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Everything posted by xavier

  1. the run on pump is straightforward to repair, you can get the carbon brushes cheap enough, I would say getting the proper hose pliers is a worthwhile investment though!
  2. Well the old gal passed the MOT today, so hopefully another year's motoring ahead! Got new tyres and had the tracking done, though rather annoyingly noticed the wheel's not straight when driving home. Seems a bit tardy to me. Anyway, thanks for all the help guys, I took some pics when doing the caliper replacement, hopefully get a how-to on here at some point if I can get them uploaded and remember the seemingly random spanner sizes that were required!
  3. If you have a lap-top you can do it yourself for £10. Software is free. Just buy a cable.
  4. Should they definately be flat? I do have an angled end on the spring called as failed, I compared the os and ns springs and the angled end one was longer so assumed it was meant to be like that! Sounds like they called it right then, though I needed to raise the back a foot to get the spring to rotate! Put a new hub bolt on today and torqued / angle tightened up. Same with the ball joint. Tip no 3, ball joint is likely to have a plastic cover on it, remove it before installing ball joint into wishbone, it's not meant to be there honest. Just the under tray to put on, then back in for another MOT later this week. I assume tracking should be re-done?
  5. Was it a generic reader or proper VAG test software? The glow plug light flashing indicates a pretty serious engine management fault and the ECU will log the fault.
  6. If it's the flange on the turbo, I managed to get at it using a 1/4" socket set with a 13mm socket. I got the ratchet from screwfix, it was one of their cheap ones. It started slipping 1st time I used it so it was returned the next day.
  7. A bit late but machine mart sell an impact driver that runs off the mains. You'd need an impact universal joint and sockets though. Has the nut rounded off, or is it the hex part thats rounded? You can put vice grips on the top of the strut to stop it turning if that helps. Note, clamp at the top end of the strut (i.e. the bit that doesn't travel into the shocker in normal use) if you need to use the shock again.
  8. Not sure then, maybe it's fractured. Might take it in and get them to show me. It looks like the offside spring was changed at some point in the past as it didn't have the blob of blue paint that the nearside one did.
  9. Got the springs in. Not too bad, with the right tools (i.e. big jack!). Though not sure it should have failed, both springs look ok to me. Also got the driveshaft changed, what a doddle that was! Wee concern that the crimped area of the metal band of the inner joint is rubbing against the inner boot - think that might cause a problem after some use. And got the new wishbone in, not torqued up the ball-joint yet as I can't get the torque wrench in with the wheels on the ground, think I'll need to torque it up with the wheel off then do the extra 90 degree with a ring spanner. Few tips for anyone replacing the driveshaft, turn the shaft to get to the bolts, don't do as I did and figure out ingenious ways to get to the rear bolts. If you forget, don't worry, you'll remember when you reinstall the shaft as it'll turn on the 1st one! Second tip, to install ball-joint, jack up the wishbone otherwise you won't have enough thread to get the bolt on. Just a couple of things to tidy up tomorrow, torquing a few bolts and changing over the hub bolt(used the old one to pull the cv joint in). Also need to get the under tray back on, then a tidy up. Then MOT no 2 next week, with hopefully no other issues!
  10. > You may have read that chromedome did this Nah, it was you silverbeast, I read it last week!
  11. ... or maybe your avatar pic is adding to the confusion!
  12. Thanks silverbeast! I dunno, chromedome / silverbeast - is it wrong I got you confused?! either getting old (or drinking too much home brew!)
  13. Thanks for reporting back Richy, any top tips or guidance for doing the job, or anything to look out for that might indicate it needs done?
  14. So, can the holes be drilled out and fitted with helicoils? I think I read chromedome did this on another post (or is it depentant on the type of heater?).Ta!
  15. Oddly, I can get the passenger one around 180 degrees but not the drivers. Both rotate in the same direction (anti-clockwise) and I think this causes the driver's side problems.
  16. seatkid, is that a part no or chassis no? I was in VW recently ordering the bits for retrofitting the load cover (cheers chris!), anyway the guy took ages (even with the part no's!) but even without the chassis no he found the bits I was interest in.
  17. clive, I might post it down to you! Hopefully I'll find a garage who will press it out for me, in the mean time I've ordered a new wishbone of the bay, £31, seems a good price, just hope it's ok. Went to do the springs on Sunday, jack not high enough! To be fair my wee 2 ton 10 year old jack's fine for the focus and MG but is a bit on the small side for the galaxy, so ordered a 3ton high lifter from sgs engineering today. Also got some bigger 3 ton axle stands at the weekend as my existing ones are holding up the front! Also realised the battery's dead (left the keys in the boot and then couldnt get in!) so going to get a charger from halfords. Might not save much over putting it in the garage but I'll hopefully get some better tools out of it. Not attempted to replace driveshaft yet, might give that a go next as it may be easier without the wishbone in the way.
  18. might be worth a trip into your local VW dealer and have a word with the parts guys, I also can't believe they came up with a special driveshaft for the 90bhp model. Actually did they do a vw equivalent?!
  19. clive I've had a sledgehammer to this thing, even tried same hammer after heating the end of the wishbone up . Going to take it to a garage tomorrow and see if they have any luck, failing that I'll invest in a new wishbone, means it's not done again this weekend, though having said that, me doing my car probably explains the nice weekends we've been having!
  20. Well, took me 10 mins to remove the the wishbone (future note to anyone else trying to repace said ball joint!) However ball joint's still not for moving!
  21. have you tried getting a price from vw for the shaft?
  22. Hi, anyone able to confirm the torque for the wishbone bolts? mr haynes isn't very clear on the torque of the rear-most bolt (not the pivot or ball joint one!). Thanks! p.s. new driveshaft arrived today, am against the clock and couldn't face doing both inner and outer boots.
  23. I'd suggest emailing or calling J&R who advertise the driveshafts on ebay to see if they can source / suggest an option. I note they do an intermediate CV joint though from what I recall it's the splines on the shaft that go.
  24. Would it be worthwhile trying to wrap the ends in self-aligning rubber tape? This might effect a temporary (or possibly semi-permanent!) repair.
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