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Everything posted by jamesey

  1. this is a thought , i thought i had to have the bodywork checked througout the 6 years dont i??ive just got it and theres no record of any body checks
  2. theres no accident damage but my sharan 2003 reg is rusting and bubling everywhere , my mk1 p reg was in better nik , its going on the rear arches , cills and bottom of the front wings im not impressed ;)
  3. hi ive just had my aircon charged up at the vw garage and the compressor kick in no problems , my mate there put some dye in aswell , it didnt feel cold at all just normal , the clutch was going round and the fans kicked in as they should so no problems here , then after a day or so i saw some green dye on the biggest pipe coming off the copressor , i took the under tray off and wiped it to find there was an airline crack in the pipe , has anyone ever had this before , can i repair the pipe anywhere as the new pipes are
  4. cheers for the great responces , the noise tend to be around 35 to 60 mph more noticable on smooth roads seems noisier when braking , ive got some non decript tyres on , they were v rated directional tyres on the fron and some extra load tyres on the rear , ive swapped them around but the noise is still there , im having the n/s bearing done next saturday , if not i dont know what to do , i might have to wait till it gets worse , its really anoyying a contiuos drone , ill be asleep driving down to cornwall on the 30th ;)
  5. no it didnt , and it didnt do it after the service either , its just gradually got worse in the last 2 weeks or so
  6. this is just what mines doing. mine is exactly the same perfect on slow take up but put my foot down it seems to hold back then it like cuts out for a split second , ive just put a mann filter from gsf on mine but its been ok for a week or so prior to doing that im going down corwall and am worried it wont make it , please let me know what you find , cheers jon
  7. i have got some audi a4 alloys on my sharan and im running extra load tyres 205/55/16 what pressures should these have in , thanks
  8. yes why whats that got to do with flat spots??? ;)
  9. yes i did it myself all new filters air , oil , fuel. theres a little paper filter near the airbox that looks dirty think its for the vaccumm system , is there any issues with these
  10. its just had a service my freind ;)
  11. ive a auy 115 tdi sharan and somtimes when i accelarate hard in 2nd and 3rd it seems to pull ok then it like cuts out for a split second then its ok again , what could that be , i get no engine light up or anything. im off to cornwall in 3 weeks and hope its nothing to worry about.
  12. well ive had my drivers side bearing changed and it still drones what the hell can it be ^_^ it does it at low speeds , more noticable on a smooth road , im going to put the wheels on the back to see if that changes anything , could it be the bearing on the drivers driveshaft??????????? what a waste of money the new bearing and labour was :angry:
  13. It's not too bad, but not the easiest job either. Watch that pinch bolt! The bearing can growl without any play, so feel for any roughness - it's not as easy to determine which side is the problem on the front. i think its the drivers side as i drive it about 40mph and swerve it sounds more severe as i swerve towards the kerb so its when the weight is on the drivers side , the bearings are only
  14. cheers it sounds easy , ive just bought a bearing kit from gfs it cost
  15. ive got a droning on the front end ive just had a drive shaft but its still there when i spin the wheels the drivers side feels more notchy than the passenger side , there no play in either of them so i expect its the o/s one , do i have to take the whole leg off to change it like im told or is there a cheats way of doing it , my sharan is a 03 plate thanks
  16. my iso leads that have the speaker wires in only have 4 wires in for the front speaker inputs not the rears , so ive got 2 chanels on my crap beta unit powering 4 speakers in the 4 doors
  17. ive just changed the oil in my sharan and i took the engine top cover off and the foam had been eaten away also it had built a nest under the wiper linkage area yuk yuk yuk what can i do i hate mice , i dont think theres any in the car and i cant see any wire damage YET :D
  18. wes just the wheel bearing number we may have one on the shelf at work for instance my jimny has a koyo 60213 wheel bearing.
  19. hi ive got a mk2 sharan and need the part or bearing numbers to see if we have them at work , mine is a 03 plate sharan , i need front and rear bearing numbers please if anyone can help , thanks
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=320358097250
  21. the cv boot is empty , its still got oily grease in there but the cv boot is ripped so i cant grease it up with out putting a new boot on , the wobble im feeling is the shaft i can look at where the shaft goes in on the gearbox and as soon as i turn the wheel it moves ok back and forth , when i do it on the passenger side there is play cause the box isnt moving , so it sounds like a shaft for me , where can i get one at a resonable price , a guy on fleebat wants
  22. just had a good look and ive found the inner cv boot split on the passengers side , its just passed its test at that aswell ive a good mind to get the garage do it that tested it as they could get into trouble for that , its old oil aswell , i wonder if the joint has seized up thats why its grinding??
  23. no idont get any clicking sound on full lock but ive gone out this morning and it doesnt do it , it only does it when it gets warm ??
  24. sorry ive put this in the wrong section should have been in mk2
  25. hi i have a vw sharan mk2 and frankley im dissapointed with the ice set up it has a beta tape deck and a 6 disc front loader , basiclly the sound is crap so ive taken it out and fitted my mp3 sony headunit , crancked the volume up and that sounds crap aswell not like in my mk 1 alhambra. ive unplugged the headunit speaker wires and noticed there is only 4 wires going to the vws iso fitting , so i have all 4 speakers from the front outputs if that makes sence , also it resets everytime i turn the ignition off , i didnt need an iso lead as the sharans loom just plugged straght into my sony set up , what can i do to get 4 speaker working on the head unit properly , has anyone else suffered with this , thanks
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