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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bigdaddy

  1. Hi,,,,if i remember you are in glasgow,,,,,try my tint, on Alexander Parade/Shettleson Rd, they work 24/7, at the moment he is advertising ,,,,,,any vehicle
  2. Could be the speed sensor ,,,,,,, think its attached to the gearbox :lol:
  3. Dont know if this is any good for you,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clicky Here
  4. Sounds like u have a siezed A/C compressor and when u turned on the a/c, that burnt the belt and caused it to snap,,,,,,,,,,, but i maybe wrong,,,,,other members on this forum will confirm ur problem
  5. Jack up the front of the vehicle, support with axle stands, remove the undershield, Using a spanner on the tensioner pulley, rotate the tensioner clockwise to relieve the tension on the belt, remove the belt, fit your new belt, release the tensioner pulley, refit the undershield :ph34r:
  6. Only to programme the remote function of the key,,,,,,,,,,,,if u need to programme the key to start the car,,,,give me the year of ur gal and i will search for u :blink:
  7. yeah think u might be right,,,,,,,,,i think u need vag-com and dealer if u dont have two keys or the red key
  8. Will galaxy-1.9tdi-zetec not need ,,,,,vag-com and the dealer,,,,,,,,as the chip in the key will need reprogramed as well
  9. Do a search this has been covered many times,,,,,,,,,,,,
  10. IIRC they have been on ebay for months,,,,,,,,,,,,i got 4 new ones for my 2.3i from halford
  11. MM,,,,thats clever,,,,,,i was sitting reading this saying to myself,,,,where did the other post come from,,,,,,, :ph34r: :angry: :D
  12. Think its for when u have been naughty :ph34r: :angry: oooooohhhhh,,,matron
  13. U can only see ur own warn bar,,,,,,i am sure a mod will explain it for u
  14. MM,,,I dont,,,but it is closer than the other 2,,,,,,,,,,,,and i always wanted to go to alton towers anyway,,,,,,,,,so kill 2 birds with one stone,,so to speak :lol:
  15. I am in Glasgow,,,,,,,,what the postage + packaging cost :lol: :D
  16. What about the rest of us,,,,,,we had to go through 6 pages of ur wiper fixing ,,,,,,,, :o :( :o :D :D :D p.s,,,,,,glad its all working now :D
  17. If u buy the new gal,,,,,,,it gives u the excuse to get the bigger garage and carport that u have been needing all these years :( :o :o :D
  18. Also check ur brake light switch,,,,,because its newish, does not mean its not faulty,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,never rule out a new part,, as not being faulty :D
  19. This is ur engine temp sensor,,,,,,,,,it doubles as ur temp gauge sender,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,disconnect the wire,,,,and remove the clip, the sensor will come out,,,,recover the sealing ring,,,,,,,,,,refit NEW sealing ring and push the new sensor in and refit the clip and wiring plug,,,,,,,,, :o
  20. TRY K-Y GEL,,,,,,,,,,works for me every time :o :D
  21. Hopefully once its all cleaned and greased it will work like new :D
  22. Cheers guys,,,,,,,,,,very usefull info :D
  23. The ball socket joint is not ur problem,at the moment,,,,the removal of the spindle is,,,,,,,,,,,holding it one hand and hitting it with a hammer is not going to work,,,,,,,u need to get it supported on a lump of wood or a brick,,,,,then tap the spindle nut,,(((or place a piece of wood on the thread to protect the spindle thread)),,until it comes out but again be carefull the ball and socket once damaged are not replaceable,,,,,,,,,the whole assembly will need to be purchased
  24. Is this correct,,,,,,, NO1 is bolted to the car NO2 is where ur wiper arm is bolted NO3 is a ball and socket joint, which finally attaches to the motor NO3 will not turn if NO2 is siezed,,,,,,,,,using ur hammer knock out NO2 and NO3 will become free As a last result,,,,,maybe u could take it to ur friendy engineering workshop,,,,and pay them some beer money ,,,,and get them to knock the spindle out
  25. Thats the bit on mine that was broke and someone drilled and fitted a nut an bolt
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