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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jamesey

  1. my remote doesnt work so i have to lock the car with the key and the dead locks come on every time i turn the key to the rear of the car , how do i lock the car without putting the alarm/dead locks on??
  2. :wacko: what do you think of gordon brown and his penny pinching money grabber that plague all our lives with high prices on fuel and everything really , the last few months prices have rocketed on just about everything , whats your thoughts please
  3. ive ended up taking the wires off the horn thats under the windscreen scoop because i didnt get a reply , thanks for all the advise :wacko:
  4. thats all i wanted to know funny buger :16:
  5. did you not read the 1st wersion , where all this bonnet light come from who mentioned that , I HAVE A LITTLE PICTURE OF A CAR ON MY DASH DISPLAY THAT TELLS ME WHEN A DOOR IS OPEN OR AJAR , SHOULD THERE BE ONE FOR THE BONNET AS ALL FOUR DOORS LIGHT A DOOR UP AND SO DOES THE BOOT , is that more simple for you to understand , does anyone else know what i mean cause i think mk2vr6 doesnt
  6. hi im having trouble finding out why my alarm keeps going off so for the easyist ill be disconecting my alarm horn ive tried looking in each rear compartment but the left is full of heater bits and the right has the jack and stuff in it , help me please
  7. ive just bought the car and looked under the seat and it all looks dry to me but whos to say it hasnt been wet at sometime , theres a seat the same model at our scrapper , if i take the module off that will it be a straght swap or will it need marrying to my car do you know?? :16:
  8. very funny :16: :) :) :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: , obviosley yours doesnt have a catch mechanism them id get that looked at then :angry:
  9. hi my alhambra doesnt flash the indicators when i lock the car (should they??) also when i open the bonnet the little car on the dash doesnt tell me i have the bonnet open should this tell me i have?? thanks
  10. hi all my door lights light up on the dash exept when my bonnet is open , should the little car on the dash display tell me i have the bonnet open , mine is a 96 alhambra
  11. did you find out how to shut the alarm off as im having the same trouble , thanks
  12. hi when i lock my alhambra within 20 mins the alarm is going off i know its a immobilizer problem but i cant let it keep going off all the time ill end up with a flat battery can anyone tell me what fuse , relay or where the horn for the alarm is , i know its not the normal horn as it sounds different , thanks for the help :16:
  13. im tinting them black before the summer anyway
  14. nice one tiny thanks , i was lucky to get the colour i wanted , the only other hard bit to change over is the door doesnt have any regulater in it i have to change it from my door to fit on to the new one , do you think i could salvage any bits from the old door and flogg em on flee bay ie the locking solinoid , or the window glass ect .
  15. hi my rear passenger door is creased :D big time , ive come across a winsor blue galaxy rear door the same colour as my seat and wondered what is involved in swapping the doors over , thanks in advance :wacko:
  16. if it has remote locking there should be a little ball shaped sensor just on the roof lining behind the interior mirror , im after a key at the moment for mine i know if you want a full key you will have to get the chip inside coded to start your car i think timpsons can do this for you quite resonable aswell , as for coding it to open the doors have a look in the FAQ section
  17. ive changed the batterys and it lights the led hit and miss , its as though the battery is going flat on it also it will programme once work once then not after that until i programme it again
  18. hi my seat remote has died and wondered if i can just buy another from ebay and programme the remote bit myself with the key in the lock turn 3 times method , as i dont need the chip programming as all ill be doing is swapping the remote bit??
  19. nice one ill get one of those cheers
  20. ehat iso lead should i use to put my kenwood in???
  21. cheers ill save the link in my favorites :rolleyes:
  22. ill try swapping the switches around that will eliminate the switch
  23. dont think im daft but wheres that forum ive looked at my main menu and cant find the FAQ section
  24. hi im after 2 things really my seat had a 2007 rds radio in it , it is identical to a ford 2007 but just badged up as a seat unit with different serial numbers so the ford calculater doesnt work on it . ive been to the scrappys and bought a proper ford 2007 rds radio out of a ford scorpio and fitted it , but now the steering wheel stalk doesnt work , when i pluged the small wire into the back of the head unit the display just said "phone" and it will not do anything else until i pull this plug back out what does thid mean?????????????????? also if i decide to get rid of this radio and fit my cd player what is the correct iso adapter to fit , mine is the setup with the ford amp in it , so it has a wierd speaker plug it looks like a data cable with a plug on the end
  25. i work nights and my new 1996 alhambra is messing with the neighbours sleep , i get home at about 630 am and when i lock the car up with the key within 20 mins the alarm is activated, ive had it plugged into a vw machine and it came up a turn signal low power fault and a immobilizer fault now when i lock the car or when the alarm is sounding the lights never indicators never flash , should they? where do i start with this one , i do have accsess to a w reg alhambra at the scrap yard for bit so i can replace anybit you think are at fault its just knowing where they are
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