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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. It's all about duty and tax, as Big_Kev's post demonstrates. Unfortunately, parties of all political colours would like to see more tax on fuel. The blue ones instigated the fuel tax escalator, the red ones increased it, stalled it, then increased it again, and the yellow ones would like to 'significantly increase' it. So we can't even vote for a (realistically electable) low fuel tax party... :14:
  2. Don't wash her hands in bleach! Silly!
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/pudsey/ Is that OK with you Big_Kev?
  4. I have P7's on my new car (not the Galaxy). They are good and grippy, but can be noisy on some road surfaces - not the quietest tyre I've ever driven on.
  5. That's excellent BJ - thanx!
  6. AVG is VG Avast ye lubbers We have AVG and it seems to be very good. We also had a very bad experience with Norton, like Nik had, so I avoid Norton/Symantec products (although I still have PowerQuest Drivel-Mage v7, which is IMHO an excellent back-up utility - pity they were bought up by Symantec...)
  7. For potential problems, do a search or read the FAQ! :rolleyes: I love our Galaxy. It's a great car. Enjoy!
  8. Yes, good thinking. This doesn't stop PCDoctor though.
  9. What model/engine do you have? This could be the little pump in the engine bay - it's called Auxilliary Coolant Pump (or something like that). It runs on after the ignition is turned off, even when the engine is cold, for a few minutes. The pump is normally fairly quiet - a gentle purring sound. When it gets noisy it can be a sign that it's about to expire. The unit is located to the back of the engine bay, on the bulkhead, nearside.
  10. Just click cntrl-alt-del and shut down IE. It's a pain, but it stops PCDoctor running.
  11. Glad it went well. Now they can remove the traffic cones from around your bed. After all, you were in for a by-pass... :rolleyes:
  12. According to El Xando, this can be caused by visiting a web site that changes your home page. The adverts are for: PCDriveCleaner PCDoctor pcturbopro systemdoctor They can also 'pop up' during browsing and are very irritating. Is this what has hijacked your home page?
  13. One of her hobbies is a bit coarse. One of her hobbies allows her to go topless! T - tell us about your new hobby?
  14. I think I can vouch for T's. They certainly *looked* real. :blink: C'mon Teresa, send us the pics!
  15. I'll hold my breath while you make that decision.... OK, here we go.... now... :blink:
  16. Age also counts. (No, not your age Zaffy Boy, the age of the belt.) 4 years is getting on a bit, IMHO. I'd change it.
  17. Good luck... Have the Shepherd's Pie. It was nice at Capio Reading. :lol:
  18. Happy Birthday Mumble? ...mumble, mumble, happy, mumble, birthday, mumble, mumble, mumble... Don't mumble... Why not shout it out! :lol: (Have a good one!) :)
  19. El Dingo


    He he he. I keep hearing on the radio how 'U2 can have cleaner clothes' and how 'U2 can have interest-free credit'. I'm quite sure that Bono and The Edge have more than enough money to employ a person to clean their clothes for them. And with all that money, why would they want an interest-free loan? :lol:
  20. Phew! Fixed it. Good craic that Woolfie man.
  21. Wierd... I have to look into this. The link goes to a blank page. I'm on broadband. 'Houston, we have a problem'. :angry2:
  22. These are lovely engines, the 5 cylinder. I've got one of them in my new car.
  23. Have a big wet sloppy Dingo kiss! Have a good evening, and if you're having a drink to celebrate, we look forward to reading your posts later... :angry2:
  24. Um, the link is struggling... Pity, I'd like to see that write up. Is the website down?
  25. LOTR is cool. Nothing to do with cars tho. Whenever I pick up a guy with his thumb out, I always hand him the 'book'. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Mind you, all these silly jokes do detract from the fact that our dipsomaniac friend has had a *bu66er* of a time fixing that leak. :D
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