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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by RADIOTWO

  1. Are you sure its not half way down ? Radiotwo
  2. Are you sure its not half way down ? Radiotwo
  3. Hi Jayton As the other member has not mentioned which cable, this is poss about the best,28/0.30mm, 2mm2, 17.5amp Radiotwo
  4. No Vag com will not tell you which pad is causing the problem, take each pad out and check them Radiotwo
  5. Hi Wolves Don't worry, is so if you accidentally pressed the keyfob and did not know the doors would relock, but if you open a door it wont Radiotwo
  6. Hi You say it has been vac'ed and refilled, what did the recover and how much did they refill ? Radiotwo
  7. Hi Again, Don't forget its not just a heat thing ! What you could do is solder a couple of bits of wire onto the terminals and fit back in and measure the current ! Radiotwo
  8. NOT a good idea till you find out what is causing the devices to trip, 240 degrees is very hot and could set on fire well before that trips Radiotwo
  9. Macclesfield. There's a clue in the thread title but I could have been clearer in the question itself, I suppose - blame the coffee. The best ting to do is put your location in your profile. Radiotwo
  10. Hi Higgs Anyway... all I really want to know is whether there's a Galaxy specialist near me as it's stumped my normal garage and I don't have the time/energy to sort it out myself. It would be nice to know where you are ? then we could tell you. My money on the fault, is a cracked head/head gasket, My son had a similar problem, runs round town no problem but gives it a long blast up the Motorway and looses water, (no drips) but has now found oil in the expansion tank Radiotwo
  11. Hi Richi You say you have had the air con re gassed, who did it, as it sounds like there is too much gas in the system, or have you tried to see if the device will tighten up? If you can get a picture of the valve thing ? Radiotwo
  12. Hi Colin I believe the procedure is to switch off the ignition (in fact take the key out) and leave 10 mins and should be fine, plus the fact the sensor is not at the airbag. so once the 10 or so mins are up gentle remove the covers and you should be ok Radiotwo
  13. Did you do the job yourself ? and did it snap while the engine running ?? if so sounds like something moved when refitting, Check your timing marks ! Radiotwo
  14. Hi Radiotwo Many thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately, the high revs test is standard here so no point in going elsewhere. Not sure why they have to do this. Some people are certainly concerned over engines being revved too high. Cheers Hi Again I see what you are saying, but I think I would contact the people who run the MOT side of things, and explain that revving a engine like that can do some serious damage, and there is no need to go that high in revs (in fact when driving normally you will not get any where near that RPM) As I said we had the same problem over here and they had to back down as engines were popping for fun,and costing a lot of money to replace them. the suggestion of another MOT station was another tester might have been a little gentler than the one you are using ! any way good luck Radiotwo
  15. Hi Stevie Not too sure on this one, but there could be a fault, but why would you be revving it to 4500 rpm for a MOT ? I assume the tests are the same as here in England and there was a problem some time ago where they were blowing up the engines revving them too high, so the MOT people was told to rev the engine but not too high. Why don't you take it to another MOT station and see what happens ? Radiotwo
  16. Hi Mark What have you been plugging into it ? also you say it has blown a couple of fuses have you replaced with the correct size fuse ? and another thing I have heard of is dropping a small coin or alike into the socket itself ! Radiotwo
  17. Hi V6 Why do you want to lower the car ? You say you might want to tow at some stage the worse thing to have is a low car, the other thing its a 7 seater (don't know if you fill all the seats) but it does not need to be low ! So if you had a car that you used on the track, then yes Lower it, with low profile tyres and sort out the suspension, for racing but a Sharan ( I don't think so ) Radiotwo
  18. Hi Again Sounds like you just topped it up without charging, just topping it up will not do a lot, but make sure you give it a good charge ! Giving the car a quick run round the block won't charge a battery, you need to do at least 100 miles, or charge it off the car with a decent charger poss for about 24 hrs, but monitor the charge voltage, and keep a eye on the levels The reason I asked about your location, is I have all the test kit, and was going to test it for you but you are a bit further away. Radiotwo
  19. Hi Louseafur That does seem a bit of a funny one ! Before you just change the battery you need to check if there is any thing draining the battery, I know you say there is no lights etc on but have you checked every thing Boot light, Glove box light ! If you 100% sure there is nothing on you will need to put a ammeter in line and check for current draw and how much, it will not take too much to drain a battery over night, but there is some other things you said the braekdown chap said there was a bad earth ! there could be another one, also when you say it is flat ! is it totally flat, or is there a bit of duce that tries to turn it over. So assuming you have a multimeter, first check the current draw and report back. ps where abouts are you in the east mids ? Radiotwo
  20. I would think its not a major problem ! you need to check to see if the off side light fitting has a bulb holder and a red lens (not white) Some units have the bulb holder in place with a plastic blank which needs removing and poss just a bulb fitting so you will have two fogs. If it has a bulb holder just run a wire from one side to the other and connect a both ends. If it has not got provision for a lamp holder, try local scrap dealer to get a RHS light cluster and just wire across Radiotwo
  21. Quite interested in this little debate as i don't understand why a 2.0 tdci can't tow a twin axle caravan at a gross of 1750kg. i own a mk3 galaxy 2.0 tdci and according to my data plate the car can be grossed at 2505kg and train weight is 4200kg (allowing a van of 1695kg if the car is at maximum weight). The car itself weighs 1805kg kerbweight, the 85% rule allows an ideal weight of 1535kg but british law allows 100% of the towing vehicles kerbweight unless otherwise a lower permissable weight is stated by the manafacturer of the towing vehicle which this would obviously have to be adhered to, this is the case with the galaxy (1750kg). Therefore if the galaxy is loaded up to 2450kg then according to the ford data plate i'm able to tow a trailer/ caravan of1750kg with not too many problems. I am of course here to be proven otherwise and would like to know if i'm doing something wrong or am on the wrong side of the law. I do believe the 1.8 tdci has a lower tow weight of about 1500kg. Hi Kirdaz I thought this was discussed on here a few weeks ago ! As you can see I have not got a Galaxy, but my son in law has, and he gave me some figures. But you say on your data plate, where is your data plate ? Radiotwo
  22. yeah no probs, been caravanning for lots of years, galaxy can tow braked 1750kg and van is 1415kg unladen, went on one of those sites that give you a compatability for car and van, mine was v good Hi Again Please check out your Data plate, as your figure's don't add up, you cannot tow 1750Kgs with a galaxy ! Please PM me and I will explain. Radiotwo
  23. Hi Swagger I don't want to be a killjoy, but towing a twin axle van with a Galaxy seems a bit OTT. What is your Gross weight of your Caravan, as I thought the max weight for a galaxy was just less than 1500Kgs Another thing to look at is the Data Plate, which will give Gross car weight, and Gross train weight (both car and caravan) Radiotwo
  24. Hi Worcester19 Are the brakes on the caravan adjusted correctly ? as you have auto reverse system on the caravan and going forward no problem, but reversing is as if the brakes have to come on but if not adjusted will cause it to stick, and apply the brakes. Radiotwo
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