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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bigdaddy

  1. there is no " this post was edited" button in the quick edit
  2. Yes you are correct that I edited my post,,,,,the button to show it was edited is gone,,,I was not sure about the temp sensor and camshaft sensor was /was not on a fuse,,,,,,,,but the coils are not fused,,,,so if the low tension wires where touching each other where the insulation was broken,,,would that not cause excess heat and maybe start a fire
  3. You maybe correct about the fuses,,,,,but there is no fuses on the coils
  4. I have the light for the water bottle,,,,,very handy,,,,,,,,,,, For the maff ,,,,,,,,can you not replace the huge jubilee clips with new ones????????
  5. I had a problem with the insulation on the wires to the coils going brittle and breaking up leave just copper wire, I also noticed that all the wires connected to the sensors where breaking up,,,,,,I repaired by splicing in new pieces of wire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,unnoticed it may have cause an engine bay fire,,,,, I am sure this type of wire insulation breaking up problem has been posted before
  6. Not in any order,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Norman Wisdom Billy Connolly Lea Evans Cheech and Chong Laurel and Hardy Rowan Atkinson If I had to pick one,,,,,,,,,,Norman Wisdom,,,,,,,his films are sooooooooo funny ;)
  7. Me too,,,,,,,,,
  8. naaaa,,,,,,,,only kidding :lol: :lol: ,,,,,,,,,car now looks good,,,,,but I could have done the same job with the autoglym that I already have :P :D
  9. Well went to halfords,,,,,bought scratch X and gold class and hot shine for the tyres,,,,,,,and guess what,,,,,it turned the car a funny colour :lol:
  10. Dont know about the diesels,,,,,but on my petrol the air temp sensor is within 6 inches of the maf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sorry just notice the air temp sensor is on the other side of the engine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Looks like the connector for the air temp sensor,,,,which is behind the maf,,,,,,,,,,or it connects to nothing
  12. Might be a turbo problem,,,,,,,check all your hoses around the turbo,,,,,,,, Did you get some kind of warranty when you purchased it ,,,,,,,,,,maybe you could get it repaired under warranty
  13. Congrats to the bagpuss family,,,,,hope mother and baby are doing fine,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  14. Dont know about anyone else, but I read this topic as,,,,,, My friend has bought a mk11 with 115, 1.9tdi engine, its a ghia with all the toys,,,,,,,4000miles for
  15. My local tyre fixer is only
  16. It was side ways movement,, that I meant,,,,,,brain was not working last night,,,,,on full lock the nsf moves about 1 1/2inch,,,,where as the osf moves about 5 to 10mm,,,,I ended up filling the top of the rubber mount with wd40,,,hoping to bet the rust problem,,,lol,,,,,,, there was a knocking from the nsf,,,changed the lower ball joint and the knocking stopped,,,,,,but I now have a wobble/vibration (like when you go over the rumble strips at roundabouts) you can feel it through the steering from about 35 and up and then through the car 45 and up,,when I accelerate slowly its there,,,,,if I accelerate fast its not there,,,,, MM said it maybe the inner CV joint,,,,,,,,,but the mechanic at workcould not find anything wrong with the cv joint the nsf seems to move a lot and the mot man would not have seen the mount unless he removed the cover,,,,,,,,,, not sorted emissions yet,,,,,,,,,,no money,,,,,,believed to be the MAF,,,,,when disconnected it makes no difference to the engine apart from a little hesitation at moving off,,,,,and I loss about 1 to 2 mpg in fuel economy,,,,,I need to find some one to test it? or take it to ford cheers for your help tiny
  17. These any good, or just crap,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clicky Here
  18. Cheers for that tiny,,,,,,,,,,I did notice the nsf mount moves about more than the osf mount, I assume this is the linear movement you are talk about, did you have to remove the whole strut to change the mount,,,,,cheers
  19. Ok I removed the wiper motor cover and both sides look almost the same,,,,,,,it looks as if the top rubber mount on the strut is to small for the hole on the inner wing and the strut has pop through,,,,,,,,, could someone post a pic for comparision,,,,cheers
  20. Hi guys and gals,,,,,while I was having a nosey about the engine bay, I found the osf strut top mount to be about 1/2inch Gap from the metal to the rubber,,,,,,is this correct,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Took a photo to show you, but its not very clear
  21. Or even a real Audi Key Or go here to get a VW flip key with a new blank Clicky Here
  22. 1. Close all the vehicle doors. 2. Note: Make sure the door lock cylinder is held in the unlock position for more than 0.5 seconds. Insert the key into the driver door lock cylinder and turn the key from the rest position to the unlock position three times within five seconds. 3. The door lock light emitting diodes (LED)s will illuminate for 15 seconds during the remote transmitter programming mode, allowing the remote transmitter to be programmed. 4. Remove the key from the driver door lock cylinder 5. Aim the remote transmitter at the interior rear view mirror. 6. Press and hold the LOCK button on the remote transmitter. 7. While holding the LOCK button down, press the UNLOCK button three times on the remote transmitter. 8. Release both buttons simultaneously. 9. Make sure the door lock LEDs flash five times, confirming that the remote transmitter has been programmed. 10. After a remote transmitter has been successfully programmed, the GEM will reset the programming mode, allowing a further 15 seconds to program the next remote transmitter. 11. To program additional remote transmitters, repeat steps 5 to 8. If this does not work due to you having the pre-97 gal,,,,miss out steps 1 to 4 Info taken from the FAQ section,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,thanks to Nick :D
  23. The correct sequences for bleeding the brakes on the gal is;;;;;;;; 1. NSF 2. OSF 3. OSR 4. NSR
  24. How about vehicle details,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IIRC the aux pump is for when your engine is hot and turned off,,,,,,,,,,,, If your engine tewmp is redlineing,,,,,why are your fans not coming on, the fans should stop it redlining, if they work then you are seriously low on coolant or the thermostat is stuck in the closed position or your temp sensor to the ECU has failed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, An engine will get hotter when under load,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  25. Looking at DVLA a 2001 reg is a Y or 51
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