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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mk2vr6

  1. OMFG! yes its natural, your dropping a cog, flooring the throttle and dumping nearly 200 bhp through the front wheels, while trying to drag nearly 2 ton of metal down the road! its called torque steer and wheel spin, the little light on the dash is telling you not to drive like a muppet :blush: get the tyres replaced with something decent, throw out all the crap your carrying, like the rear seats that dont get used, and unhook that plastic shed off the back :16:
  2. sounds like your breather valve is sticking?no such thing as an overflow valve! the only think stopping you overfilling your tank is the click off valve in the filler nozzle and the price of fuel other wise you would pump fuel all over the forcourt! if it was the return pipe it would pee out constantly when you fired up the engine! you could pull the inspection plate in the floor and take a look at the hoses and check for leaks?
  3. climate control or old school controls? if old school with the old rotary knobs with the recirc button in the fan speed knob then its possible the switch is playing up or the connection leaking? the recirc switch flap is operated via the vacume off the engine, check the recirc flap/switch is working ok? if not? its not the end of the world and it can wait till the new year to get sorted http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/OTAwWDE2MDA=/z/ls8AAOSw0vBUhN~Z/$_57.JPG
  4. yes its possible! you may how ever find that you will need to either fold the rear seats down or remove them altogether to get it in the back though :D
  5. wot? sounds like an interlink fault? cant remember fully how they work on the galaxy? but I think there is a switch on the brake pedal and on the shift lever? ? on my truck there is a cable linkage between the shift lever and brake pedal, you have to stomp on the pedal before you can shift gear! try moving the shifter lever back and forth while you turn the key? as for the display turning red????? probably need the codes reading? and thats why I love my JEEP :) flick the ignition key a few times and all the fault codes pop up on the dash display :) job done
  6. you mean this bit? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ford-Galaxy-Vw-Sharan-Fan-Motor-Control-/151270227082?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Car+Make%3AFord%7CModel%3AGalaxy&hash=item2338687c8a or this bit? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1998-MK1-FORD-GALAXY-1-9TDI-DIESEL-RADIATOR-FAN-RESISTOR-FAN-CONTROL-FUSE-RELAY-/181375795088?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2a3ad6ff90
  7. IIRC? it's one of the sensors in the stat housing its either blue, yellow or black? there's a couple of sensors located in there! http://www.gsfcarparts.com/parts/cooling-heating/cooling-system/coolant-temperature-sensor
  8. first off you have to understand how the bulb warning light system works, it will remain on till it see's the brake light bulbs, until you hit the brake pedal it will stay on to signal a failed bulb/s! now if its going off and you say the brake lights dont work then start at the brake light switch and see if its ok? try resetting it and then start pulling the tail gate/rear lights apart to see where the voltage isnt going?
  9. |1 3 5 | | 2 4 6|
  10. there is a shed load of pipes on a VR6! but your probably looking at the thermostat housing and sensor housing? its a plastic section that is known to crack and leak! try this link... for the 12v VR6 http://www.gti-vr6.net/library/engine/repl_VR6_therm_housing.html or http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?5773563-UroTuning-com-Ultimate-Thermostat-Housing-Kit-Mk3-VR6-79-99 or a 24V housing... usa after market http://www.ecstuning.com/Volkswagen-Jetta_IV--VR6_24v/Engine/ES4196/ try gfs or euro carparts for one a little more local :)
  11. either will do, you can mix it up a bit but dont over do it! if you doing a full oil change? unless your going to strip the block down and wipe up every last drop of remaining oil? there's no way you wont mix them up, just dont over do it as you'll be reducing the quality of the higher spec/costing fully synth oil with out looking the specs up IIRC the only real difference if the fully bit and the fact that the 5w will remain thinner at lower temps, which isnt really a problem here in the uk
  12. depends? if your car has been running on 5w40 then go for it, if not try 10w40, but then if you topping up and sticking 5w40 into mineral oil, then you may have issues! the two dont mix well! something about polysomthings not reacting too well with the old dino oil!
  13. central locking relay for rear hatch and fuel flap lock
  14. easy enough job, you'll need the motors, the trim panels, the switches for the dash some crimps and a length of cable..... the hardest bit will be finding the global closure feed to shut them via the remote locking, best option is to hit a breakers and see if you can get the switches and the loom plugged into them :ninja: take your side cutters, then its just a case of running a feed to the switches via your new offcut of loom and running a pair back to the motors, you wont need the plugs for these as you can use spade connectors for the hook up have fun :)
  15. bin the 6006 and drop a 6000 in, 6006 are prone to failure and have no aux input, the 6000 unit has a mute connection unlike the 6006 and iirc should just be straight swap
  16. did you inform the insurance company? that seat now belongs to them! if you sell it and profit from the sale you are committing an act of fraud! good man :) about time someone got their own back on the robbing scum :ninja:
  17. the last time I logged in I had some warning points! :glare: it's not the same without them :( I have them on our village forum and thats for saying that someones away with the fairies :lol: in a heated discussion about windfarms so, who have I got to offend around here to get a warning? greggers. your ugly and smell of wee mumof4. i think I've said it all before so no point repeating myself :P got it blanket insult ... the new mark 3 galaxy isnt a real mpv! nope that wont do it as everyone already knows that ah bollards to it :ph34r:
  18. http://www.towcar.info/advise_2.php?merk=Ford&serie=Galaxy&periode=1
  19. is it still a one use only kit? do you have you go back to the dealers and buy another hose once you use the sealant goo? and is it true that your limited to 50mph once you fill the tyre with the sealant and you HAVE to replace said tyre within 120 miles! and it screws up the tps system! ...... they call that progress? I blame all those TDI owners
  20. I still have compressor and bottle of tyre gunk from when I had the VR6 on lpg! the only time in the 7 years we had to the take the wheels off were to replace the tyres due to wear or when the mrs killed them! I cant remember the last time I used the spare on any vehicle I own!
  21. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2003-FORD-GALAXY-16-INCH-ALLOY-WHEEL-TYRE-215-55-16-GENUINE-OEM-/161100478397?pt=UK_CarParts_Acc_Wheels_tyres_Rims_Car_Wheels_ET&hash=item25825637bd or as it a spare and its going to hang under back end and get covered in ...... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Spare-Wheel-215-55-ford-Galaxy-2005-/190897897190?pt=UK_CarParts_Acc_Wheels_tyres_Rims_Car_Wheels_ET&hash=item2c7266bee6
  22. and I heard he get 60 too the gallon as well! :ph34r:
  23. JEEZ newbies! dont they get stressy! there are certain books out there that will tell you all you need to know, glass's guide is a good one, if i had the time I would climb up into my loft and dig out my collection of sales brouchures and spec sheets, but from experience they only cover the basics and then you need to know that you cant have option a.b and c if you want d as d is included in option pack y which isnt available if you have b ....
  24. bored! thats why I popped in here ;) plus I heard the daft tart was back! so that's worth popping in just to wind her up :)
  25. did you ever read anything i posted? I told you years ago that its possible to get after market keys cut and coded into the pats system..... i even posted up a link to guy who did mine and how he did it
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