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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Hi Seatkid. I wondered if you would notice this topic! I was going to PM you if not! To answer your questions: No work under the car. I decided to only remove the under tray if I dropped something, which I didn't! I did it alone. The misses is only 5 foot so would have been of little (ha ha) help. The only part that may need assistance was lifting the whole facia, not because it's heavy, just cumbersome. The job was well strung out. Lots of hand washing, tea, going back to the TIS. I was expecting to see a pipe fracture on the failed evaporator, but could see nothing. Very little obvious corrosion. 'Lung' power could not expose the hole. But the A/C system runs at higher pressure than I can blow! Ford estimated that Labour for this job was
  2. Ok, thanks. So exactly HOW do I get my pics onto the picasso site? What buttons do I press? Where do I look?
  3. So, last year I was having a re-gas and during the vacuum phase I heard a 'pop'. Carried on anyway and dumped 1.35kg of 134A in there. All working fine and cold, then while driving 20 mins later, the cabin filled with most of the 1.34kg of gas!. Bit the bullet this year and decided to wade in and replace the evaporator. Armed with the TIS CD, an after market evaporator (
  4. Ok, thanks. Followed the link and registered. Searched for 'New Bloke', nothing. The site looks the same as the Ford site?! What am I missing to post/host pictures there?
  5. Ok, thanks. What's the URL of the picasso site?
  6. Hello Dave. The chains I bought stayed in the box! I got the Newtech 9mm after doing much the same research that you are doing. So I can't give you hard hands-on experience, but concluded the 9mm would be fine. Good luck Nick
  7. Mine is also a '97. I got fed up chasing this wire then that wire - I cut out 4-6" on EACH wire and inserted (with crimp connectors) 6-8" of high grade multi-strand wire. So far, 8 months, so good.
  8. If you run a search on wipers you will see prevoius threads on this topic
  9. Could be that you have low air con gas. Suspect a leak.
  10. Could also be the starter motor not retracting quick enough. Do a search on this board, there have been other threads on this subject.
  11. Can you describe how you drained the colant please
  12. Sounds like you are loosing a/c gas when the system is under pressure. I pipe broke in my eveporator and I could hardly see the road! 1.35kg of gas in my face
  13. How old is your car? That will indicate how much gass you were likely to loose. My guess is you have a leak, and that should be covered under wnty.
  14. My '97 TDi Ghia X takes 1.34kg and it's a dual a/c. Hope that helps.
  15. The TIS says to avoid getting coolant on the cam belt, but the lowest pipe to unhook to drain is away from the cam belt?! Why the warning? Do I leave the heater set to, say, 22C so that the heater is drained, and hence refilled? Which is the best pipe to unhook? Also any tips on doing this job and avoiding problems would be very welcome! (This will be part of the project to replace my a/c condensor).
  16. What a pain in the arse! First wheel took 3 hours! Other wheel 1 hour. The biggest problem was getting the cylinders to go back in. Best result was to adapt a puller that I had to crank the cylinders back. That Ford tool must make this job easy!? What does everyone else use to push the cylinders back?
  17. Nimrod, when you were helping what do you remember of your observations? 2 days labour sounds like a grand or more! At least if I do it I will know what I bugger up! I don't mind the sound of the interia work, but I've never drained the coollant (any suggestions?) and getting at those bolts for the heater assy. from deep in the engine bulkhead don't sound to clever...then again if the summer does not improve I may not need A/C!
  18. Had the a/c regassed and while it was being vac'd there was a worring 'pop'. 30 mins later while enjoying cold air again, a cloud of a/c gas pours in from all the front vents! Nothing in the engine bay so my guess is it's the evaporator. Anyone removed this unit? Looking at the TIS I need to remove most of the front interria to get the heater/evaporator unit out! Any insight would be welcome before I start this project. BTW, the Ford stealer wanted
  19. After Ford serviced my '97 TDi (180,000) I noticed my turbo whistles very loud when accelerating past the 2000/2250 RPM point. {It did whine before but I had to have the windows open and going past a wall to hear it}. If I take my foot out of the gas the whistle stops right away. The fuel consumption is a fantastic average of 45/47. Power is good, in fact other than having to turn the radio up to cover the whine the car is fine! Just wondered what other TDi owners experience was?
  20. Look on eBay for new locking whell nuts, could be as cheap as
  21. Look for a local air con company they could gas it for
  22. Then what's the point of them, and who assigns them in the first place?
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