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Everything posted by greg_68
Alternator Drive Belt
greg_68 replied to AMacdonald's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
What are you waiting to have replaced? the compressor. If so sorry but I can almost guarantee they wil come back and tell you there's a load more work to do as the internals of the compressor will have shatttered and all the bits are now floating around your aircon system. You may also be unlucky like I was and find you have a leaking condensor when they do the job. All in all may end up around -
Doesn't Time Drag When Your Waiting For Wifey To
greg_68 replied to Dave-G's topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
"I saw this filter in Boots and this one is fragranced so I got this one instead...does it matter?" Dave you just know you are going to regret this descision. -
Agreed it is superb, we went about 8 years ago to Sherwood. But it is never worth what they charge, considering it is only for your lodgings. This weekend (3 nights) in the most basic accomodation is
The more this forum tries and gets organised the more the members are splitting and arguing! Born organisers we are not. For future meets I think each areas dedicated organiser should list 2 venues 2 dates, peeps vote, majority wins, easy. Not everyone is available for every date so stop trying to make everyone happy.
Personally I think the fund raising idea whilst being good in principle maybe needs to slow down a little and more thought less haste needs to be applied. Questions I would ask are: What exactly do you need funds for? How much are they likely to cost? Are they warranted given that only 3 turned up to the first meet, is this likely to ever be much more? Why do we need to advertise the site and attract new members, whats wrong with the natural turnover of members that exists at present. Is it really that important that the numbers grow? All the actual needs of the fund raising may already be available via forum members. Members have already produced the flyer for free, maybe whatever else is needed can be sought free or cheaply as well. If at the end of the day you do really need funds I would personally look no further than Ebay. Everyone has something at home that needs to be got rid of, get it on Ebay and send the funds of to mum. You only need 20 of you (there are 21 on the members interested in meeting list) to collect a tenner (easy on Ebay) and you have
Wanted: Mk1 Window Switch
greg_68 replied to burundi's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Iv'e got a Galaxy one, does anyone know if the Sharan switches are different? Burundi, edit your signature to include youe Sharan particulars so in future we know which model/year/engine you have. -
Are Your Passengers Car Sick?
greg_68 replied to Andrew T's topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
Just for one occasion don't you just wish someone would pay you to come up with this drivel. (that's the report not the post) Speeding along a winding country road. Abrupt changes in speed. Making sharp left or right turns they all make passengers feel worse. Wow I could never have worked that one out. Please when the next pointless survey needs completing can I do it from the comfort of my armchair. Perhaps I could be a Doctor then. -
This post is for the moderators to have a gander at first, although feel free to chip in with any suggestions. Would this spreadsheet be of any use to help organise meets? Obviously it is not finished. Just wondered whether peeps would be able to access/use/update it. Any help/suggestions/improvements very welcome When a descision is finalised I will put it together. Galaxy_meet_up_chart.zip
can peeps please read the instruction on the list. don't reply with a new post as to where you are, go to the list, click on reply, edit it (add your name to the region)and then add reply. Moderators will then delete old posts leaving only the last one (most upto date). Otherwise the post will become too long and indecipharable unuseable useless
I've got to say this site has become very argumentative in the last couple of months :lol: , if you were my kids you'd have had a slap by now(can I actually admit to that now?) Neil is dead right a lot of peeps are making multiple posts very personal, something they would never do face to face I bet. (although I don't think you should close the thread as the site becomes a bit big brother then). The holier than tho crowd need to chill out a bit, nobody's perfect. The slagging off of mjr about his towing was just bizzarre :D . Anyway back to the topic, theres no real need for discussion(and critisism) regarding meets is there. You either want to do it or you don't. Like many on here I would love to meet up and chat (apart from the fact that I don't have a Galaxy anymore but you could drool over my Picasso :lol: ). Just like most on here I have about 5 minutes spare per week so actually getting to the meet would be unlikely, but why criticise/ berate those who want to promote/improve the site. Personally I think they are doing a great job. Who else on here would create, manufacture and send out stickers all for free.......no I didn't think of anyone either. Let them have their meetings, if it doesn't work out at least they have tried. Better to do that than do nowt at all. It's a bit along the lines of the daft 'quizzes' running in the 'nonesense' section, why not make a meeting section for people who want to do it. Those that are not interested don't go in to that section then and they relinquish the right to moan if they do. The Galaxy site is completly different to many other car forums when looking at the cross section of members. I would just set a set location and make it every first Sunday of the month or whatever. You will argue the toss forever about locations and times, just pick one, if you don't like it don't go. I would be very interested to see if the meetings became really popular and a good laugh how many of the none beleivers would go then. There is a grave danger of certain members not bothering posting for fear of being deemed to be in the 'wrong'. That would be a shame as the more the merrier when it comes to discussion.
