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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jkspoff

  1. This was the photo I think he was referring to: http://www.worldcarfans.com/spyphotos.cfm/...aran-spy-photos
  2. Yes and yes I agree, they will initially be expensive and probably only on the high end stuff, my Centrino Duo flys through all applications and am more than happy with it for many years. Technology evolves so fast there is never any chance in keeping up !
  3. It looks like SEAT will probably be moving away from the high driving position of a people carrier, and go for more of an estate type 7 seater effort. Big mistake if they do, as I don't believe this is what the European market wants, sales of MPVs, 4x4s and people carriers prove this. http://www.worldcarfans.com/spyphotos.cfm/...aran-spy-photos I'm sure in a few years when they've a good second hand market for the new Ford Galaxy we will all be trading in our old buckets and placing our problems on here with the new Galaxy mkIII.
  4. There looks like even more things to go wrong on the new one after the warranty runs out ! I wonder if the dealers will be any more clued up on this one..........
  5. So, seeing as this is the Galaxy sight, has anyone ordered the new Galaxy yet ? or even an S-Max ? I can't afford one, but looking at the pics below, it looks like quite a leap forward from the current model, even though I like mine a lot. How long will it take for new Galaxy owners to start putting their new issues on here ! :lol: http://www.parkers.co.uk/choosing/carrevie...ry=Main%20image
  6. Intel are releasing the Core II Duo processor next week, but I suspect they will be big notes.......
  7. Toshiba a good reliable laptop manufacturer, best to go with one of these rather than an unknown higher spec make. My father in laws got a Fuitsu thingy and its bulky, noisy and unreliable.
  8. Ebuyer or empire direct are excellent value, get one of the latest generation Sony Vaio laptops if your budget extends to it, mine is superb and build quality excellent, very reliable too, light weight and thin with high end specs. The Intel Centrino Duo processor is lightening fast in all applications. http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/in...special_uid=941 http://www.empiredirect.co.uk/content/prod...20vaio%20laptop http://www.intel.com/products/centrino/duo...+Feature_06ww35
  9. It would be great to have a for sale section, so long as it stayed related.
  10. Sorry I didn't see this post earlier, as I had same problem, your description of the fault is 99% of time down to immobiliser with cut out after a second or two, i.e. key chip with incorrect code, or no chip at all, causing rapid flashing of the immobiliser light on the drivers door. It does show that most mechanics that you got to diagnose the problem don't know anything whatsoever about the Galaxy ! My local Ford dealer didn't even know what the flashing light was for !
  11. X683 WEV I think............
  12. I thought it looked familiar ! Just a big grill added to it.
  13. 1. Airline pilot (no idea why, just always wanted to !) 2. Travel/hotel inspector (the one that awards the ratings !) 3. Pole cleaner in a pole dancing club.............emmmmmm
  14. How about this ? !! Not UK available at the moment. http://www.lanciaphedra.com Click on images to enlarge. Saw one today (Portugal), not too bad looking in the flesh. Engines: 2.0 16v 3.0 V6 24v 2.0 jtd 16v 2.2 jtd 16v
  15. What sort of stuff ? The imported MPV's that you mention, are they available to UK ? or are they the same as here ?
  16. You think we've got problems with the Galaxy etc going wrong, wait until you step into the range of these cars.
  17. I am in Portugal at the moment on hols, and there are the brand new Galaxies everywhere you look, it seems they've been out here for quite a while. The hire companies seem to have the bulk of them, they look excellent compared with the opposition. Couldn't afford to hire one though, as peak season they're costing upto a grand a fortnight ! So will have to do with my bargain basement Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 expression, that seems to be making knocking noises at the moment over small bumps, but too much hassle to swap it. At least the ACs working well in the 33 degree heat ! :ph34r: I wish I had my Galaxy here though.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ford-Galaxy-Service-...1QQcmdZViewItem ebay
  19. Yes,
  20. They recon on upto 45bhp difference - making a potential 115bhp into 160bhp, but I recon it would be be nearer 35bhp without changing air filter and pushing the remap/engine to the limit. I would like to rolling road test it to find out, but I'd feel a bit daft pulling up at my local boy racers garage in a people carrier for a rolling road test ! :( Adrianf, just promise the wife a trip to the North Yorkshire sea side town of Scarborough with a 30 minute stop off on the way, make a night of it and stop off at the Wrea Head hotel, its very nice there, or there are plenty of caravan sites around there. http://www.englishrosehotels.co.uk/hotel.aspx?hotelid=8
  21. Hi, it was the first Galaxy he had done, so he'll which one it is, my name is James. My remap is very easy to live with, same as before if you want it to be by being less harsh on the accelerator or grunt and torque if you push harder. It is well worth
  22. My MPG is between 33 and 50mpg, depending on style of driving and type of roads/length of journey. Mine has been remapped and still achieves about the same mpg as before, if not slightly better on a long run. Your electric windows shouldn't really dim the head lights, check the voltage output from your battery, as it may be on its way out.
  23. I believe, but may be wrong, that the only engine variants from that time were 90bhp or 115bhp. Anyway, it does sound like it could possibly be the injector, however there are several other things it could be also, I am sure others will suggest a few, sounds like an expensive line of diagnosing it. Does it not show up anything on VAG COM ?
  24. The panel flashes to show that there is a fault on the air conditioning system, the sticky buttons can be pulled off and cleaned, as I did the same when bought mine. The topic of A/C faults is a very very popular one, use the search facility at the top of this page to find answers to your query, or read some of the 220+ replies on the following most popular topic of all time below: :( http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=2227
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