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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

stevie m

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Everything posted by stevie m

  1. No 4 noisey tentioner ? Although that might go when warm. No 5 maf sensor/connection ? No 3 visit tesco car park for screen fix ? No 2 Could that be when the cards were taken off he broke a plastic clip ? :22:
  2. I could not get on it either all day. It's not the first time.
  3. That looks nice and clean Maz. I hope it doesn't give you to many problems...... Have you polished your gal cos it looks nice and shiny ?
  4. Do you know what guys ! I bet she bloomin talks in her sleep too :D :( :P
  5. Thank you. Yes i have been out tonight and went out visiting this afternoon so it has been busy. Now it's over for another 12 months. Oh well roll on christmas so i can have more prezzies :D (joking of course) :P
  6. Cheers mate . Now i am getting older i will be slower at things but i am still only 21 + vat mate :D . I'm starting to catch you up !!! :lol:
  7. Good old British weather. You just can't beat it :lol: The gal looks nice by the way (what i can see of it).
  8. Hi and welcome to this forum. You can't go wrong with a gal for a growing family and with a good forum to get info from like this it's even better ! :lol:
  9. Hi and welcome to this great forum. :lol:
  10. Dont forget (as if you will) to post before and after pics so we all can see :lol:
  11. I prefer the mk2 over the mk1. I have just part ex mine due to its mileage. I enjoyed driving it but have now decided to trade down in size. Although i have to say if a mk1 is in good condition then it still looks a fine motor.
  12. EXCELLENT happy motoring, im sure when you have got your hands on her you will bring her back to former glory as she deserves. :lol:
  13. Hey i read that !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :wub: By the way maz the gal looks great. I hope you get many trouble free miles in her...
  14. Welcome to the forum Ian. I hope you get many trouble free miles from you new motor . This forum is a great place with loads of info any many helpful people who look after it and also those who post on it.
  15. Now i know why the boot is so big. To carry my pine box in :D .
  16. Happy Birthday from me too !
  17. :D I got the car now it is fantastic ! I wanted to know where the volvo welcome pack was (Pipe & Slippers) :wub:
  18. Try gsf aswell if it is near you. They are very reasonable. I don't blame you for trading it in i have heard french cars tend to have problems more than others and are the most common to break down (RAC man told me when i broke down in my saxo.......nuf said :angry: ). Good luck with the repair let me know if it's that that is the cause of it.
  19. Last day today (5.30pm) of being a galaxy owner. I'm sure i will miss this motor i have loved it. It has by far been the most comfortable car to drive, the best driving position and has been mostly reliable (apart from the most common things going). My kids will hate me after today because they do not realise that they are going to be cramped up in the back off the next one and will have no rest bite from each other as it does not have seven seats (although if they want to travel in the boot they are welcome :angry: ). So i'm cleaning the gal inside and out one last time (for old times sake) and trading it in.
  20. If no luck try here too mate :angry:
  21. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :angry:
  22. I rang them first but they put the phone down on me laughing and said it was Jeep Cherokee Day !!!! :D :D :(
  23. Hi scrote, i am in the middle of down grading. I have 3 kids who are older than yours and do not want to go anywhere when they see me at the weekends. I have just bought a 04 volvo and i am looking forward to driving a car again. I loved my 51 reg galaxy but during the week i used it to go up and down the motorway for work and although i loved it for its comfort i felt as though it was too big just for me. I have spent a lot of money on it too (due to the mileage) so having a car with over 100,000 miles less is appealing too and i hope will give my wallet a break. :(
  24. Have you found anything yet Maz ? Keeping an eye on owt ? :(
  25. I know you were ! :(
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