Jeez that is some pilot training to land that there. :lol:
The most interesting thing about this article is the fact that the ref was a woman..........I'm saying no more...no less. I'll let you lot discuss.
My Rev Counter Is Being Silly.
greg_68 replied to twinkle's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
I think that TSB is for only when the engine is not running. OP's issue is when the engine is running. -
My Rev Counter Is Being Silly.
greg_68 replied to twinkle's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Could be wrong (nothing different there) When I changed my alternator the "expert" in the shop said the little plug that plugs in to the altenator is the rev counter. Maybe worth looking at it's connection for the time it takes. -
sanjsanj These sites may help you out, I know what you mean pc's are bewildering and knowing the question you want to ask is half the problem. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/ for how the components work http://www.computerforum.com/ Instead of asking mechanics advice on pc's why not give a pc experts forum a try. You wouldn't go on a pc forum and ask them how to fix your Galaxy would you? ;) Or a lot of the selling internet sites sometimes have a buying guide "what to look for" page.
M04 and Neil, totally agree with all the comments. I realise that everyone cares about the servicemens families and to be honest perhaps it would be a bit heavy if every time servicemen died a post went up to state so. Just thought I would post my view. Don't get me started on the 2 minute silence as it will turn into a rant then.
I am not criticising this thread but don't you think it's strange how people start/contribute to a thread about a bloke that lived on the other side of the world being killed. Meantime at the same time the death of 14 servicemen who are "fighting" for the countries freedom and peace become totally overlooked. Personally I couldn't give two hoots for Irwin but I do about those servicemens families. Have we become so accustomed to hearing the war losses that they mean so little now? It seems to have become like Northern Ireland was a while back, on the front page of the Sun, "Grant Mitchell to leave Eastenders, then tucked away on page 5 " 2 killed in bomb blast" As I said, don't want to ctiticise(each to his own) I just thought it was a bit strange.
Please Suggest A Suitable Car
greg_68 replied to sanjsanj's topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
If she's happy with her 106 why not go up the Peugeot range 206, 307 etc. The cc's are a proper girlie car. -
He knew really, he was just pretending so that mum can feel smug for a while. Bet he's after something, she'll be putty in his hands when he does. "oh go on then I feel a bit sorry for you now" It's all part of the master plan I tell ya.
Special Status For Long Standing Members
greg_68 replied to a topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
perhaps we should have a poll on whether you think it can be fixed.... gotta admit it threw me when I first saw the ealier polls and it said I had voted....shoulda read the page first. -
Special Status For Long Standing Members
greg_68 replied to a topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
Am I the only one who does not see any point in this thread. Why do some members require a "greater" status than others, I am sure the ones who give loads of invaluable advice are not that shallow that they need to be reminded how great they are. What would their advanced status allow them to do? Agree with all Bagpuss's comments, who says who is worthy. There maybe specialists out there that hardly post but have a great deal to offer when neeeded, how are these people going to feel to be left with us mere mortals. Certain peeps on here already feel that the mods are above others, by creating different levels of "contributor" all you are going to do is create cliques (sp) and alienate lesser mortals such as myself. There is the danger of one rule for them and one for us appearing. You need to treat everyone as an equal, not everyone comes on here to give technical assistance but the forum would be a lesser place without them (M04 a prime example) -
Deffo rampsif you have them. Personally I'd feel uncomfortble being under a big beast on axle stands, never used to bother me when it was on ramps tho.
Just ask yourself how long have you been drivin with it in and not noticed. Wait until tomorrow and don't pay the robbin *********. Agree with putting the
do it online, much easier.