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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. well stripped the thing down no gauze in there d5w must be different to d3w different insides ! cleaned reassemled put back exactly same. runs for 2 mins then floods and shuts down then a bit of unburned diesel trickel;s out have checked meter pump seems to put out the amount described whats wrong with this sodding thing
  2. many thanks mm again,
  3. hi all, anyone know if the speedo bulb on the mk1 is a removeable type that pushes in the holder or one of them where you got to get from ford with the mounting base on ?thanks
  4. many thanks looks just right. wish i lived nearby id buy you a shandy.
  5. any more info someone out there must know about the internal workins !
  6. how aboot get in , wait for inside light to go out then try .
  7. the bosch no. is FGR8KQE, VERY EXPENSIVE. i can do you a set inc. postage for
  8. yes i think so. not sure somedays who i am. :blink:
  9. hi all, from speakin to an eberspacher repair man and indeed as masked maurauder put it, inside the heater is a gauze that burns after the glow plug to keep the fuel burning, has anyone changed this gauze at all, i have sent for the gauze and a gasket kit , so i shall try this weekend as post results. anyhelp anyone ? symptons are heater starts runs for a few mins then floods and neat fuel dribbles from exhaust port.
  10. make sure no one in past has stuck the replacement glass over the original heated glass if theyb have as on mine the heat cant get thru.
  11. so how can this pump go faulty and if it does will it cause my heater to work shortly then get flooded with fuel and dribble from the heater exhaust, also inside when the fuel enters the hater what turns it into a burnable spray , is there an injector ?
  12. think i read that the water temp shut of at 75 is located in a sensor inside the heater itself i thinks that what i read. but after all this faffing CHECK THE WIRES ONTO THE METERING PUMP i didnt and spent 5 hours doing job for it not to work then i found broken wire !!!!!!!!
  13. aye but pump wont run without booster heater working, i not got vag com to switch it on and off. i thought i may try nipping the pipe to sloe down the fuel supply. maybe it work. probly not knowing my luck.
  14. just found same prob on mine, cleaned it up reattached broken wire and whoosh it works now after 10 mins running its pouring diesel out of the exhaust hole !
  15. well after alll that faffing i checked the lateset post aboot the fuel pumpo rotting and lo and behold there was the terminals rusted away. i managed to get the wires back on and hey presto the sodding thing smoked into life. i ran round laughing. then............ after 5 mins of running the thing start poring diesel out of the exhaust pipe not connected at the time so neat fuel puring from the hole. after a while it must flood and shut down. have repeated the start up 5 times with the same end result. so what the cause anyone know ?something that must spray the fuel rather than let it out neat. rang a bloke who does these things up he said the whole burner needs replacing as the thing that sprays fuel is part of it, him want
  16. get a good set of tools and get a ford tis disc a haynes book and ask on here. most jobs are not that hard and you can save a fortune to spend on the wife as i have to. them aux heaters are a pain in the butt.
  17. ok thanks for your help mm.
  18. mine just has the single plug on with i think 6 or 8 wires connected thats what i need to know if the later models have the same wiring just to swop and job done or would later ones need rewiring.
  19. hi all given up on this on now. anyone know if you can swop the d3w for a d5w ? putting on a 97 year model. are the wiring plugs the same on most models without the remote timer facilty ? have found a refubished unit that chap says will fit but folk on here know muchn more me thinks.
  20. try this bloke for a glowplug 1st class he is. ebay item no. 4603746327
  21. that exacltly what hapeen to the wifes. maybe the code reader missed it or it didnt register it was the throttle pedal had to change the whole unit 15min job and no more hiccupes .cost
  22. hi all have found a used undertray from a 99 seat alhambra will this fit the mk 1 galaxy anyone know if them the same thansk
  23. why is there so many mk 1 aux heaters that the vag com wont work with ? i dont know weather to buy one or go to fraud for a bit less.
  24. it be in front of the feul tank on the right hand side usually covered by the exhaust heat shield though. i think.
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