Have had my gal annually serviced by local Ford dealer since new, primarily to avoid invalidating warranty and now extended warranty (which I purchased when I bought the car). I realise that nowadays one does not need to have it serviced by Ford providing it is to Ford recommendations. However, I trust other local garages even less and they are handy. Anyhow, for the 10k, 20k and 30k services, they stamped my service booklet for the paint and perforation warranty. Today, I collected the gal from its 40k service and saw that although they had stamped for the service, they had not stamped the paint/perforation. So I queried it and they at first said to each other "Looks though it hasnt been done etc etc". This went on for some time between them. They obviously gave the impression that it should have been. Then they changed tack and said if you want it done, you have to pay extra because Ford have changed the rules. I said its always been included in the annual service before and it it wasn't why didnt you let me know instead of simply not stamping it and potentially invalidaing the warranty should I need to claim? Anyhow, totally unrepentant and didnt offer any adequate explanation - thought they were bluffing their way through. Has anyone experience of this? Should the body check be part and parcel of the annual service or should I have to pay extra and specifically request the check? The other weird thing was that they were unsure of the price anyway. I'm suspicious. Anyone help/