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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jamesey

  1. hi ive got a mk 2 auy 115 bhp and its off the road while i do the brakes and rad , im going to clean the turbo and the egr system , can the egr system be blanked off without any e light probs? also has anyone done a how to on this , cheers
  2. a ball ache , not like the old minis 2nuts out and in in half an hour ;)
  3. it should say on the side of the key , or on your remote control module in the car where ever that is , ive also got a seat ibiza with no remote key i was changing the ignition barrel last weekend and come across a black box with an aerial on it , on the box told me the deatails of the key i need , id had thought its the same as a galaxy , ive no idea where the box is , someone will be alsong to answer that soon. hope this helped ;)
  4. ive got a remote infa red key from a 1999 gal , its a siemens it doesnt say whether its a 97/98 5k7w one it says g104 582c on the side of the key , anybody need one , offers.
  5. theres one on ebay now
  6. cheers chris , i tackle it tommorow , do you think it would be best to remove thee complete slam / front panel to get all 3 rads out , rad , a/c , intercooler. im all for doing things easy ;)
  7. hi ive just ordered a rad , a condensor and a dryer for them , are they ok , quality wise? its a big job removing the front bumper and the slam panel id hate to be doing it again while ive got the car. :)
  8. :) theres got to be someone out there that knows how to take a mk2 front bumper off , ive got tomorrow off so would like to know for then please , the mk1 has 2 hex bolts behind the reg number , mine doesnt , it seems to be stuck on somthing near the wheel liners i can see a bolt thread on both sides , does the skin come off before the bumper bar?? , im doing my rad and the condensor and dryer tomorrow , do you think it would be best to remove the whole front panel?? :)
  9. what about a front mk 2 removal?
  10. ive got on it with chrome , it explains how to remove the front bumper from a mk1 , ive undone the 3 clip fixings underneath and taken the 4 bolts out of each wheel arch liner that fasnes to the bumper , ive even taken the black insert out that houses the parking sensors looking for screws underneath with no joy , does the skin separate from the bumper bar , im totally stuck and ive only just started , ive got the 3 rads to move and take off after that.
  11. hi im fed up of my intercooler dripping oil , not too bad but my
  12. hi with my rad problems ive got to take the front end to bits on my 2002 galaxy , ive got a few drips of oil on my drive every few days or so its coming from where the plastic hose connectors meet the aluminium , its coming off anyway can these be repaired , new ones are
  13. yes ill try chrome or firefox , cheers
  14. if i use kseal id be afraid it might leak on my cornwall treck , it would always be at the back of my mind , i need a intercooler anyway , i cant get onto the how tos for some reason for taking the front bumper off , ive taken all the screws out , but it still wont come , ive got parking sensors and driving lamps
  15. its coming from the bottom of the rad on the drivers side mines a 115 model auy engine so i think it will need a new rad , im taking the front bumper off or trying to take it off , ive undone all the screws and its loosened it but it still wont budge , ive called it a day for tonight ill carry on tomorrow with it , any clue how to take it off as i need a new intercooler as the plastic to metal joints are leaking oil plus i think i need a new condenser aswell the top plug leaked this summer and i lost all the gas so if im stripping the front down i might aswell do all 3 , do i have to remove the front panel???
  16. eh wheres that come from? all i need to know is how to do my rad and if there anything i need to know? cheers seatkid
  17. no defo antifreeze my a/c doesnt work plus its a sweet taste like antifreeze is . lol
  18. hi ive got a 2002 tdi zetec galaxy its been off the road for 2 months for some work for the test like anti roll bar links and rear discs and pads , i got it started and then noticed it was dripping antifreeze from the bottom drivers side running off the intercooler , i think its the radiator ,what are these like to do mine has a/c has anyone got a how 2 , and what are the ebay ones like for
  19. hi ive looked at the wires and where they plug into the inner wing i took the rubber boot up and the black wire was snapped off from the connection inside the plug , ive bodged it and the light has gone off (both lights) , it seems i cant buy a new loom without buying a sensor aswell as it goes straight into the sensor then splits off to the pad wear plug , does anyone know if a golf wire loom for the abs is the same ill just chopp one of at the scrappy and solder it up , job done lol
  20. it didnt do it before the garage had it , they have put new springs on the front and now its on , i shouldnt have to folk out more on it.
  21. hi ive put my vagcom in and it came up with error 00283 abs wheel speed signal left front performance range g47 , anyone any ideas where to look for this fault , i cant erase it and ive been over 70 mph , it still lights up , without taking the wheel off i can see 2 wires going from the pads to a wire on the car and theres another wifre plugged into the rear of the caliper area , they all seem to be plugged in. any more help would be great
  22. hi ive taken my car to a garage to lower my galaxy they had a right job doing the front struts like i thought they would , i did the rears , now hes done it he says the abs and pad wear lights are on and wont go off , hes checked the connections and said there all sound , anyone any idea what could have happened before i go to pick it up and pay for the work. cheers :)
  23. hi ive just had a few problems with the gal and ive noticed theres no eng managment light that illuminates , i just wanted to check to see if theres a bulb out or if somones damaged somthing , but how the hell do i get the speedo head out theres no fixings or anything :rolleyes:
  24. I've got some spare sensors if there any good to you
  25. hi ive got a week left on my warrenty and from day 1 its been on and off into limp mode , its a vagcom 17965 fault , ive bought a
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