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Everything posted by buford_t_justice

  1. Thanks for the photos Gary, they have helped a lot. From your second photo I also see I will need to source a leather gaitor for the handbrake as the plastic one that was on before no longer fits.
  2. I'm currently installing the components for the OEM DVD Multimedia kit and have the following issues which I hope some of you can help me with. ;) (1) What is the correct way to install the centre console ? I have everything attached inside it (i.e. the metal bracket with the DVD Player and black box attached) but when I offer it up the floor of the car the base of the handbrake seems to get in the way, resulting in it overhanging the air vents by an inch or so. Any advice on what should happen here and if possible some photos? (2) How did you get the cables up the back of the seats and out at the top? I can manage to get the cable half way up the back of the seat and pop out at one of the brackets for the tables but can't figure out how to make it to the top. Thanks.
  3. The Ford Direct Warranty on my Galaxy is due to expire in a couple of months. It was in this week (now twice in the last 4 weeks) for a new brake switch. (after suffering the old Engine Workshop message and flashing glow plug). The first visit this month was for a replacement EGR. However back to the point of this post............ I managed to persuade the Ford Mechanic to replace the MAF sensor by complaining about flat spots whilst under acceleration. My personal reason for getting this done was no other than it's bound to fail at some time so why not try and get them to change it under warranty. WOW, what a difference. I wasn't expecting anything to be different but the change is very noticeable. The thing is I've only done 44k miles so in future I'm thinking of including a MAF sensor change now every 30-35k and keep the performance of the engine in top order. Your comments on changing every 35k miles ??
  4. I've used my Pela6000 extraction pump now for over 2 years and think it's great. I change the oil and filter every 5000miles and it makes the whole process that much quicker. Remember to make sure your oil is very warm/hot when you suck it out to aid this process and also ensure that any solids in the oil are held in suspension and successfully removed. I tend to do two oil changes with the pump and the third from underneath just so the sump plug washer is renewed. See the following video (not of me!!) doing this: http://pics2.tdiclub.com/video/cincitdi/oilextraction.html
  5. kind of obvious questions but: (1) any changes in normal places of driving? (2) checked your tyre pressures?
  6. Dodgy Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh? We know your heart's in the right place
  7. FYI: Ford issues recall for Galaxy models 09 May 2006
  8. As I recall the A/C Pressure switch was replaced in either January or early Feburary. It was replaced under the Ford Warranty but would have cost
  9. The faults you describe and timeline almost mimmick the problems I've had with my air-con. The order of mine was: (1) Whispering noise by glovebox. Ford diagnose low pressure and regas. (2) 2 weeks later, whispering noise again. Ford diagnose cracked condensor. Regas and ok. (3) 4 weeks later, whispering noise again!! Ford diagnose faulty A/C Pressure Switch. Regas and ok. Since then has been fine but I guess it's only a matter of time!!
  10. Matt, you might want to check the compressor sooner rather than later. if there's no telling how long it's been out of service for it may have seized and that's going to cost big bucks to replace. hope you have a warranty if this is the case. Grim Reaper.
  11. oh well, at least it's working again. Welcome to the forum !! :lol:
  12. eh.......disconnect the belt?? why don't they just run it in ECON mode and therefore no compressor?? some people are so tight !!!
  13. no probs, although any ideas why this might have happened?
  14. my wife drives a similar mileage in a year. for no specific reason, I just change the oil and filter every 6months for the sake of a few quid.
  15. are your interior lights and heated screens not working either? if so, check the fuse box in the engine bay. open the lid and look at the fuse nearest the slam panel. i think its a 3amp fuse. expect to find this fuse blown. you haven't been tinkering with the battery at all? PS: What's a Galaxy 120 TDi ??
  16. Don't you just love Ford !! They are so dumb !! :blink: I used to put Forumla E in my old Zetec Ford engines. They don't know he-haw about the VW TDI and yet they insist it is correct and they use it whilst servicing. "Just comes out of one drum" is what they usually say. I'll keep an eye out for the photo. Good luck with your clutch replacement. :blink:
  17. I wonder if Ford have got this right Marky?? :blink: I've bought PD oil from both Ford and VW in the last 8 months and they have always supplied semi-synthetic. My local Ford garage has also had to order the oil in so I don't think it's old stock lying around. The Ford guy agreed the FINIS number had changed and the price has also gone up but couldn't explain why!!
  18. that's right. with no cd autochanger in the boot they default the radio to a Ford 6006 radio/CD as standard.
  19. See thread below: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...t=0entry34597 I have VAG-COM and have enabled this feature a several VW's. However on the Galaxy/Sharan/Alhambra the module required is not accessible and so cannot be modified.
  20. the bezel and cap are for the seat. its where the rubber boot from the headrest meets the top of the seat. I'll take your advice on the screws and just use my own. thanks.
  21. what exactly is the third multiplug for on the back of the DVD drive? When I say third I mean the top one.
  22. thanks for the info. all I need to do now is source a few more parts and then fit everything !! :)
  23. What are the options for diverting sound from the Ford Multimedia DVD System through the door speakers instead of through the headphones?? Which would you recommend? Thanks.
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