner we've got your number. There's a wanted picture of you on our Security room wall.
  8. When you say it will not start, does it turn over but not fire up? Is it an auto?
  9. cracking that, I really love all these new youtube type clips
  10. Gooner is really a model as I have recently found out through Google Images. Unfortunately he only seems to get work around Halloween, can't think why tho. I put Gooner in and this is the first picture that comes up, honestly.
  11. SK can you read minds over the net or does it have to be face to face? When you take the exam it will be easy, just see what everyone else is thinking.
  12. Hello, for what it is worth, here is my top 5 things that rile me in a post. 1. No hello, please or thank you. Especially from newbies. 2. Threads with no puntuation or line spacing, making it incredibly hard to read. 3. Txt talk, I am no old fart but I find most of it harder to understand than normal writing (guess that makes me an old fart then). 4. Bad spelling and grammar, this is not a personal thing, I see it as a reflection on Britain going down the pan. 5. Caps on all the time, again making it hard to read. Oh and overusing smilies. Thank you for reading my post. :blink:
  13. Don't have one but isn't the top of the MK2 curved as in this photo. Doesn't look like one to me.
  14. If your doing them you might as well do the others This bloke is superb,
  15. Hi all, I am looking for the code to unlock a friends (model above) DVD to be multi-regional. Can anyone point me in the direction of free sites, I did my own Sony a couple of years ago but can't remember where I got the info from. Cheers.
  16. Don't think Top Gear will be showing this. Do not watch if you are squeamish or don't like bad accidents in detail. http://www.dragstercrash.com/
  17. 1. Leave the windows open 2. Wait for the rain 3. Get the tequilla's out 4. Have an Ibiza style foam party. Get the locals round, you'll be the coolest mum on the block.
  18. If you have a sunroof check the drain tubes at the front of the sunroof these can get clogged, curtain wire seems to be the fave for clearing these out. Mine were clogged and used to p**s in by the clock, like yours only in the car wash not after rain. If you have water under the passenger seat I would also search for scuttle drains as these are also prone to clogging and are more likely to cause footwell and under seat issues rather than the sunroof.
  19. Unless they are offensive you have to be a bit of a Victor Meldrew to want to peeps stop posting jokes. Agreed there are far too many different posts just post them all in one joke thread. Big J is only trying his best to cheers us up, (boy you Galaxy lot need it :wacko: ) Doesn't matter if they are repeats or not really that funny, skip it and read the next one. As I have said before this forum seems to jump from one critisism of a member to another whether it is their technical guidance tips/opinions, fundraisng/meeting organisation efforts speeding whilst towing (apparently) and now joke telling.....c'mon. If that's all that people have got to moan about they have got too much time on their hands.
  20. Isn't there an issue about using the aircon say once a month to lubricate all the seals. If he leaves it until the spring none of the seals will have been lubed. Come next spring he replaces the compressor and then finds it's all leaking. IMO if your definitely gonna do it next year you may as well do it now.
  21. I wonder if these things work......no I really do wonder :( . The pesemist in me always says never....wouldn't manufacturers fit them at point of build. Looking at his feedback though he has lots of happy customers. I know the feedbacks are not neccessarily legit but I'm usually the one that gives in buys it and then thinks what a prat. Not many negatives though. Guess that's what ebay sellers count on. What have you got to lose.....apart from money. Do you think if you brought one and it worked, do you think anyone would believe you? p.s he's making a right wedge out of it so good luck to him. Look how many he sells per month.
  22. Usual suspects are Broken wires in the wiring loom at door gaiters Switches, (does the passenger door side work ok? How do you know switches are definitely ok?) When you say the passenger side do you mean the passenger switch on the drivers side or the one on the passenger door. The module for windows is under the passenger seat, well known for water ingress. Is it unlikely to be a relay if they work in the up direction? The fact that you had the door card off (presumably) does suggest that something has been disturbed since you did the lock. Have they actually worked ok since doing the work?
  23. "Sister Mary I said to Google Friar Tuck not Try a ........" or it would be surely Sister Mary just knew the convent Galaxy would run better now she knew how to change the pollen filter, "praise those good people at www.fordgalaxy although I think that mumof4 needs help herself"
  24. The tag broke off the back of my drivers lock tumbler(common fault I think) rendering it useless. As a quick fix I swapped the two front handles over, easy job. I never unlocked the car from the passenger door so it didn't matter. Funnily enough was still like it when I dumped it. Every now and then a new whole set comes up on Ebay for about
  25. This may help http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...l=digital+clock or http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...l=digital+clock Seem to be more about bulbs than missing segments though. p.s an hello, introduction and thanks from new members go a long way on here :lol: if you stay put your cars details in your signature
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