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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by buford_t_justice

  1. This BOSCH ECU quoted is the one we have in the TDI's isn't it?? So, I dare you !! Preferably someone who's car is still under warranty! Then we'll split the cost between us all and before you know a re-map will be costing about
  2. have a look at item number 300048608556 on EBAY. Who dares to be the first to do it DIY style ??
  3. why not try the dealers??? it's an exchange part.
  4. Glad yours is back working. This may well be a (another) weakness on the Galaxy. The garage who repaired my car were unsympathetic to say the least and simply claimed this was a normal wear and tear part. :rolleyes:
  5. In the photo on the left, the section of drive shaft replaced on mine was the one that goes into the gearbox. It also apparently needed another part which sits inside the gearbox and connect to the driveshaft. All yours for
  6. I currently using Mio Map v3.2 (similar to iGO 2006). Over the past few years it's always been TomTom through my IPAQ including the latest V6. I've tried Co-Pilot, Navigon, Destinator, Route66 to name but a few and always came back to TomTom but I must say MioMap seems to have the edge for me just now. The reason for asking about the Ford/VW MFD unit is that just recently I had the loan of Vauxhall Vectra with SatNav built-in. The bigger screen was great compared to the IPAQ and although it didn't appear to offer 3D viewing whilst driving it made me wonder how good or bad the Ford version was given that in technology terms it's quite old now and the Vauxhall unit was brand new. Keep the comments coming!
  7. Would somebody who has had or currently has experience of both the Ford MFD Sat Nav and 3rd party items such as TomTom be kind enough to post their comments about each one? I currently use the likes of TomTom and would be interested to know what you think of the Ford system, which you prefer, graphics, POI's, user-friendly, etc..... Thanks.
  8. Except when it's Michelin - usually the most expensive, and definitely no longer anywhere near the best - you are paying an awful lot for the name. I run Michelin's just now and have no issues with them at all and at
  9. Mileage is 55k and only 3 weeks out of warranty! TBH I can't be bothered wasting my time with Ford. It took me long enough last time to get some money out of them for the alloys and the thought of starting on them again for this doesn't bear thinking about. From now on I will be taking the path of least resistance!!
  10. You may have suffered exactly the same fault mine failed on last night. We were happily driving along with the cruise on at 60mph. Next minute the grinding noise you described and we slowly ground to a halt. Fortuntely managed to pull into a lay-by otherwise it would have been pretty hairy. The RAC guy checked a few things but couldn't find the fault so they recovered us home. Sent the car off to the local Ford garage today who diagnosed a failed offside driveshaft and associated bits. Apparently the end of the driveshaft has worn down where it meshes in with the gearbox. End result = a wallet that is
  11. So in that case what we are saying here then is that vehicles supplied without a spare wheel as standard are not suitable for use as a taxi?? (given current rules regarding a spare wheel)
  12. Cheers Gooner, got a spare and a jack from the main dealers for a couple of hours yesterday. Went back to test centre..........tester guy looked in the back window at spare and informed me "that was fine"........... :blink: so will have to do the same next year Cant wait to hear the uk cabbies read on this saga! so you now have to keep this with you ? rolling around in the back No...........it must be there for the test.........will have to do the same next year unless the criteria changes! Eh??? Obviously the intention is for you to have a spare wheel all year round not just on the day of the test, no matter what the current test criteria allow you to get away with, so why not just keep a spare wheel all year round. Yes I realise this will mean a wheel occupying part of the boot space but so what !!
  13. Would this be door mirrors that electrically fold in?? If so how easy is this job to do and how much should I expect to pay for the parts?? Thanks.
  14. aaa aa
  15. This is a drivers side seat. Ford did not make an integrated child seat for the middle.
  16. I have for sale a brand new RHS Galaxy seat with the integrated child seat facility. The seat is in a black leather trim, with the tags still on it. I'd like to offer it to forum members first and failing that will advertise it on EBay shortly. Postage will be
  17. The tensioner and idler must be also done on your car at the same time as the belt. Check back on any receipts you have for work done or ask the dealer to produce a copy invoice for the work.
  18. Just spoken to Ford HQ and they confirm my car was built Sep'03. The 17th to be precise! It was then first registered Oct'03. So there we have it !! AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!! Changed the timing belt 20,000miles to soon !!!!!!!
  19. try putting your reg mark in this baby: http://www.rac.co.uk/web/vehiclechecks/dvla_lookup/ I've used that website before. The date of manufacture is the same as the date of first registration. That's obviously not it.
  20. It was registered Oct'03. From the VIN plate I can see that it was manufactured in 2003 but how do I determine the month??
  21. I have just visited the following site which provides information regarding service intervals : http://www.etis.ford.com/fordservice/serviceScheduleForm.do and discover the following about cambelt intervals: TDI 04/2000- 05/2003 change cambelt, tensioner and idler every 40,000miles TDI 06/2003 - 03/2006 change cambelt every 60,000miles and the tensioner and idler every 120,000miles I don't believe it !!! Ford swore blind mine needed changing at 40,000miles and so I got the job done (at an independent to save money) and now it looks like I didn't need it at all!!!!!! Your comments appreciated.
  22. can you put the old cluster back in a read the code from that??
  23. I've tried supermarket fuels, Shell Diesel Ultra and BP Ultimate. Supermarket fuels always deliver about 3-4mpg less for me compared to the Shell or BP fuel without fail. BP Ultimate and Shell Diesel Ultra were no different (noise included) except that the BP fuel is about 12p/litre dearer where I live. Don't know what the pricing structure is like where you live but for me Shell charge the same price as the supermarkets so I would never go anywhere else. 97.9p/litre
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