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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. That's stumped me I'm afraid Andy and I now feel a bit guilty unless you established the older pump definitely wasn't working (did you get my PM about your old pump?) If you code read the faults I'm assuming you cleared them. Does the blower fan in the heater work ok? The next thing I would look at after that as you suggest is the sensor. Is you code reader vagcom - can you read the measuring blocks? I find sometimes the thing dont want to work but persist in clearing the codes (multiple flameouts) then it's all good again.
  2. If your Gal has done over 75/80K then chances are the auxiliary water pump has it's brushes worn out. The 12v water pump is commonly known as an 'after run pump' because it runs for about 90 seconds after the engine is turned off, which is about the same length of time you hear the 'turbo noise from your heater fan. It could be that the run on's are both governed by the same timer device. :lol: Search for 'after run' on here or google it. The pump will be located just below the dummy bulkhead behind the fuel filter if you fancy a feel -_- to see if it's running. If you switch the engine off in a quiet location you should hear it humming behind the dash. If it doesn't run you will need to replace the brushes - with the spare time patience and tenacity of a saint or replace the pump for about a ton if you need to do a quick and easy fix. The pump is also used to circulate water to your aux heater - if it doesn't run you won't pump engine coolant back to the heater to circulate the 300 or so degrees of piping hot water away, so the heater shuts down. EDIT:I made a right pigs ear of a repair job on mine, it's currently got gaffar tape all over to cover the butchered casing so would like a spare pump that I can replace the brushes at a more relaxed pace - if anyone has replaced their's I'd love to pay the postage for it to be sent to me please.
  3. You make no mention of the engine you have. :o If it's a diesel it will have one under the car in front of the rear nearside passenger wheel. It should start automatically. The oil fired boiler heater has it's own power supply, diesel fuel supply, air inlet and exhaust system. Search the forum for 'Aux heater' for a start - you'll need to get comfy though, also search 'auxilliary water pump/run on pump' if the diesel car has done over 80K.
  4. It's worth checking the heater air inlet plugs the hole in the chassis rather than letting fumes enter the hole.
  5. That part suggests a probable turbo overboost condition - because it resets itself apon engine restart. To try and determine if this is the issue it is fairly easy to get it to occur again as a means of diagnosing the fault with no specialist kit. If the engine ecu detects too much difference between the requested turbo boost and the actual turbo boost for more than SEVEN SECONDS the ecu will put the engine into limp mode. Restarting the engine will clear the issue every time. Accellerate (prefereably uphill or with a loaded car) in a demanding but not thrashing manner for at least seven seconds, if the car suddenly looses power you either have turbo overboost or turbo underboost. It's generally caused by excessive soot on the turbo vanes - likely as a result of driving like a grandad. The sentence you used here would confirm that: "when I was on the ring road - very little acceleration, at all speeds" The likely fault code is: "17965 - Charge Pressure Control: Positive Deviation" Google it with a pot of coffee. :) Get it good and hot more often and where practical, give it a darned good pasting. Also - when hot keep starting and stopping your engine while parked up somewhere quiet - you should hear a slight "pop" sound from below the engine about a second after you stop the engine: this is the turbo actuator being released by the vacuum that activates the vanes and frequent start~stops when hot will help it clean their edges as they are excercised. The sound is similar to the pop noise you may have made by popping your finger out your mouth as a kiddy.
  6. I read somewhere that the pumps fail at something like 80,000 miles so it's very likely yours has the issues. That's a good price you found one for too apparently. All the best with it Andy.
  7. This sounds like water is not circulating through the heater - so it overheats rather than circulates cooler water through it. check the auxiliary electric water pump AKA 'after run pump' is working. Get to a quiet location and listen for the hum from behind the dash in the engine compartment as soon as the engine is stopped. Standing at the front of the car, with ENGINE JUST TURNED OFF put your hand over/behind the fuel pump and feel if the pump (held in large rubber rings) is running. It is designed to run for about 90 seconds or so after shutting down the engine. It also starts up about 90 seconds after starting the engine but you won't hear it. The pump is fixable (usully worn out carbon brushes) if you are a patient person prone to fiddling with very small awkward things. If you replace it can I have your old one because I seriously butchered mine doing a rushed repair job on the brushes.
