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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bigdaddy

  1. no question of choice get the V6,,,,,mpg are not much better with the 2.3,,,,,,,wish I kept my v6 espace,,,,,,lovely machine
  2. Yes sounds like the bearings are humming,,,,,,,,,,,,,you should be able to hear what side its coming from,,,,,,,,,I am sure the indy garage will sort it for you
  3. Good,,,,,,,, glad to here it all works,,,,,,I just ordered a set,,,,,,,,,,,,cheers :wub:
  4. cheers chicosi,,,,,,,,,do you have a local TIMPSON (key cutting company here in Glasgow,,,got them all over the place), they can do them :blink: Its the remote, had it tested at local car part shop,,,,,,,pointed it at a red box, if lights up remote works, no lights it not work :D
  5. So does that mean you dont want a copy of casino royale,,,,,,,,,,,,, :D :wub: only kidding :blink: ,,,,,,,,,I thought you lot had this argument before,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :wub:
  6. or how about these,,,,,,,,,,, clicky here OR clicky here :( :blink: ;) ;) ;)
  7. Hi and welcome,,,,,,, The bulb on the clocks is an easy job,,,,,,two screws remove the facia surround,,,,then two screws loosen the clocks,,,tilt the clocks down and out while you reach in to remove the cables,,,,then you can access the bulbs The cable in the nsr panel is more likely to be for a phone ariel,,,,,,,how thick is the cable,,,,,very thin then probably for car phone
  8. ,,,,,,Looks good for the little money you paid,,,,,,,,,,,,Did you wire this in to your existing central locking :D ,,,,,, Only asking has my remote key only locks the car,,,,,have to open it manually :lol:
  9. Here's one from a samsung d600, looking up to a bright sky,,,,,,,,,,,, P.S all the pics on this site, of my gal, are from the D600
  10. monies sent,,,,,,cheers Sent you a PM,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Or go to maplins and buy a cigar lighter adapter 12v to 5v for about
  12. expanding foam cost money,,,,,,,,,,,use cruppled newspaper then slap lots of filler in there,,,,,,,then sand smooth and paint,,,,,,,, :rolleyes:
  13. Excellent idea,,,,,,,,any pics of your final design,,,,,,,I have already got a cup and mousemat from ebay with the coolart pictures :49: ,,,,,,,,,, oops forgot to add,,,,,,,,,,,put me down for one,,,,,,,,, :)
  14. MUMOF4,,,,,,your telling lies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THERE IS NO SUN IN SCOTLAND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :rolleyes: :P
  15. Cheers guys and gals,,,,,turns out it was not the coils,,,,it was the idle valve
  16. ????????????????? nothing wrong with a good haggis,,,,,,,its catching the buggers,,,,thats the problem :rolleyes:
  17. What happens now is that the engine will fire & run lumpy for 2-3 seconds then cuts out - depressing the throttle makes no difference Have you recently changed the batteries in your remote key,,,,,,,,sounds like you have a missing chip in the key for the imobiliser or the imobiliser is faulty,,,,,,,,,do you have a spare key try that It has been starting straight away every morning without any problems until last week ... first sign I had of any problem was when it took a little longer to actually start so I changed the glow plugs - did not make any difference - once it started it was fine for the rest of the day & runs very smoothly Though I still think you should check the live feed to the glow plugs
  18. Check there is a live feed to the glow plugs
  19. Hi guys and gals,,,,,,got a bad idling 2.3,,,,,I checked and cleaned the ISV,,,,,checked then replaced the spark plugs,,,,,,,I am now doing a ohms test on the coils and leads for resistance,,,,,,lead 1 is 5.85,,,,,,,lead 2 is 2.35,,,,,,,,,,,I tried to test the coils,,,,,I assumed + of the meter on the + for the coil low input and - of the meter on the high output of the coil but it returns nothing,,even if there was no resistance it would still show 0.00,,,,,,but it shows a blank screen on the meter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all the above was done on a warm engine Any ideas of what I am doing wrong,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cheers
  20. Here in Glasgow the police have 3 55 reg gals and if the stories are true one of them is an armed response unit :ph34r:
  21. I am not a diesel owner,,,,but all diesels chuck out smoke when the pedal is hard on the floor,,,,,, what colour is the smoke grey is oil black is the diesel doing its job I believe white is unburned fuel you will get tons of smoke on start up as the engine burns the oil that has passed the oil seal,,,and it would be more grey than black
  22. This chap has changed all of them Clicky Here
  23. anadin,,,,,on the bottom right corner is a button to zoom in and out,,,,mine is set at 100% and it all seems fine
  24. I got them when I replaced the alloys on my gal,,,,,they are a good cheap tyre a little noisy at low speed and old rough roads,,,,but great in the wet
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