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Everything posted by bigdaddy

  1. Looks like Y683 WEW
  2. Propably the same stuff your local lidl sells for
  3. saintknox, try a pair of plumbers pliers on the big black bit and turn it, I would guess half a turn will be enough for you to unwind the rest by hand
  4. Thanks SK, full diy service 3 weeks ago
  5. Cheers Nik, you might be right, went out today and disconnected the MAF, and apart from a little hesitation on moving off, the car drove ok :)
  6. Cheers, the minimum pass rate is on the print out from the gas analyser
  7. ANYBODY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. Took it in today and it failed again,,,,though the emmissions on idle have improved,,,,,,,any ideas?????????????????????? FAST IDLE TEST: FAIL co: 0.67% hc: 37 ppm vol SECOND FAST IDLE TEST: FAIL co: 0.69% hc: 41 ppm vol NATURAL IDLE TEST: FAIL co: 0.74%
  9. I had the same problem,,,,,could not work it out,,,,changed most of the sensors,,,,,,,,,,,,,could not find the rough idle,,holding back a little,,excess fuel usage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I changed the oxygen sensor,(Failed MOT on emissions),,
  10. I am sure a car mag done a test on the performance fuels and found for the improved fuel usage and better engine running and with the cost of the "better" fuels,,,,,it was not worth the expense :) 3.5 hrs to clean and polish the car,,,,,,,,,,,,too quick,,,,did you miss out the roof :D :) :D
  11. Its connected to the petrol tank and catches fuel vapour and when there is enough vapour the ECM activates the purge valve and sends the vapours into the inlet manifold to be burnt off by the engine :) And its only on a petrol model,,,,,,,,,the diesel does it another way
  12. The relays are behind the fuse box,,,,,,,IIRC you need to pivot the fuse panel down and you can access the relays,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IIRC the is a section on it somewhere,,,,,,try a search :) :D
  13. Sounds like the charcoal canister,,,,,,,,,,,,fix it when you get home and enjoy the rest of your holiday :)
  14. Find out monday,,,,,,,,,,,,mot place closed till then,,,,,,,,,but with the increase MPG,,,,,,,,I should hope so!!!!!!! :(
  15. Ok had the car on the pit at work,,,,,,mechnic checked everything,,,,pulled prodded and pushed,,,,,only thing he found was the OSF link bar to the roll bar had a little play,,,,and one of the shocks was more dirty around the bottom compared to the rest of the shock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Only thing he could he could think of,,,was to put it on a rolling road to simulate the vibration!!!!!!!! Any of you guys any ideas see pic below,,,,,,,,,,pits are great things :( B) Something else I noticed the vibration is more like the rumble strips at round abouts it feels like going over them continuously,,,,,,,,,,could it be a shock on the way out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  16. New HEGO fitted and the fuel usage is now up to about 29 to 33 mpg,,,,,,,it was 19 to 23mpg,,,,this is around town,,,,,,,what a difference :( Below is a pic of the one I took out,,,,,,
  17. A lambda sensor (Ford call it a HEGO!!!!) is
  18. I just had a look in the haynes and it says also check for "incorrect selector mechanism adjustment,,,,,,,,,,,this maybe the problem of your limp home mode,,,,,,,,,,,,
  19. Is there a way to check the coils,,,,,is it "replace them to find out if faulty"
  20. I would change it,,,,,,,,,,,thats what I have always been told :rolleyes:
  21. On the mk1 there are 2 fuses 5A and 10A and a delay relay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dont know if the mk2 is the same,,,,,,,
  22. Its called the starter inhibitor switch,,,,,,and that stops the engine with auto boxes starting in gear,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and its fitted to the gear selector shaft
  23. Loose/dirty connection was checked, as someone mention this, when I was posting about a rough idle problem,,,,,,,would the lambda sensor cause this ;)
  24. Brake squeal is normaly caused by the shims being removed at last pad cgange or the copper grease being jet washed or alloy wheel cleaner washing the grease out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this can be fixed at next pad change,,,,,,,,,when you look through your wheel do you see a big round shiny piece of metal or a big round rusty piece of metal,,,,,,,,shiny=good,,,,,,rusty=BAD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when you brake how far does the brake pedal move,,,,, 2 to 4 inches is ok ,,,,, all the way to the floor,,,,is bad
  25. I would not believe the MAF has anything to do with your brake problem,,,,,,,,had your steering looked at recently or even fixed,,,,,,,did the mechanic put his big dirty greasy hand on your disc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or its related to your master cylinder leaking or air in your pipes, or old contaminated fluid in the pipes, or deteriotating flexible rubber pipes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Is there any noise when you brake, could be pads needing changed,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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