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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. All this fiddling with peoples posts will lead to a stiffening of opinion and an eruption of mass debate. :rolleyes:
  2. It does sound a bit like the timing chain - in my experience (not with this particular engine) timing chains do start to 'clack' under load when they are seriously worn out. Have you checked out other possible causes, like CV (universal) joints? I agree that the auxilliary drive belt tensioner (or something that it drives, like the alernator) could be suspect - this is where I would start, as it's relatively easy and you already have other symptoms.
  3. gregers..you norty,norty boy! :) You might be telling off the wrong guy... :lol:
  4. VW part number is moulded onto the inside of the lid... Oh, it melted. :) The thing is, you might need to change one or more of the cables that go into that fuse box. The new fuse box comes with the battery terminal connector cable. The pic shows the damage to ours. Both the alternator cable had to be replaced and the cable running off to the (other) fusebox had to have a new piece spliced on. 'Heat treating' the cabling like this causes the cable to become highly resistive and will cause more heating up. So unless you replace any damaged cabling, you'll end up replacing the fuse box again. (7M3 937 548 A)
  5. Another migraine or another console? :lol: Thanks for the thought though - (genuine) migraines are no fun. And my son hogs the consoles, so I hardly ever get to play. :)
  6. stevie m does seem to speak very good advice. Go with a reputable company, read the small print and don't forget that you (generally) get what you pay for! :lol:
  7. Well, we now have a PS2 (modified with hard-drive), Wii and now a new X-Box. Plus PSP and Game Boy (both modded). An amazing amount of wires and boys toys to keep tidy in my son's room. I got a new camera! :lol: But I also got a migraine (classic type, with aura, etc.) at noon on Christmas Day and even with Sumatriptan it's not nice. Woke up this morning with my second migraine. I just managed to get out of bed so that's half of Boxing Day wasted! Oh well, hopefully that'll be that for another six months... These Wii's a re fantastic fun! Bowling is my favourite - it's the only game I can actually beat my son on. Good tip about the RGB scart BTW. Happy Christmas, and seasons greetings to those of another religious belief. :)
  8. I thought the Storm Trooper was dancing that song from 'Dirty Dancing'. "Do the master-bater (do the master-bater) I can do the twist (do the twist) Can you tell me baby (tell me baby) Do you like it like this (like it like this) Tell me.... Do you love me (do you really love me) Now that I can dance...watch me now!"
  9. Er, you did check the 'Scooby Dooby Doo we love you' web site did you? Y'know, with Scrappy Doo and all?
  10. I tell a lie. Actually, we still have a Ford Galaxy. We also have a Subaru Impreza Sti. Silly, I know. But they don't make a diesel version. And I do *such* a high mileage. The thing is, if you think that this website is quiet, have a look at the Scooby one. It's like a morgue.
  11. Spooky. Have you heard this yet Gregers?
  12. I like that. Good craic.
  13. Cool. Well, not cool really. Quite expensive I should imagine... ;)
  14. Me too, and a side salad (slightly healthier). I still want a R32 though. Actually, I'd quite like a Scooby, but can't stand the styling or the plastic-fantastic interior. Therefore I now have a Volvo.
  15. Fuel price last week UK - 99.9p to 103.9p per litre. Last week in Ireland unleaded was 25% cheaper, and there are very few tolls (M1 to Belfast is
  16. :angry2: Which is sadder. The 29 off-topic and pointlessly drivelly posts? Or the person that bothers to read, analyse and then comment on them?
  17. Do you have a spark? Maybe the crankshaft position (Hall) transmitter?
  18. you may be able to multi task................but when a man does a task he gives it his total concentration,and attention to detail is 2nd to none. A 6'2" one with man-boobs????
  19. Wow! Happy Birthday. Your birthday is spookily close to mine. As is your opinions about diesel engines. Double spooky! You also appear to only get s3x once a year - triple spooky!!! Have a good one!!!!! :lol:
  20. Hmmmmmmmm
  21. Glad it's sorted. Rule 1 - RTFM. Rule 2 - Occam's razor. Bleeno will know what I mean.
  22. Phew. That's a nice surprise ZB. Note to chain cam users - keep that oil nice and clean, boys and girls!
  23. Maybe Evo's needs a service? Our 2.3 auto does 33 - 35 mpg on the motorway. (Just wait until nice-but-dim catches on to this thread :14: )
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