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Everything posted by RADIOTWO

  1. Swap the red and yellow! Radiotwo
  2. They are selling exhausts on ebay cheap ! When you get 7 up and it sits down in the road, you will need one! radiotwo
  3. Hi Twinkle I think you will find they are rated at 10 Amps (120Watts)each Steve
  4. You say you have changed the disks ! Did you change the pad as well? and more to the point why did you bleed the system? Radiotwo
  5. Hi mumof4 Just a bit of info for the future, if the cut (as in the picture) is within the tread pattern its not a problem, only if the cut is in the sidewall, if the cut is in the tread, its only like the cuts for the tread ! Radiotwo
  6. Hi Albert Sounds like a CV joint has gone, You proberly did not do it any good towing it, unless you lifted it or put it on a trailer. first thing to do, lift the front end off the ground, and turn eash wheel in turn,and see if there is any noise ? and if no noise, try turning one wheel and looking at the other (on the other side) and it should turn the opposite direction. If no noise and the opposite wheel turns its not the CV or the Diff, but poss the drive into the gearbox or the box itself (very hard to diagnose when not at the car) Hope that is of some help Radiotwo
  7. Hi AMacdonald Sorry I cannot help with the matter, but you would normaly pay a lot of money for a security thing like that, at least no one can open the boot when you first pull up and rob you ! Radiotwo
  8. Hi HPE The garage that I use, has a set of these devices. and he swares by them. But just so it does not happen again Dont tighten with a Airgun or Torque wrench Radiotwo
  9. Yes I did repeat myself, but I said, I read the post, but did not view the poll and that was when I noticed the statment "You have already voted in this poll" Radiotwo
  10. Ok "Fixed" might not be the correct way to say it, But I read the post this morning for the first time, and it said "It said I had already voted" and yes you have guessed it No I had not voted!
  11. The polls on this forum can not be fixed RADIOTWO.Please do not insult our fellow members by implying that it is, Marian. Ok "Fixed" might not be the correct way to say it, But I read the post this morning for the first time, and it said "It said I had already voted" and yes you have guessed it No I had not voted! So if its not fixed then how can I have put a vote on ?? Radiotwo
  13. I am not sure if yours uses the glow plugs on a 5min restart, I would say they don't, but the only way to check glow plugs, is to take them out, and connect them directly across the battery(one at a time) and they should glow bright red (don't hold them with your hand, use a pair of pliers) and if they don't glow they are duff. The warning light will work even if you have a duff plug. Steve.
  14. They are not allowed to "bung" it as you say, they have to Vulcanise them. Steve hi steve , sorry dont know what vulcanise means :) :) vulcanization (vŭl'kənəzā`shən), treatment of rubber to give it certain qualities, e.g., strength, elasticity, and resistance to solvents, and to render it impervious to moderate heat and cold. Chemically, the process involves the formation of cross-linkages between the polymer chains of the rubber's molecules. Vulcanization is accomplished usually by a process invented by Charles Goodyear in 1839, involving combination with sulfur and heating. A method of cold vulcanization (treating rubber with a bath or vapors of a sulfur compound) was developed by Alexander Parkes in 1846. Rubber for almost all ordinary purposes is vulcanized; exceptions are rubber cement, crepe-rubber soles, and adhesive tape. Hard rubber is vulcanized rubber in which 30% to 50% of sulfur has been mixed before heating; soft rubber contains usually less than 5% of sulfur. After the sulfur and rubber (and usually an organic accelerator, e.g., an aniline compound, to shorten the time or lower the heat necessary for vulcanization) are mixed, the compound is usually placed in molds and subjected to heat and pressure. The heat may be applied directly by steam, by steam-heated molds, by hot air, or by hot water. Vulcanization can also be accomplished with certain peroxides, gamma radiation, and several other organic compounds. The finished product is not sticky like raw rubber, does not harden with cold or soften much except with great heat, is elastic, springing back into shape when deformed instead of remaining deformed as unvulcanized rubber does, is highly resistant to abrasion and to gasoline and most chemicals, and is a good insulator against electricity and heat. Many synthetic rubbers undergo processes of vulcanization, some of which are similar to that applied to natural rubber. The invention of vulcanization made possible the wide use of rubber and aided the development of such industries as the automobile industry. Steve
  15. They are not allowed to "bung" it as you say, they have to Vulcanise them. Steve
  16. Hi Again Ok all noted I only ment back flush if the evaporator was out of the car not to do it in place. Steve
  17. Hi Maghouse Not an expert, but can they not take off the evaporator and back flush it like a radiator ? or even check if it is blocked before saying it is blocked !! Just a thought Steve
  18. Hi gregers Try this site: http://www.whattowcar.com/basic_index.php Steve
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