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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by adrianf.

  1. Hi folks. A couple of questions for you all to help me with please, i wish to change the fuel filter on my TDI 115 Gal and was woundering whats involved. Do you have to take the pipes off the top of the filter or does the filter fit underneath this part. Once changed how do you bleed the system, is it a self bleed system where you just crank the starter until the old girl fires up. Also during this hot weather when i start the car up the LCD display for the CC flashes with all the digits on display for about 8 - 10 seconds before returning to normal but the CC doesnt seem as cold as normal. (Spose i should just be happy it works at all eh ). Any help would be great.
  2. does anyone know if the alloys from the new shape Mondeo will fit the MK2 Gal. I am thinking about the 17 or 18" alloys as fitted to the higher spec Mondeo or is the offset thingy wrong for the Gal. Great site by the way.
  3. Am i the only one or does anybody else have problems with the sensors. One day fine the next day the rears will beep constantly when reverse is selected as if picking an object up. Surely it should be one or the other. tried not going backwards but am a long way from home now and getting hungry. Any help would be great
  4. hows this for a bargain. Saw one of the fridges for sale in the local ads paper at
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