  8. I could be wrong but I think the later shalaxies had to become can bus complient - so that would require all ECU's to be connected through a common gateway......... or somink loike thaaat. :(
  9. Hidden behind the plastic battery surround. Look behind the battery - the plug to it is there. If you have skinny hands you mught be able to reach down a wiggle it a bit if your "STOP - CHECK COOLANT" warning comes on.
  10. Have you had the car from new? A previous owner might have pulled the fuse.... Not sure which fuse it is though as my Galaxy handbook makes up fuse locations as it goes. Number 12 seems to ring a bell though.
  11. Here's something to look at, starting at the page Seatkid put a photo up for us all. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;#entry13094
  12. I don't know if this helps but I read something like it on another non galaxy forum. To re-boot all ECU's.... Turn ignition on without starting the engine, turn off everything that you usually leave on like interior/door/side lights, radio, fan etc. Remove posititive cable from the battery and short it out to the engine to clear all traces of power from all systems. Turn off ignition. Reconnect battery and leave for a few minutes wthout turning anything on. Turn key to ingition only with nothing else turned on for a few minutes. Start engine without revving it for a good few minutes to let the ECU's learn whats what again. Hope that is usefull but please check it's right before you do it on your car. This is offered with best intentions but please do not flame me if it's incorrect. ATB, Dave.
  13. Found on another site: (1) 09B 927 750 G control unit for 5-speed automatic gearbox / F 7M-2-051 232>>* for engine: / AYL _________________________________________________ I have a problem with my AG5 ECU - it's well fried and the commonly used "fried" expression is very apt. Mine has an
  14. Hi - long time no speaky. Hope you are all doing and feeling well. :D I'm curious - are guests able to ask questions without joining or is it that they never became full members because they didn't post much? One of my pet hates is that some ingrate comes on a forum asking for help - therefore involving the membership in their problem, then not bothering to follow up with any fix they found - if any. I refer to this thread in particular: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...mp;#entry138873 ATB, Dave.
  15. Anyone know how this turned out? I'm curious why the poster is not a member so I cannot PM him - nor look into his details so I could Email him for an update. I wasnt aware non members could post here. I have the same problem - the gearbox is fine when the engine warms up. No faults found by vagcom, though vagcom does show the gearbox reaching 45 degrees when reverse does engage.
  16. I've just done a spoof churchill advert in My Gal. :rolleyes: If the link don't work search on you tube for "churchill taxi" Here's a link: clicky
  17. MMM - always nice to look for a damp patch :wacko:
  18. Well I ain't posting in this thread - and if anyone says I have I'll deny it.
  19. Neil, Are you suggesting that If someone were to set up a ford franchise they HAVE to have a parts department mate?
  20. Its true what you are saying about parts dept etc but at the end of the day he only wanted a bulb or two. So what happens if a car they are selling has a blown bulb, do they just grow up and eccept it or do the fit a new one that they HAVE in stock Nobody dug me up guys - I was just saying it like it is without holding his hand. :angry2: I rarely post on any of the forums now unless something interests me. Am I to believe then that a dealer who does not have a parts department is obliged to stock and sell me parts just because I can't be bothered to travel to a bigger dealer that does have a parts department? Unless I read it wrong the ford garage did offer to supply and fit a bulb as a business venture, and had it been their own car I'm quite sure they would be grown up enough to realise the car would sell better with all bulbs working. Neil - I think Ford satisfy their obligations by having several dealers scattered throughout the country with parts departments. That don't mean EVERY Ford garage that sells or services Fords have to have a parts department surely? ATB, Dave.
  21. Scroll down to the lower part of this page and click on some of the related topics mate.
  22. I could be wrong, but a quick Google suggests they dont have a parts department, if thats the case grow up, accept the reality and move on to a larger dealership. There is no outright requirement for every dealer to have one. If it DOES have a parts department then they'd be ruddy stoopit to not serve you. You were just bored and needed something to do right? :lol:
  23. I think the control system differs on the 110
  24. That lane you live on Maggie - as you initially join either end of it give it some welly as a matter of routine. Likewise occasionally put your sensible hat to one side. set ya jaw, grit ya teeth and race somebody to be first off at the lights. :P It's not so much high speed as high power you are looking for.
  25. Yea - whats happnin to the snowman like?
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