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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Ogben Schmutzel

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Everything posted by Ogben Schmutzel

  1. Gordon, Are you really really really really sure!! Ta. Oggy.
  2. Hi All, How the hell does a bolt this size get into the tyre!!! It was in almost dead straight and the head was about half buried into the tyre. Reckon I might have picked up at the local Ford dealer earlier today. It must have been today because the leak was quite quick and the tyre would have been dead flat overnight. Anyway the hole is within 80mm of the centre of the tyre so here's hoping that it can be fixed!!! Any thoughts anyone? Regards. Oggy.
  3. Hi All, At ASDA they have pumps alongside the normal Diesel pumps labelled Diesel 2000 ULS. Lady on the counter say's that it is normal Diesel that is being stored in old Unleaded Petrol tanks that have been cleaned. Is that right? Should it go anywhere near my Pumped Diesel engine?? Should she be shot?? Cheers. Oggy.
  4. Thanks All, I'll give the Ford glass a try. Watch for it turning up on EBay!! Cheers. Oggy.
  5. Hi All, I have been to Ford and the price for the heated door mirror on the Mk2 Galaxy is
  6. Thanks both, I would like to keep the it heated. SEAT have quoted
  7. Hi All, I need to replace the driver door mirror glass on my Mk 2 Alhambra SE. Can anyone help with the following please? It is heated, electrically adjustable and the whole assembly folds in electrically. * Can I just go for a Mk 2 electrically heater mirror and is it the same mirror glass on the Alhambra, Galaxy and Sharan? * Do I have any options other than main dealer? Have looked on E-Bay, hence the questions! Thanks for any help. Oggy.
  8. Mine smoked when the glow plug was first replaced but it cleared up after a running for a few minutes and doesn't smoke at all now. From what has been said in other threads, if the smoke doesn't stop you probably need to open it up and clean the combustion chamber. My smells a bit too. Regards. Oggy
  9. No problem and best of luck with your question. Looks like you might already have the answer! Regards. Oggy.
  10. Sorry guys, I think I meant adaptor! Thinking about it though I don
  11. Yes, not that particular one but something very similar. Before fitting reception was even worse. I'm start to wonder if the aerial is in fact connected and I am just picking up a signal on the coax. Regards. Oggy.
  12. Hi All, I just put up with the crappy AM reception on my after market Panasonic radio. It wasn
  13. I have say that on my 2002 Alhambra the booster heater started when the glow plug fault was resolved without having to reset anything. Diagnostics (not vag.com) had previously shown that the glow plug was open circuit. Maybe when that open circuit fault was fixed the system reset the fault codes itself and had another five attempts at firing the booster?? Just my interpretation of what happened on mine!! Regards. Oggy.
  14. Gregers, Not answering your question, but what made you move from the PDA? Through work I have just got a new iPaq 6515 with TomTom and seems to be fine, although I need to source an appropraite holder for it. Regards. Oggy.
  15. Just be careful that they don
  16. All I can say is that after having a new condenser/dryer and regass (did your regass really cost
  17. Mine came on the other day. Ambient was 12 C, but of course the sensor for the booster is in a different place. Interesting that on the colder day on the 3 mile drive to work the temp gauge had actually started to move when I got there, but when the ambient is a little higher the booster does not come on and the temp gauge don't budge!! But of course that when the climate kicks in
  18. Only tried it once but on mine I got one key working then, when I got the second working the first stopped. So I assumed some sort of rolling code too! Regards. Oggy.
  19. I get the distance, its the reliability!! Like I say it always works, but sometimes it needs two or three clicks!! Cheers. Oggy.
  20. Hi All, Anyone know where the remote sensor is on the Alhambra? Although it always works, my remote key blipper often doesn't work first time and needs a couple of clicks. I have changed the battery in the key but it hasn't improved and I am wondering if it could be an 'aim' problem, like it I knew where to point it, it might improve!! Or maybe its another idiosyncrasy of the car!! Any thoughts? Ta. Oggy.
  21. I'm about 2 miles from the shop!!! Thanks for the advice. Oggy.
  22. Link Not for the Alhambra its for the kids 1.1 Fiesta (1996 plate but last of the old model rather than the new shape). Its got the HVC(???) engine or summat!! It can't be as good as the Texaco/Castro etc stuff at
  23. I was told 6 hours is what the book says for an evaporator replacement (SEAT dealership) but in fact the work takes day and half!! The dealer part price too was massively more than other sources and the same SEAT dealer reckons the non SEAT stuff is just as good. Or should I say, no worse!! Are they SURE it is the evaporator? Regards. Oggy.
  24. Ok, many thanks. Will give it a try. Oggy.
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