Dont know if this is true or not,,,,,,,but on an american site it said your need to disconnect the battery for 30 mins,, which wipes the ECU and when you reconnect the battery go for a drive and it learns a new maff has been fitted,,,,apperantly you are suppose to do this for all new sensors fitted that talk to the ecu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has I say dont know if this is true or not ,,,, has I cant find the site to link to :D
Sorry I just notice your gal is a 1997 ,,,, thats when they made changes to the exhaust fitting,,,,,,,,yep I would say you need the exhaust in the second post
Strawdog,,,,,,,please remember that your engine MUST be running when you check your ATF level ,,,,,if it is not running you will lose about 1/2 litre of atf through the level plug
A blocked fuel filter would not affect the gauge,,,,,,,,,I would be more inclined for it to be a faulty gauge sender,,,,,thats my view and wisdom :blink:,,,,,,,,,
Strawdog,,,,,,,,,The reason why the lower gears dont slip is, because each gear has a clutch pack,,,,,,,do a wide search,,,this auto slipping in gears has been well documented,,,,, and its usually the highest gear that slips first
I was reading the haynes manual, and i noticed the coolant temp sensor for the ECU can effect the the ecu controls of the engine idle, timing, injecter timing etc, i replaced the guage temp sensor last week, is it possible for the two temp sensor to be faulty at the same time, :D
Ok, I have replaced the air temp sensor, and it made no difference, still idles erractic and now about 1500 to 2500 rpm it loses all power press the throttle fully and the revs pick up again(this only happens occasionally and when the engine is hot, some days it does not happen at all), disconnecting the MAFF helps, So do I assume the MAFF is now broke? :D
I thought they cameras where for keeping the English OUT,,,,,,,,,just shows what you dont know,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :D :D :D Sorry I could not resist :P :D ,,,,,,by the way I am not Racist,,,I hate everyone :P