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Ogben Schmutzel

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Everything posted by Ogben Schmutzel

  1. Yup, it does, but it can be a bit of a s*d to get off! Oggy.
  2. Hi ezetobebad, You may have a point. I think it is the Citroen C4 advert that says 'alive with technology'. Yeh right, give it a couple of years ....... Another thought though is that you can't use these forums as a guide because most folk only search them out when they have a problem. Not many first time posters come to say what a great car it is!! Regards. Oggy.
  3. This is not about leaking or faulty systems, I am trying to get an idea of whether in your opinion the Climate Control Unit in your cars does its job. Including the Alhambra I have now had two cars with CC and on both I consider that the temperature creeps up without the CC unit increasing the cooling. If I override AUTO then I am happy with the cooling but that, surely, is not Climate Control.
  4. Hi All, Probably being really thick here but I have never donr one. I started to try and create one but there seemed to more options than I felt I needed so am holding back. Is there a FAQ or anything on how to create a poll? Ta. Oggy.
  5. At least with a leak of that magnitude detection should not be a problem. Mine is so slow and intermittent it is impossible. The garage that looks after mine are trying to find the leak rather than go through a very expensive schedule of replacing everything like the dealer would do! To do that they have used a 'sniffer' device, but the leak is so slow that the results are not conclusive. Also they have used a sort of leak detector gel (bit like a fairly liquid solution but the bubbles get much bigger). Still need to be able to see everything and certain components are very difficult to get a seal on so that the leak can be physically seen. Also they are able to pressurise with nitrogen which is cheaper than a regass, especially when it only lasts 30 mins or so. It all comes down to the fact that unless you can lay you hands on some specialist kit you are in the hands of the garages. One of the first leaks that I had was very visible and easy and relatively cheap to fix but there are others that can
  6. Make what you like of this but a contact within SEAT reckons that in their experience aircon leaks that cannot be traced are more likely to be condenser than evaporator!! Regards. Oggy.
  7. Tim-Spam "So, you want to try what is probably one of the least reliable cars that money can buy...... well, I suppose that's one way of making your present car seem reliable!" Where do you get you information from? I am aware of a few 'bad ones' but in general I understood it was ok. SeatKid: Though we are having subtly different experiences what you say compounds everything that I have learnt in recent weeks. SEAT dealer quoted a day and half plus
  8. They don't look after my car but the local SEAT dealership is supposed to be pretty good so I decided to get their view on what I think is a leaking evaporator. To start with I have to say that I don't KNOW that is the problem, but it is looking that way!! If interested look at other posts from me for the full resume of the problem. In turns out that the story I got from the dealership was the same as that told to my mate who knows the service manager, and I do believe what he say's. 1) Removing the evaporator from the Mark 2 is a pig of a job. Removing the dash is only part of it, then to remove the evaporator from the heater takes another two hours. Then you have to put it all back, recalibrate the flaps etc. They reckon that in all it takes a day and a half!! 2) In all his time at the dealership (a number of years) he has only had to replace two faulty evaporators! Its is more likely to be the condenser. The SEAT price for the condenser alone is
  9. Warning: Answering this survey with 'No problem' can cause sudden failure of your system! Oggy.
  10. :( No need to apologise - look on the positive side, you will then be able to engage in all the climate/aircon discussions from a position of experience!! Regards. Oggy.
  11. Been through all this!! Climate unit flashing means that something IS wrong, commonly low gas. I know mine is empty because I can't afford to have it fixed as it is looking like its the evaporator having already spent several hundred pounds on fixing leaks in other places. On mine the climate unit flashes sometimes and not others. I reckon if I kept a log it would turn out that it stops flashing after a so many starts, and then after a few more it starts to flash again. I have to say that I am currently considering trading in the vehicle and getting something with a decent warranty and that doesn
  12. Noted these readings from the trip computer after a 160 mile each way trip that involved mostly motorway or good A road driving. Car was loaded with 2 adults, 3x16 year olds, 6 stone Golden Retriever and luggage. Outgoing: Av speed 60mph Av mpg: 44.5 Return Av speed 65mph Av mpg 38.6 Interesting that the outgoing trip was taking it easy and mostly at or around the average speed. Though the return only shows a 5mph increase in the average speed the top speeds were much higher. Otherwise normal motoring is around town and mostly in 4 mile trips and I tend to average 38mpg. Oggy.
