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Everything posted by acecard

  1. heard nice things about the smax, especially gregers extolling its virtues, and then theres the important question of price- but I constantly need to convey large amounts of people/equipment/mattresses/ even tumble dryers have been known to take a ride. Can the smax seriously cater for the likes of me? I have always owned big cars and would hate to struggle 'cos i saved a few grand
  2. www.vcars.co.uk often have a good selection
  3. Are you sure your w/s doesn't have a heating element? They are not always easy to see being so fine and sometimes even when working take quite a while to demist. It happens to me and I would expect more from a heated front w/s that draws serious amps, based on its fuse rating. Its quite normal to have some dripping water on the inside of the windscreen in winter when ice forms on the inside. makes a mess when it dries - also happens to me a lot.
  4. Totally agree - bad move for the people, nice one for unscrupulous garages I was happy with plugs, points, feeler guages and spinning the dist cap to see how my mini would respond - sigh
  5. I thought this number rang a bell from my computer programming days - so I attach a bit of info - it sort of confirms that this code is non specific but the highest it can report - don't suppose it helps much except it apppears when it don't know what else to report B) "65535 is a frequently occurring number in the field of computing because it is the highest number which can be represented by an unsigned 16 bit binary number. Some computer programming environments may have pre-defined constant values representing 65535, with names like "MAX_UNSIGNED_SHORT". In older computers with processors operating with a 16-bit address bus (such as the MOS Technology 6502 and the Zilog Z80), 65535 was the highest addressable memory location."
  6. and if your timing belt is due for renewal, get a new water pump at the same time whether or not that is the fault
  7. Its not excessive on modern cars - make sure timing belt has been changed
  8. well maybe but it depends on how you drive - petrol engines will warm up faster in general and will be more responsive than diesel, again in general - but unless you are a boy racer (in which case you probably wouldn't be looking at a galaxy), theres no real problem about buying a diesel. Personally, I had some reservations when first buying a diesel but have never looked back and would never go back to petrol. Diesel engines used to get a bad press but nowadays you really have nothing to worry about. And you may of heard of the old days where you turned the key on a diesel car, then waited 15 seconds before you were able to start it to give time for the glowplugs to warm up. Thats why diesels were probably not the best bank robbery getaway car! Now it is almost instantaneous. As a matter of interest, what mpg did you get from your 2 litre petrol?
  9. Update on the Mk2 manual now in my greasy hands - variable quality - the odd step missed on some procedures so still need to keep your brain in gear. I particularly like the section on glowplugs: Quote "Measure the electrical resistance between the glow plug terminal and the engine earth - at the time of writing, this information is not available" Only 6-7years post production. Useful, eh?
  10. Hi and welcome, Don't know the answer but as you're comparing Mk1 with Mk3 presumably (or a late Mk2) , if Ford have anything to do with it, I would suspect at best you'd have only a slim chance. They've never worried too much about backward compatibility :blush:
  11. Diesel engines are inherently noisier but nowhere near like they used to sound in earlier cars. For me, buying diesel is a no-brainer for the fuel consumption figures. Doubt if I could afford to run a petrol gal!
  12. Interesting info and sorry I asked - it sort of puts me off the mk3. I've got used to the good consumption from my mk2. Never achieved 59 like gregers - was it downhill all the way :D I do get around 50 on a motorway run and these sort of figures for a big heavy motor like the gal even exceed what my fiat punto 1.1 can achieve which is nuts. I will be holding on to my mk2 as long as I can anyhow - which is what happens to all my cars- I believe in running them into the ground and then trying my hand at part-ex. Apologies for getting so far off topic..
  13. Ok - thanks fo that What sort of mpg do you get from your mk3 163? Think i'll be in the market for a mk3 next year. Currently getting round 40mpg on a mixed run from a mk2 130
  14. I have changed several headlamp bulbs without having to remove the headlight - its tricky I know but doesn't take long - its just getting the hang of those spring clips and getting plenty of light on the job. Its better if you've got smaller hands though (mine aren't) - best to get the other half or kids to do the bulbs on the gal
  15. Just looking at Europarts for a new air filter - it seems odd but the filter it comes up with for a 1.9tdi 2005/2006 has two different sets of dimensions in the spec. - 2 different lengths, 2 different widths, 2 different heights. One part number - two sets of dimensions Now while the length and width differ by only a mm, the heights are specified as 45mm and 53mm which would make a heck of a difference when fitting. I tried online chat with Europarts and the seem totally unable to tell me why Am I missing something obvious here? ( I don't want to take out the filter, measure it, refit it, hop up to europarts, then do it all again as it can be a fiddly job I find on the gal) Heres the link http://www.eurocarparts.com/ecp/c/Ford_Galaxy_1.9_2005/p/car-parts/car-service-parts/regular-service/air-filter/?502440500&1&1d55224054b92b999359c6a840bb6e66b47276c0&000008 Advice welcomed as I'm a bit confused on this one :(
  16. John, its not your resistor, you would have different symptoms. Are you using aircon? If not turn it on , this may clear up your windows misting.
  17. Europarts sell them at £10.32 http://www.eurocarparts.com/pollen-filter
  18. Don't happen to be covered in snow , do they?
  19. It should be fine - cca 800 is good - there are alternatives with a greater capacity than 85ah - 90 to 95 perhaps could be an idea with some of the winters we've been getting- probably not a great deal more expensive but you should be ok with the varta
  20. just got a copy from the local library - better than buying
  21. The alternator may be fine but do check/replace the alternator cable which may have caused the problem and check fusebox regularly for signs of overheating
  22. The rightmost black cable as you look at it in the fusebox (leftmost in the pic) is to the alternator and is 150 amps. iirc the other black one next to it is 100 amps
  23. A free garage! - not very common in these parts.. -
  24. Hi Gregers, but did it drink more than my old MG Magnette twin carb that achieved 14mpg on a good day?
  25. its the variation of the coin wedged in runner as I said before - usually bits fallen from pockets. A pity you didnt spot it as the garages are a tad expensive on these 'investigations' and then afterwards you kick yourself - I know I did years ago with same problem. Glad its sorted for you -now you can reach the pedals!
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