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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. Nice route Nik - have a great trip. I'd stop at Amesbury too. Lunch maybe? :rolleyes:
  2. A nice warm place, but cooling. (There's nothing worse than an overheated cat.) ;)
  3. Thanks for that... useful stuff. :rolleyes:
  4. Good grief - I totally agree with SK for once... :rolleyes: TBH, if it's only the fuel costs that are your concern, trade the 2.3 in and buy a diesel.
  5. Anyone tried the following, all reinforced, on the Galaxy? Continental EcoContact Goodyear F1 GSD3 Cooper Zeon XTC (???) Falken ZE-512 (edit - I meant Falken, not Flaken...)
  6. Just to clarify (assuming that there isn't a deliberate misunderstanding here), the 2.0TDi is quicker than the figures would suggest. The diesel needs to be in third gear to reach 60, the petrol will reach 60 in second. Whether petrol or diesel, the gearchange takes time and, of course, the car isn't accelerating during the gear change (unless you indulge in trick changes. Doesn't mean it's any good, any fun, or remotely refined, however. Funnily enough, the A4 gearbox is very good, once you ignore the initial 'crunchiness' when brand new. It might even be the very same box in both cars... Assuming that because the press write nice things about a car means that it's good is like saying that Coronation Street must be intellectual and informative TV because it commands so many column inches. For example, the 70's Honda 250 SuperDream - extremely popular, received good reviews (not really surprising, as the bike sold so well and these were owned by the readers of the magazines where the reviews appeared) and was, in fact, total and utter pants. Like the A4 2.0TDi. :rolleyes:
  7. Very cool! We made cakes the other day - 'Violet's' Birthday... Yum!
  8. :rolleyes: Nice one. I bet you can even see the inside of your own teeth! :D
  9. That's even like my old car... I used to have a S6 like that. :rolleyes:
  10. I put petrol in our Galaxy too... :D
  11. Mind you, it's so true, isn't it? Quite apart from the refinement and driveability of the petrol version. You shouldn't be fooled by 0 - 60 times, however. The 2.0T does 60 in second gear, so it'll show a much quicker time to 60 than the diseasel, that needs an extra (time consuming) gear change.
  12. This might help? I think I saw it posted on this very forum...
  13. Just remember that Ross Tech isn't a charity, and I hope that enough people buy the legit licence to keep them in business. I'm not criticising the download or the copy cable by the way. That's cool. This is good stuff though, and if you can afford it, buy a licence! :o
  14. Well, yes, but that's not what I meant, as I'm sure you understand.
  15. Don't worry Kirk. The AA can always beam you up in case of any mojor breakdown. Seriously, France isn't all that bad. Just avoid the service station scams - don't let anyone 'check your oil', and watch out for the knife in the tyre trick when you're filing up. I know from personal experience that it's more risky in West London than it is around most of France, including the Peripherique at rush hour.
  16. I booked our holiday ages ago, and yes, with school-age children, we have to go during the holidays. If I listen carefully, I can hear that my wallet is making this kind of 'ouching' sound; a kind of keening, thrilling howl. Like it's being spanked to within a microbleen of its life. And for this, we get seats that are medically proven to cause thrombosis. I'm not even all that tall, but I can't fit in unless my knees go sideways. Mind you, I'm sure that we're going to absolutely love Greater Manchester when we get there...
  17. Yes, really. No more Audi A4, so no more silly jokes about it I'm afraid. It really was rubbish. I drove a 2.0T petrol version of the same car, and it felt like a totally different car. 2.0TDi is a tractor engine (with Massey Harris Ferguson stamped on the engine block). Now I've just got to get rid of my 'interim' car... yes, you've guessed. Another diesel. :lol:
  18. IIRC it flashes for high pressure as well as low pressure.
  19. I once had this on holiday - rear pads on an Audi A4 which I hadn't spotted as the OSR floating caliper had siezed. I bought all the stuff I thought I needed in Halfords (tools and brake pads) and Boots (a syringe and container for catching brake fluid). Within five minutes of starting the job I realised I was missing some tool or other. In the end I nursed the car home (leaving the family in Telford - don't ask) and did it there...
  20. Avoid the local Disney area hotels; even the Holiday Inn, which does not meet their normal standards, and that's saying something. Or if you do stay in one of these, eat elsewhere. We liked the studios much more than the park. Even better, go to Paris instead and visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, etc. :rolleyes:
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