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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by gregers

  1. yep now i get it,thanx for a wonderful picture my boy,like that very much. allways wondered what mum of 4 looked like???? :) :(
  2. same here,plz explain
  3. think i could know where this might be going jkspoff :) :(
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegal...9.html?image=26
  5. does the global closing work? it might be the switch after all but it has been known that although the wires look ok in the area of the rubber boot there is a possibility that the wire/s are frade and could just be touching every now and then?
  6. yeah it dont sound like the switch to me,but i could be wrong(normally am)but check inside the rubber boot by the pillar to the door,very commom problem of the wires breaking(lots of posts on the subject) try using the search bar top of forum page to see if any of your problems have been posted before,very handy if your after a quick response,most of the problems to do with these cars have at one point been covered.hth.
  7. sorry to here of your woes but no thank christ,bet that left a brown patch? every one ok? does the car come to an abrut halt,or did you limp it off onto the hard shoulder. i take it there isnt any kind of warrenty left on the car? bet that goner cost a few shillings to sort out?have you had any quotes yet have deleted your other post as there was no need to post twice. :)
  8. take a look on ebay under oil extractors,loads there.
  9. so your now up and running groover?if so good result in the end.
  10. yep sounds like the termostat,do a search on it and all should be reveiled.
  11. cant you just clamp the pipe,so you can remove it?
  12. and when you do glue the thing in.
  13. phone up your insurance company and see what they offer,a lot of the time it is cheaper to have the package tacked on to your insurance rather then taking out a stand alone breakdown cover,well i have found it to be.
  14. i agree aswell, a slightly older chap i know will flash his lights at the on comming car when he sees that they have there fog lights on,he gets really irate about.
  15. wouldve thought you had enough of having enemas.
  16. glad your weighing it in and not just taking it to the car brakers,about 6 mths back my f/in law had a large volvo and took it to the scrappys and got offered about 40 quid,he drove it on to there weigh bridge and got 150 quid. good luck in your hunt for anoter mota,dont you think you should try and get hold off a galaxy at least you know how to work on them?.
  17. when you do ill have the old unit off of you,especially if its for nowt ;) im afraid i cant answer your questions but the forum does have a couple of ice installers(there business) sadly they tend to only come in every now and then,so maybe your be luckey and there answer. have you checked flea bay for any ideas?
  18. defo sounds like the restrictor,do a search on here for it,you should find loadsa posts on the subject and im sure there are some intructions on how to replace it?
  19. http://s259.photobucket.com/albums/hh295/b...RunOnFlat_1.flv
  20. every time i click the link D i get this, http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...dpost&pid=0
  21. the timming belt interval iirc was changed in the early(1st part)of 2003 from 40 k to 60 k,so maybe in your battering you could try for a new belt to be fitted,but if there clued up then at least you know there not telling you porkies, look here for some info,on buying, http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=12597 and somewhere on here is the info about the different coloured badges, the 115bhp has red outline on all 3 letters. and take a look in the faqs in the technical section to see the most common problems these cars suffer from.hth a bit and keep us posted.
  22. no probs,a lesson learned there i think:16: allways check first before replying like that coz you never know when it really is a wind up and costs you a few quid, :P :D
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