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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. Sung to the tune of 'Billy Jean'... VR6 is not my lover, He gives advice, and says that "I am the one", "But the Chair Lifts not my son..." Listen to the words next time you hear it on the radio. :wacko:
  2. The Highway Code is a good source of information on this.
  3. Or going on an overseas holiday?
  4. Our wipers were clunking too, especially at the 'down' position (by the scuttle). Also, the wipers would occasionally hit each other on the way up the screen. The cause was that the offside pivot pin was nearly siezed. Disassembled, cleaned, re-greased and re-assembled - the clunk has gone away, and the wipers don't collide any more. :23:
  5. I had one of these a few years ago (a mate has it now) in black. A very nice car, super engine. 30 mpg on long runs too. Good seats and driving position, but I bet you find that your left leg is pushing against the centre console. :wub: You get used to it.
  6. Maybe OP could post in technical? Might get some answers there. Mods, please move the post! Sorry I can't help. I thought all diesels did that. Perhaps it's a virus? After all, coughs and sneezles bring diseasels.
  7. No flaps at all will ensure a smooth passage. (Through the air.)
  8. IMHO Bleeno is right. I changed the head unit in a Seat Leon, leaving the standard speakers, and it made a huge difference. Personally, I tried Alpine (on the Seat -
  9. Rule 6: No Zafiras. Oh. They're Vauxhalls too. :rolleyes: OK, Rule 6: Don't worry if the Aircon panel flashes - it's just keeping time with the beat on Radio One.
  10. So true MadBaz. In the case of my colleague, I think that the truck driver might just have nodded off. After the collision he contined to drive on for another 500m before lifting off. Seems to me that he was either homicidal or just asleep. Legislation is long overdue.
  11. A colleague just got hit by a foreign registered LHD artic on the M25. The truck pulled into his lane and hit the rear end of his car, spinning the car onto the front of the cab. The truck driver, presumably half asleep having driven half way across Europe, then continued 'for some distance' before stopping, with the car embedded in the front of the cab. My colleague is shaken and stirred but fortunatley not hurt. When will our lame government please legislate on blind spot mirrors for foreign truckers?
  12. A certain German owned utility company made record profits in the UK last year, then slaps on a 7% price increase? Hmmm.
  13. I saw this wierd book while I was waiting at the dentists. You had to look at a really complicated picture containing lots and lots of cartoon people, in various scenes depicting well known stories, then find someone called 'Ben Larding' or 'Walter' or something like that. Anyway, sorry, back on topic. Looks like we found BigKev. :lol:
  14. I've only just recovered, and it wasn't even a party!
  15. A bit off topic my darlings! Where is BigKev? Caribbean holiday, most likely... :D
  16. Anyway, we've gone a bit off-topic. OP made it clear that he wants a diesel, and he's been given some good advice IMHO. Singh, please get back to the forum and let us know what you buy.
  17. Actually, when I change the Galaxy, it'll most likely be a Volvo diesel auto. I quite fancy an XC90 D5 - nice engine. I've loved the Galaxy, and despite what others may say, it's been cheaper to run overall than a diesel would have been thanks to the very low initial cost and reasonable depreciation. It's also not true that petrol Galaxy's are unsaleable - look at how many new members have 2.0 or 2.3's. Neither petrol or diesel is the most 'sensible' choice, and we'll just have to disagree about which is nicer to drive.
  18. The linked site talks a load of 8ollox. However, techniques for water injection into petrol engines are almost as old as petrol engines. Do a Google search and you'll be surprised. :D
  19. Interesting points here! I agree with Zeplin about the Alhambra - and you'll get more for your money in Badge Snob Britain, especially as the cars get older (the other side to this is worse depreciation). So, buy Sharan, buy new; buy Seat, buy old (or buy newer and keep it forever). IMO the generic four pot VW diesel engine is nasty, but the 115 is the best (smoothest) of the bunch. It all depends what you want to use the car for, and whether you want manual or auto. Sound insulation isn't the best, so you'll hear those engines in all their glory. Depreciation is everything, unless you are a very, very high milage driver, and then it must be a 115 manual. Prices will drop and will continue to drop - the best time to buy is now!
  20. Definitely easier and almost certainly cheaper to change the car. I'll bet insurance would be loaded (if they would even insure you without an engineer's certificate) and the car would be nearly impossible to re-sell later (and worth a lot less). You might find it difficult if not impossible to change the registration details.
  21. Try one of these - available at Lakeland, Robert Dyas, etc. (It's a kitchen baster, btw. :rolleyes: )
  22. Or a combination of sticky starter solenoid (engine would not even turn over) and dodgy idle stabilisation valve? This doesn't explain the momentary power loss, though. Relay 27??? Time for the OP to do a search! :rolleyes:
  23. Not at all! We must be rigid about these things. No point in going on and off topic continually! Got to be on top of the situation. If you let things slide the doors will open. Then all kinds of things will slip out!
  24. With all the mass debate that may go on, people will need to take a firm grip of themselves and try and control their eruptions of emotion :rolleyes: Are you going to be firm about those posts? Or will you let things slide?
  25. If you have a similar VAG-COM release to me (3.11-2) use 7M VW Sharan. (Yes, I know that's a really old version, but I'm using an old serial dumb interface.)
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