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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by buford_t_justice

  1. do your brake lights work okay?
  2. Have you tried running the diagnostics on the AUTO HVAC module in VAG-COM? i.e. running the compressor etc... However don't expect any miracles here. Low pressure is just that and will be either due to a genuine leak in the system or a natural reduction in pressure over time. Do you have any information regarding when your system was last re-gassed ( if at all )?? You are indeed correct that the volume can be adjusted in VAG-COM but I'm not too sure about the sensitivity. However I can't remember how I did it!! I remember it saying how you could adjust the tone of both the front and rear speaker. I will try and get a look tomorrow evening and see what I can find. Thanks for the pic of the bumper protector strip. Those aluminium ones on EBAY look shite and although I knew about the Ford item yours is the first car I have seen it on. A trip to the dealer now due!
  3. They'll have no problem replacing the compressor. During the manufacturer warranty for mine they replaced the condensor and pressure switch. The reliability of these vehicles is rediculous. I can't wait to get shut !!
  4. Google search is a wonderful tool !! :lol: And like my signature says, "Everything now easy was once hard" !!
  5. I stand corrected. Thanks for the info. I've just read a comment on a VW Passat forum about low oil warning and the only way the VW garage could cancel the warning message (after replacing a level sensor) was to disconnect the car battery for the 30 seconds. After that message had gone ! Worth a try?
  6. The red Oil warning bulb in the instrument cluster is for oil pressure, not the oil level. The only instrument available to measure oil level on a MK2 Galaxy is the dip-stick. Assuming the oil pressure sender and other various components are working correctly, your engine oil pressure is too low. Don't drive it whatever you do. It could seize !! How much oil came out when you were changing the oil today?
  7. a fill up for me is usually 60litres, so about 47MPG. Currently struggling to make 40MPG.
  8. Fuel consumption : HIGH Output @ 5KW = 0.62litres/hr :blink: LOW Output @ 2.2KW = 0.27litres/hr :blink: This now helps to explain why in the last month as temps have dropped I'm struggling to get 520miles from a tank of diesel when I normally achieve 630miles!!!
  9. My initial thoughts suggest that it may be the flame sensor that is at fault here. I'll need to dig out the multimeter and test it. The blower works fine, the fuel metering pump is fine and there are no blockages in the exhaust as far as I can see. A faulty glow plug is ruled out as the problem here is the flame going out and not the other way round. Anybody replaced the flame sensor before and do Ford sell it individually?
  10. Welcome to the "booster heater failure" club ! Do you have access to a fault code reader? Where are you based as other members, including myself, could read the codes for you.
  11. Hi All, Thought I would do a quick VAG-COM due to the booster heater recently having a few goes at puffing the magic dragon. Yesterday evening was the worst when we were stuck in a motorway jam for nearly an hour. The booster heater decided to play up and ended up smoking so much no car would travel behind me!! I had two cars go by letting me know that my car was smoking!! So VAG-COM reports the following: VAG-COM Version: Release 607.3-UD Control Module Part Number: 7M3 815 071 A Component and/or Version: HEIZG. B/D5W 0001 Software Coding: Work Shop Code: 1 Fault Found: 01409 - Repeated Flame-Out 35-00 - - My first thought before using VAG-COM was that the glowplug was on its way out but I don't see how this can cause a "flame out" message. Also, this unit was replaced completely by Ford about 15months ago. Do these units have "magic eyes" and so maybe this is the fault here?? All comments and help much appreciated. Hijacker.
  12. Ford do okay for batteries some times. I bought a heavy duty Silver Calcium last weekend with a 3year warranty for
  13. turn the light on. it's dark outside ! :)
  14. Would this Ecotek Powerboost stuff make it to the EGR Valve and help clean out the build up of soot ??
  15. I kinda said that to him as well. He didn't seem too impressed. Claimed it could have happened for all sorts of reasons!!
  16. oops. hit the wrong button.
  17. Over the last 2.5 yrs that I have had my Galaxy I have on occasion had to fill up at the Supermarket stations, usually Tesco and Asda. On each of these occasions, I have without fail seen average of 4-5MPG reduction. Didn't really notice any change in performance or engine noise just outright lower MPG. Bog standard diesel has a minimum cetane of 51. Shell Diesel Extra guarantees a minimum cetane rating of 55 (similar to BP Ultimate) and so the improved MPG will stem from here.
  18. Shell "V Power" fuel and the likes would be wasted in the 2.0 and 2.3 petrol engines. Your starting point for getting anything out of this higher octane fuel is an engine which is already tuned up. Scooby, Focus ST, etc..... Don't worry about endorsing certain fuel brands because it's already a fact that supermarket fuels are crap compared to the major brands. Who cares about Clubcard points???? Spend
  19. I'll second that !!
  20. Have you bought through Ford Direct?? What model did you get? Please update your signature with vehicle details. Thanks.
  21. Who would that be then?? He sounds like a right bundle of laughs !! :blink: :huh:
  22. For the VW Diesel users though, we'll just need the cheaper unit, available @
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