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Everything posted by xavier

  1. > Alternator pulley has been done a month back. Is it on right?
  2. Finally got around to ordering that cable. Discovered n/s front shocker's been leaking oil, covered hub, think that could be a contender for the cause of the ABS light coming on.
  3. Have a look through the FAQ post, the top one when you look at the technical forum post list. There was nothing obvious on my documentation to tell me what variant I'd bought (2001 1.9tdi), however going into a car insurance website and requesting a quote brought up the car model with bhp. VAGCOM is a diagnostic program available for VW / Audi cars (will talk to a diesel galaxy - it's a VW underneath) that is very cheap and very good. Basically a DIY'ers testbook. Helpful if you have a laptop though, lugging the desktop out to the car can be a pain.
  4. Put it in Ebay and got this : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/T4-2-12V-1-0W-INSTRUMENT-BULB-514-x-2-/300663967549?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4600f80f3d Does this look right? Alternatively, a call to a VW dealer might be more helpful? If it's the bulb rather than the holder (but would still try VW).
  5. Is there a guide on the forum for how to replace the front shocks? Never done it before and looking for a detailed guide. Couldn't find it in the forum. Would normally punt it into a garage for this, but had the front coils replaced about 300 miles ago for the MOT. Money's a bit tight and kind of hoping the bolts that would normally be sized will be loosened off. The shock in question is front near-side, noticed some light coloured fluid on the ground, on closer inspection it has coated the front suspension, quite a bit of the hub (also think it could be the cause of the ABS warning light). Feels like I'm driving a space hopper at the moment.
  6. have you tried it since changing the gause?
  7. From another site (not about a galaxy specifically but think it applies here): Back in the 1970s I converted three cars from petrol to diesel. In those days there were no engine control modules, sensors, catalysers, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Even then, by the time you'd done it all it was questionable if you saved any money in the long run. My advice today? FORGET IT! PDQ. Buy a diesel already. Leedsman.
  8. I managed to get 60 2.4m deck boards in mine comfortably, though I did have to rotate the passenger seat 180 degrees.
  9. can't you ask the guy who did the MOT?
  10. If it's anything like mine (checked when I went to buy the car) it's probably hidden under years of dirt.
  11. Just noted the second black cable splitting off from this pic from the handbrake replacement thread : http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=5537 I thought the hole at the bottom right was for the sensor, but I think I'm looking at it from the wrong side.
  12. Have you googled for drivers, or followed the instructions on the FAQ? I've had a look at some of the ebay ones, but think I'll get this one from gendan, I'm planning to have the car for a few years and think it might stand the test of time a bit better : http://www.gendan.co.uk/product_VAGUSB_16.html#product_information Was actually looking at the full VAG setup, but not sure I can quite justify £309 just yet!
  13. Thanks Chris, I wonder what happened to the other two then! Maybe I'm just not seeing it, I'll try getting under the rear and take some pics, or find another post with a pic so I can see what I'm looking for.
  14. Thanks for the VAG com cable info. I have to ask about the ABS sensors, should there be some on the rear, or are they front-only?
  15. Hi, newbie to this forum (and galaxy ownership) so please be kind! Handbrake cable snapped recently and replaced with the guides in this forum, shortly after the ABS warning light has come on. Prime candidate was the wheel I had off for the handbrake cable (o/s rear) and got back under the car to take a look. Thing is, I can't see any ABS sensors on the rear, I can see the ABS ring and a hole I presume is for the sensor, but there's no sensor. It's the same on the near side rear too. There is a cable entering where the pads are, is this it? From the descriptions I've read, I assume this is for the pad wear indicator. Also, if it is a sensor, would a vag-com cable help? If so, which one / version? From what I've read there are 3 options, cheap cable with free version (£20), cheap cable with registered free version (£20 + $99); full ross-tech cable with full licence (£306). Are the cheaper options any use, or is the full version the best way to go? Car is a 1.9 (115) tdi, Aug 2001 Many thanks! p.s. I have the other usual gremlins, air con not working, poor blower, no booster heater, I'll (maybe) get around to those in time!
  16. I had turbo issues, and the shell vpower fix seems to have worked for me.
  17. For anyone having problems with corrosion at the caliper end (no 3 pic 2), I used a bit of heat on mine combined with using a 10mm socket and short extension as a drift to knock it back through. A also had corrosion at the last clip, couldn't use heat (too near the tank!) but got it out with a few well placed taps with a bolster chisel. Last problem was a corroded adjuser bolt, I got a little slack on it but not enough to get the cable hooked on. I tried slowly working the bolt loose but couldn't get enough slack. Manually operating the handbrake hinge and wedging it down gave me the remaining slack I needed.
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