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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by gregers

  1. either ask at your local dealers to see if they can help track 1 down,or ebay?
  2. welcome to the forum, can you confirm wether you have a mk2 or mk3 version galaxy?.
  3. welcome to the forum,if its totally dead back there then you will have to search on here on the fix,there is a post somewhere on how to gain access to open the boot once opend you need to check\CAREFULLY the wires in the boot gaitors for any break/frays and carry out repairs.
  4. welcome to the forum,i have moved it into the correct section. iirc the alarm module is under the passenger wheel arch? it might pay to disconnect the battery over night MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ANY CODES NEEDED. iirc the module contains a battery(so im led to believe)so this needs to discharge. reconnect battery and see what happens. the mk3/smax,are still fairly new vechiles so info is still on the thin ground,do a google search on alarm module.
  5. welcome to the forum,ive deleted your other post on this subject.
  6. check the pipes to your booster heater.
  7. result,there you go,sometimes its the easiest thing .
  8. http://catcar.info/ford/?lang=en&l=bWFya2V0PT1ldXJvfHxjYXRfaWQ9PTExMDAxfHxjYWJicj09R0NBMXx8dGhrPT0zfHxzdD09MzB8fHN0cz09eyIyMCI6IkV1cm9wZSIsIjMwIjoiUy1NQVhcL0dhbGF4eSBDQTEgMjAwNi0ifQ%3D%3D look through this lot.
  9. sounds like it needs a new regulator?or you can now buy a repair kit on ebay. or visit a scrappy and get 1 from there. also do a search on here about it,loads of info.
  10. have you put the original wheels back on to see if the noise is still there?
  11. welcome to the forum mike. if you havnt already found it,take a looksie in the faqs in the technical side of the forum.
  12. welcome
  13. this any good? http://catcar.info/ford/?lang=en&l=bWFya2V0PT1ldXJvfHxjYXRfaWQ9PTExMDAxfHxjYWJicj09R0NBMXx8dGhrPT0zfHxzdD09NjB8fHN0cz09eyIyMCI6IkV1cm9wZSIsIjMwIjoiUy1NQVhcL0dhbGF4eSBDQTEgMjAwNi0iLCI0MCI6IjUgQm9keSBBbmQgUGFpbnQiLCI1MCI6IjUwMTA1IEJvZHkgQW5kIFBhaW50LkludGVyaW9yIFRyaW0gQW5kIEluc3RhbGxhdGlvbiIsIjYwIjoiNTAxMDUxNSBGcm9udCBEb29yIFRyaW0gSW5zdGFsbGF0aW9uIn18fGFscGhhPT01fHxncm91cD09NTAxMDV8fHNlY3Q9PTUwMDRBSER8fHNldD09QTE1MDEwNXx8aW1nPT1HMDE0OTg5ODEzfHxmMTI9PS05NzMwMzA5MTIrMTM3
  14. welcome to the forum
  15. if you go down the route advised above it might be advisable to wait a little time before unplugging the connectors,just in case anything holds a memory/current??.
  16. just a thought is there any bubbles in the fuel filter?
  17. so if you have rear vents,does that mean you only have 1 rear most opening window?if so iirc that means you have rear aircon. do you have dials above the middle door?
  18. this any help? http://catcar.info/ford/?lang=en&l=bWFya2V0PT1ldXJvfHxjYXRfaWQ9PTExMDAxfHxjYWJicj09R0NBMXx8dGhrPT0zfHxzdD09NjB8fHN0cz09eyIyMCI6IkV1cm9wZSIsIjMwIjoiUy1NQVhcL0dhbGF4eSBDQTEgMjAwNi0iLCI0MCI6IjUgQm9keSBBbmQgUGFpbnQiLCI1MCI6IjUwMTEwIEJvZHkgQW5kIFBhaW50LlNlYXRzIEFuZCBSZWxhdGVkIFBhcnRzIiwiNjAiOiI1MDExMDE1IEZyb250IFNlYXQgQmFzZSJ9fHxhbHBoYT09NXx8Z3JvdXA9PTUwMTEwfHxzZWN0PT01MDA4QUxZfHxzZXQ9PUExNTAxMTB8fGltZz09RzAxNDk2MzYxM3x8ZjEyPT0tOTM5NDQ0NDgwKzEzNw%3D%3D
  19. was goner say drive it like you stole it,but it looks like you have already, are you sure its actually going into regen? wouldve thought if you have got it hot then why would the light come on? any where in the handbook tells you how to make it regen? you might have to take it to the dealers for them to do this?
  20. still got your caps on,try turning them off.
  21. welcome to the forum,yours is a mk3 not a mk2 so will move this to the correct section of the forum. as the mk3 are still fairly new info is rather sketchy at best,but plz update the forum if and when you carry out your mods.
  22. some info in here might be of help? http://catcar.info/ford/?lang=en&l=bWFya2V0PT1ldXJvfHxjYXRfaWQ9PTExMDAxfHxjYWJicj09R0NBMXx8dGhrPT0zfHxzdD09NTB8fHN0cz09eyIyMCI6IkV1cm9wZSIsIjMwIjoiUy1NQVhcL0dhbGF4eSBDQTEgMjAwNi0iLCI0MCI6IjkgSW5mb3RhaW5tZW50LEFjY2Vzc29yaWVzLFByb3RlY3Rpb24gQW5kIFNhZmV0eSxTdHlsaW5nLFRyYW5zcG9ydGF0aW9uLFN1c3BlbnNpb24gU3lzdGVtIEFuZCBXaGVlbHMsT3RoZXIgQWNjZXNzb3JpZXMiLCI1MCI6IjkwNDAyIEFjY2Vzc29yaWVzLlJvb2YgUmFjayBBbmQgUmVsYXRlZCBQYXJ0cyJ9fHxhbHBoYT09OXx8Z3JvdXA9PTkwNDAy
  23. and bookmark this,as it will be of use to you. http://catcar.info/ford/?lang=en&l=bWFya2V0PT1ldXJvfHxjYXRfaWQ9PTIyMjR8fGNhYmJyPT1WWHx8dGhrPT0wfHxzdD09MzB8fHN0cz09eyIyMCI6IkV1cm9wZSIsIjMwIjoiR2FsYXh5IFZYIDE5OTQtMjAwMCJ9
  24. dave read further down the list of new content,change the theme seems to sort it out.
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