hi kenny have you checked all fuses etc just to make sure its nothing simple,it could be a naff s/roof motor?cant remember whether you can use the allen key to fully open the sunroof or not but it might be worth a try,if it starts to retract on the skew then STOP and put it back,because it might mean the worm thread has been stripped,have in the past replaced a sunroof etc on my old mk1 galaxy post is on here somewhere,and there is a post in the facts about fitting a new sunroof posted by cm2007,found it for you. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...mp;#entry110791 servicing your car apparently is simple if your handy with tools (i get my m8 to do it :( :lol: ) iirc you need an extension socket for the plugs. hth.