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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by adrianf.

  1. She sure does.... The car dont look bad either :D :D
  2. Wheres all the mud and dirt gone ????? Im sure ive seen that car on last months Crime Watch :D
  3. At least youll be able to listen to our jet engines drive by as your stood at the petrol pump AGAIN
  4. Cant see how a can of Fosters is going to help :16: . Only prob with a cotton bud is getting in between the switches as thats where mine were sticking.
  5. I have tested my alternator blades and they turn fine in a clockwise direction but am getting strange noises when alternator is under load but not from power stearing. Thinking it may be the tensioner but any other thoughts guys woiuld br great.
  6. When i bought my car last year a couple of the climate buttons were sticky just like yours. What i did was to give it just a tiny squirt of WD40 on the offending buttons, wipe over with a rag and they have been fine ever since
  7. Ah top man, just what im looking for. Easy when you know where to look eh. Thanks once again
  8. Hi folks. i read on here a week or two ago about problems with the alternator/tensioner but ill be bu****ed if i can find it again. I remember someone saying that the pulley on the alternator can become siezed and cause the tensioner to make funny noises and jump about. IIRC they said about turning the blades inside the alternator with a small screwdriver and they should move in both directions. Well mine will only turn in a clockwise direction as you look at the alternator from the pulley end and the tensioner in making funny noises when the alternator is under load. So am i correct to say it looks like the pulley is on its way out and if so anybody got an idea of cost. once again im sorry this is going over old ground but having problems finding the old post. Any help would be great folks :)
  9. The price looks about right. Mine is 12 months older but i bought it 12 months ago for the same price with 50k
  10. Nah not that bovered :ph34r:
  11. Im glad someone else has noticed, proves im not going mad :ph34r:
  12. 34 ish around town and 40 ish at about 70mph on a run for me
  13. Yup you shouldnt have any probs with that. Mine has been like it for a long time now and i find that the two outer sensors work fine on their own
  14. You dont need V5 to tax a car. All you need is MOT, Insurance doc, and the form that came in the post to remind you Gordon Brown wants some more money off you
  15. You dont need the old MOT to get a new one. Had mine done the other week and didnt bother taking the old one as it had run out a couple of weeks before .ooooopppppssss
  16. I dont know if it just me but has anyone noticed that some of the regulars on this site seem to have vanished. :o Maybe they have won the lottery or gone on holiday :angry2: but a few seemed to spend day and night :angry2: on here but i havnt seen them around for a while. Is there something i dont know. :angry2:
  17. I wish someone would put me in a room full of mums :rolleyes: . As a tax payer im very happy to pay for this creature to spend the rest of his days rotting in jail. Why should he be given the easy way out with death. Hope he lives to a good old age
  18. I just use the ones that you strap to the head rests. I also keep a set of water proof seat covers on all the time cos of my job and they are ideal for keeping them out of sight. I am planning to put the player in the centre dashboard box one day but god knows when that will be. Not as neat as the ones fitted IN the headrests but it keeps the kiddies happy so thats good enough for me.
  19. Cheers all for your ideas. I gave it a good blast with spybot & ad-aware and it seems ok just a little slow
  20. Where are you Matt
  21. Anyone know of a good FREE site i can go to to remove a load of spyware thats hit me for six. I havnt got a clue when i comes to things like this so please keep the jargon simple guys Many thanks
  22. Only kept them about 6 weeks. For some reason didnt like the look of them on my Gal
  23. Im not saying its not tight but i did manage it so i guess i must have small hands. :D Ive just done nearly 700 miles with my Gal in the last few days, and i dont know if im just lucky but the faults you listed i just cant agree with . I know i shouldnt speak toooo soon but in the 14k ive owned the car it has not had a single fault :lol: (Reaching out for a big piece of wood to touch now) :lol:
  24. So what you saying then :lol: By the way changed both my headlight bulbs in 10 mins with headlights in place
  25. After months of trouble free reversing my rear sensors started to bleep constantly over the weekend. Had a look at them and noticed that they where VERY dirty as the car hasnt been washed for probably about six weeks. Gave them a quick wipe over as havnt time to wash the whole car and hey presto, now working fine again. I didnt think dirt would have an effect but i spose if its thick enough.
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