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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jkspoff

  1. For those not going to a display this year, sit back and enjoy these ! :) OOOOOOO, wowwwwwwww etc etc !
  2. My dad used to have a 7 series BMW years ago, the dial bulb went after 3 years and they quoted
  3. Thanks, do you think it will fit a mk2 ? :)
  4. I generally don't need to add any oil between services, the dip stick at worst is half way between min and max. Don't forget that the recommended dip stick markings only need to be between these marks, and if its on the min mark it doesn't mean the engine is running low on oil, only that there isn't much reserve remaining. The oil pressure remains about the same, but it is obviously better to keep it just below the max mark. My remapped ecu engine does between 35 and 50mpg, depending on style of driving/roads. Regular DIY proper 505.01 complete oil changes is the key to a long life/better fuel economy and quiet engine.
  5. You would be better off buying the replacement badges direct from your local Ford dealership parts dept, as they are only
  6. Autoglass and others alike, seem to be the best bet from experience, as that is all they do, day in day out. They've fitted thousands of replacment windscreens with heated elements, and you'd be hard pushed to find a local fitter who knows the job better than them, even on the Galaxy/Sharan/Alhambras. They also offer a 12 month guarantee on all work carried out, under your car insurance. My father in-law had to have all glass replaced in his car when it was vandalised during a small riot in a local town a few years ago ! They did a good job.
  7. Anyone had any dealings with 'mytyres.co.uk' ? I ordered my tyres last week and today spoke to foreign call centre, who then emailed me a poorly written email telling me they would be another week before delivery. Seems a bit poor service so far, maybe I won't bother with them next time, as 2 weeks delivery seems a bit much, when most can do next day delivery. Especially when I'm running on near bald, my fault that bit !
  8. My local Ford dealer also had no idea that the Galaxy was supposed to use 505.01 spec oil, they looked at me as if I was daft, they told me they use the large drum of standard diesel oil in all their servicing of diesel vehicles of all type, YIKES.......... and that was the service manager.........YIKES YIKES ! They didn't even stock the correct oil in their parts department, it had to be ordered in specially. Glad I do all my own oil changes. Just how many people with expensive tdi Galaxy mk1 & 2s are going to be having premature engine failures.
  9. This site could work really well, an excellent idea, but as with any new site it needs lots more customers. Believe it or not I remember when ebay started up, there was hardly anything on it ! So this could be the next big thing. Here's a totally unrelated picture of a ghost, just because it's Halloween :D
  10. On a tight budget before Christmas ! So just ordered two of these from mytyres, Fortuna F2000 215/55 R16 97W XL, fitting is
  11. Its coming to something, when garages can't even do an oil change properly. -_-
  12. I had my Galaxy Tdi cambelt changed at 'NationWide' Garages, they charged
  13. Just a few budget tyre prices, I need 2 new fronts, but are all these reinforced ? as these are what came up on the recommended search, I might try a budget one this time, or is it unsafe false economy ? :D TNG Star Performer Summer tyres UHP 215/55 R16 93V ** With mytyres.co.uk only
  14. I had a blank brand new remote key cut that I bought off ebay by local dealer and programmed to the car for
  15. No its never been a fleet or hire vehicle, I'll try again with it before taking it to dealer, or just make do with the two keys. :angry:
  16. Hi, yes its a black key with the chip still in it. I have tried the procedure several times but with no luck. I'm not convinced that its even entering the programming mode. The key does turn the ignition and opens the doors, but just won't de-immobilise. The other two radio keys do the lot and work ok. The key did work a while back, which is whats confusing me, why would it loose its code ?
  17. Sorry, I mean radio remote keys. I have 2 of these working ok, but a third non-radio key that came with it that doesn't.
  18. I have 2 infra red remote keys that work perfectly, in the ignition and opening/closing, I have the original 'master' key that is not programmed. I've tried the above procedure with this 'master' key, but cannot get it to program. Does anyone know of another method for a non-remote master key, other than taking it to Ford and being charged the earth. :D
  19. Yes, now its out of Beta format and the bugs have been smoothed out its a fine browser. About time the most used browser in the world got a facelift, afterall its taken quite some years, but they've finally done it. Now looking forward to Vista OS next. :D
  20. The new IE7 is now available to download and upgrade from IE6, its no longer Beta trial either. I've just installed it and theres quite a few nice new features. Heres the link if you decide to download it. The transition is smooth, imports all your old stuff into the new version. :lol: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/default.mspx or have a tour of the new features here: http://www.microsoft.com/uk/windows/ie/ie7...re/default.mspx
  21. He did it by gaining access from behind the dent, apparently the best and only proper way of removing them 100%. The rear dent on the boot lid was accessed by removing the interior trim and the lock mechanism, dent removed using small rod and light rubber headed hammer, plus roller. I didn't watch the whole procedure but is 100% perfect now. He does many main dealers too.
  22. Just had a rear 3/4 nearside dent removed from a car door prang, by a local firm, I never thought that it would be as good as it is now. There is no way you would ever notice the dent being there. It was the usual 2 inch long indentation. Also a dent in the boot lid next to the handle, where I had shut the lid a bit too hard and put a nice hand heel dent across it, removed without a trace.
  23. Its most likely the above issue is the actual steering wheel itself, when mine was under warranty it creaked a lot, it turned out to be the steel/plastic steering wheel frame. Replaced and was perfect after that.
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