  13. Whats the difference between ETKA and ELSAWin? Cheers. Oggy.
  14. NikpV - yes did try the image mount as suggested and that errored too - doesn't look good does it!! Can you give me a pointer to the daemon tools? Ta. Oggy.
  15. It is happening with an 2Gb ISO Image and a 4Gb Nero Image file and I don't fancy downloading again thanks! Considering the Nero Image file ..... I have tried to burn the image through Nero as suggested. I do appreciate that is the point of the image, however when it failed repeatedly, the file extraction was part of the investigation. The files extract fine, many are cab files and are readable (via WinRar) while on the hard disk, but when I try to burn either the image through Nero, or the files that I have extracted from the image, I get an error. Can't remember the error statement now and am reluctant to post the log cos that is what everyone does and I don't think it is fair on the others to expect that such an epistle is read on my behalf, anyway error was different in different burning apps. My hunch is that somehow the image file is corrupt and that suzuki91 is on the right lines, but its only a hunch and I would love to prove it. The file in question is ELSAWin. I know I can buy it for a few quid from eBay, and I intend to, but I would like to know what is going on with the copy I have downloaded. Similar applies to the 2Gb ISO file. Regards. Oggy.
  16. Correct p2p!! Format is non proprietary, downloads tend to be zip, rar, iso or nrg images. Some form of file chunking is employed to share the files between servers. The downloads were large and I guess it is possible that the image may not have reassembled itself but how can I tell? I have apparently extracted files from it without issue!! Regards. Oggy.
  17. Umm, the source of the file!! EMule mean anything? It could be that I don't have all the parts but I have successfully extracted files from the images without apparent error, but then I can't write them to DVD (or virtual DVD as suggested), but I can access and read them!! suzuki91 may be on to something but how do I test? PS: Have tried Alcohol 120 via majorgeeks.com but on installing it says they don't do a trial anymore!! Cheers. Oggy.
  18. Yep, much better. Many thanks. Oggy.
  19. Ok, I can do without the Alhambra for a few days so can take my time getting the dash out etc. Trouble is I don't want to throw any more money at this problem, until I know for sure where/what it is and what my options are. This really means that I need to do the labour myself as the garage won't entertain holding on to a dismantled car while I think about it. Also don't want to pay their hourly rates for investigating because to date I have had 3 regasses and two leaks fixed in this car and it still leaks!!! Appreciate there is a degree of risk with what I am proposing here but I only pay for the parts, and if I wanted to I even do a recharge with a can from Halfords!! So with the dash out could I test the evaporator unit myself. I am thinking here of removing the evaporator, pressurising it somehow and putting under water or something to test??? There must be a way!! Regards. Oggy. PS: Would take a photographic record!!!
  20. Appreciate it might depend on where the leak is but with a bit of ingenuity is it possible 1) to DIY pressure test it to find the source and, 2) repair it? Any thoughts? Regards. Oggy.
  21. Agree with 4 max, this topic area has too many IMHO. Oggy.
  22. Don't get me wrong I think they have a place but when the post is still active (i.e. can be replied to) it is not obvious when there has been a reply, so they tend to get read once only! Maybe they should just be for reference - as a couple of them are - and only updatable by the admins?? Just a thought. Oggy.
  23. When I reply to posts the last messages are not right underneath where I am typing my reply. Instead it is a good 'scroll down the screen' away. It is as though the clickable smilies window is pushing the other messages down the screen as they are partially obscured too. Also margin each side the windows seem quite large. Reckon this has happened over the last few weeks. Screen resolution is 1024 x 768. I have changed nothing!! Screen shot attached hopefully!! Regards. Oggy.
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