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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by big_kev

  1. Just bought myself a DVD player ( ordinary house type ) from ASDA. Make is an ONN ( never heard of it ) however.......... It is reasonably cheap ....less than 30 quid and...... It plays divx....both from a dvd....with multiple divx movies on it and also...... It has a front USB port that you can plug a memory stick into and play divx movies from this. Dead handy for downloading the "legal" movies from the net popping them onto a memory stick and watching in the comfort of your living room. Well impressed.......
  2. You must be getting to that age :rolleyes:
  3. Do you want me to hold your coat, Maz ?
  4. He'll go mad.........( unless the holidays are over and he's back at school )
  5. Oooooooooh.........Nasty !
  6. Toys are well out the pram now ! :rolleyes:
  7. That's Ok.....done it lots myself. Best to preview the post and check the link.
  8. Automatic Inhibitor switch on the gearbox ? Try wiggling the stick whilst attempting to start !
  9. Probably because it isn't :rolleyes: Price list below galaxy_retail_pl_010707.pdf
  10. You're better than me at getting great mpg ...... :rolleyes:
  11. Probably this one http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/upload/82089-ne...st-sat-nav.html
  12. What do you do then Bleeno..........any jobs going ?
  13. Didn't think we had any coastline in the Midlands ?
  14. Its an issue with the drivers ( could possibly be a faulty lead but this is unlikely ). Its not going to be an issue with a firewall !
  15. Yep .....some people can't be told !
  16. SK have you posted the correct picture.........it looks like a Corsa to me ?
  17. She'd have to catch me first..........in a veccy !.... I think not.
  18. When I have time I will get the MK1 owners handbook scanned and point a link to it. This will have to be an offsite link to avoid any trouble etc. I know its probably copyright, but I think its old enough for no one to be bothered.
  19. Assuming best case for LPG 7.5p per mile and Diesel at 10p per mile. And assuming cost of conversion at
  20. Try here, http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=11160 or here http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=9728 or here http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=10673
  21. Yuk ! prefer this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=260150280899
  22. Don't know diddly sqaut about the Iveco....however. Looking at the problem if it was a Diesel Galaxy your symptoms would most likely be an ignition relay issue. Try tapping the relay whilst the engine is turning over and see if it starts. Unlikely to be the immobiliser.
  23. Don't worry she's been called worse . Was it this one ? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=280144708698
  24. big_kev


    The radio is missing its permanent feed, use a cheapo voltmeter and check that the Red wire is a permanent 12v and the Yellow is the 12v when the ignition is on. ( or vice-versa ). It is likely that the Red wire is 0v and hence a fuse...probably in-line has blown somewhere. If not then the cd/radio is not receiving the permanent feed correctly, don't suppose you have the model number handy. ( or a wiring diagram for it ).
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