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Ogben Schmutzel

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Everything posted by Ogben Schmutzel

  1. Same here! During the half dozen or so regasses that this car has had the CC unit stopped flashing without a vag.com reset when the pressure was back, and started again ................................. Cheers. Oggy.
  2. Finally got round to trying to fix the third and possibly most expensive leak in my system. The leak had been impossible to locate and I was starting to think the worst that it could be the evaporator. It still could be I suppose but today the condenser was exposed and a leak found. The leak was underneath a plastic cap on the top left hand corner (when looking from front to rear of car) of the condenser and only visible on removal of the bumper, grill and the plastic cap itself. Didn't do the job myself so haven't got any photo's of the work but have got some of the faulty condenser and location of the leak. Leak seemed to be a on weld seam and could only be due to poor product rather than damage. Anyway, condenser replaced and now aircon works. Lets see if it holds. SEAT didn't do the job but they had said that in their experience leaks that could not be found was more often than not the condenser and that evaporator failure was in fact quite rare. They ought to spend some time on here then! Photo's inabit. Oggy. Condenser as if looking at front of car. Leak was under a plastic cap on top left hand corner. Closeup of where the leak was. This corner can just about been seen through the grill so if you can't find a leak but have some leak detector gel try that area. And best of luck. Oggy.
  3. I think that if *all* Shalaxy owners could be surveyed then the majority, probably the vast majority, would not have had aircon problems. Its just that in the main this forum is frequented by people with problems and of those a good proportion are with aircon. Maybe you are lucky in that you use this forum, probably because at some time you had a problem and it was NOT aircon. I think I
  4. Shame that you are thinking about selling due to the high running/repair costs but have to admit that I am going there too. Oggy.
  5. Same as me - works fine for a bit then gone. No sign of where the loss is and despite many efforts with sniffers and that squirty leak detection stuff I am getting nowhere. Regards. Oggy.
  6. Snap - things started to go wrong within weeks of my 'no problem' vote!! Keep smiling!
  7. Steve, Given that this an aircon thread I strongly suggest you post the exhaust question separately! Best of luck with the aircon!!! Regards. Oggy.
  8. Sorry mate I should have been clearer in the first place. :lol: Cheers. Oggy.
  9. Is it one of the ones from Halfords? If I recall correctly the instructions on the one I read (I did not use it though!) said that it was important that the correct charge point (sorry can't recall what the 'charge point' was really called) was used. There is one on the high pressure and one on the low side of the aircon system, and also that the engine and presumably the system was running when charge was being applied. All I can suggest is that you read the instructions again very carefully. Best of luck. Oggy
  10. Yeh - made me smile when I read it again. Visualised a bit of garden hose laying across the top of the engine. Cheers. Oggy.
  11. Mentioned this to my mate who runs a small garage and he said he has done this in the past. A bloke with an Audi S2 (I think he said S2) had faulty aircon. Identified a leak in a pipe that was gonna cost
  12. Well at least you won't have to worry too much about it being over 30 C :D Also, it will be a bit difficult to test won't it? Or is there a way of making the unit 'think' the temperature is over 30? Cheers. Oggy.
  13. http://www.car-air-conditioning-supplies.co.uk/
  14. That link that MM posted looked good!
  15. A few years at least!! It seems that is the best we can hope for with these vehicles!! Congrats. Oggy.
  16. Ok, understood. I'm not disagreeing with you here but I thought other posts here have indicated that the role of the pressure switch is simply to turn off the compressor if the gas pressure is too high or low, presumably to prevent damage. That it could vent gas makes sense to me but is not what I had understood from other posts. Maybe its just me :blink: Cheers. Oggy
  17. Dave, Do you know (does anyone know?) if the pressure switch venting gas is a part of its functionality or did it vent because in was leaking? Cheers. Oggy.
  18. Agree entirely and if you are anything like me you often have other peoples kids on board too. More responsibility than ever IMHO. Regards. Oggy.
  19. Temp drops below 10 C: Smoking Auxiliary Heater. Auxiliary Heater not working at all. Car takes long time to warm up (TDi) Associated problems with diagnosis, VAG.com etc. Could it be thermostat. Rear heater/Aux heater confusion. Yes there's more. Oggy.
  20. You pipped me to the question - I am wondering that too!! And what is the effect of a fulty pressure switch?? Can you lose gas, or does it just affect cooling ability? Cheers. Oggy.
  21. Looking at the offside of the car the hexagonal nut is only visible because a part of the trim has been cut away. Looking at the nearside of the car the screw head is only visible because it looks like the trim has been drilled. I understand this allows the condenser to be removed through the front of the vehicle. This had been done before I got the car and I don
  22. Does the acronym MPV have any legal status? I have seen the Ford Focus advertised as an MPV! And MAY also be a legal requirement given the load rating of the vehicle. I think that is the basis of some of the previous debates on this. Regards. Oggy.
  23. I had my 215/55/16/95H Continental Reinforced EcoContact front tyres replaced recently for
  24. What MM say is what has been done on mine - considered to be a 'mod'. Looking through the grill you can a bit of trim has been cut away to reveal a screw head. Will try and post a piccy tommrow. Dunno if you have to do the full job first in order to do the mod though - sorry. Regards. Oggy.
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