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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jkspoff

  1. Is the booster heater really necessary, is it just for comfort in the cabin and can the glow plugs be accessed without having to remove the whole unit ? i.e. by lying on my back and fiddling with it. ;)
  2. Cookies dont seem to be working for remembering your log on each time.
  3. I had similar problem, turned out to be lost chip, as seen in picture below. Got a new key fob off ebay and had it programmed by Ford.
  4. Where is this glow plug, and how easy is it to replace, easy access ? As mine works occasionally, but not all the time it should. :unsure: Will I need VAG com to reset it once the new plug is installed ?
  5. I wonder what'll happen when your car gets a virus ? Thats the next new thing to hit us with problems ! :wub:
  6. Happy New Year all, hick :wub: :16:
  7. Microsoft and Ford join forces: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article...ESS01/612300331
  8. An interesting link to the largest/highest value companies in the world, Ford rank down at 133rd, whilst a lot of Japanese manufacturers are up there near the top. http://www.forbes.com/lists/2006/18/06f2k_...-2000_Rank.html
  9. Hope you enjoy your new motor, keep us informed of how it goes, maybe a quick review once you've had it a short while so we can maybe consider one too in the future. Why can the Koreans offer such good packages, 5 years servicing, 5 years warranty, maybe its down to the huge scale of these companies and the array of other goods they manufacture too. Some Japanese and Korean companies make the likes of Ford seem small. Hopefully as the market gets more and more competitive over the years then other manufacturers will have to follow suit, and start producing a more reliable product.
  10. What have you done with your booster heater through VAG com ?
  11. Excuse my ignorance on VAG com, but if I invested in one of these leads what would it enable me to do ? I know its been covered previously, but in a nutshell. With the downloaded shareware and my laptop with the lead is that all I need ? :)
  12. It would most probably be a Mazda 5 Furano for me, this one looks good: http://www.mazda.co.uk/Showroom/Mazda5/Maz...ery/Wallpapers/
  13. There is often a central point, not on the sill, where the structure of a vehicle is strong enough to jack from, this is quite normal and can be done on some other cars, just discovered my old TIS disc, and the below diagram shows jacking points by Ford. So obviously not on this model. Answered my own question really ! :) Click to enlarge it.
  14. I want to swap my tyres around, fronts to back, I have a trolley jack, the problem is to make the job easier it would be better to just jack up the Gal from the middle of each side, so I can get access to changing both front and back wheels at the same time, can this be done, as there doesn't appear to be a central side jacking point ?? :)
  15. You seem to be getting very good mpg anyway for winter driving, mine does max 35 around town and upto 48 on long runs, whats your style of driving, town or long journeys ?
  16. DNA off a brick for a car break in, sorry but they're having you on with that one. A fingerprint on the car at the most soco may be able to lift, and get an identification from it, but not off a brick unless it had blood on it, and was inside the vehicle to link it to the crime.
  17. Just surfing some old posts and found this one, what is the 115ps ? Mine specifies 115ps but is this actually still a PD engine ?? :lol:
  18. The sales are no longer any cheaper than shopping around and buying on the internet, I tend to use www.froogle.co.uk to price check a product. The only real bargains are usually clothes, but they're over priced to start with.
  19. Put it this way, it was still dark when the kids finished opening all the presents ! Must make a mental note, no more kids........... HAPPY BOXING DAY.................why so much packaging, we have a small mountain of opened boxes on the driveway now.
  20. I like this, I had to share it, :)
  21. Merry Christmas to all, have a great one, hick hick.........too much ale I think.........now wheres that alka seltzer gone ! Are the years getting shorter ?? :ph34r:
  22. Anyone any more advice on this ? :rolleyes:
  23. Yes mines a PD engine. So maybe it'll fit, thanks for info. Has anyone got a photo of theirs, so I can compare ?
  24. :P ! I wonder if it will fit a Galaxy at all, it is actually meant for a Sharan, but aren't they the same ? The two variants must have slightly different fitments, as the guy with the Sharan AFN engine says it will not fit. But is mine equivalent to a Sharan ANU model ? Sharan 1999 - 2003 1.9 TDI ANU - from the above link from 'tiny'
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